You waited so long for that letter to come in the mail saying your manuscript was accepted. But, not so. It was rejected. How could they do this to you? You know your story was good. Now you feel depressed, and not sure if you want to write again. Wait! You've just met "Mr. Rejection" He will be a companion in your life at times. He can be a friend, or an enemy. But, don't let that stop you from writing. Every writer meets this guy, so you're in good company. Should you tare that letter to pieces? I wouldn't. I'd put it in a frame( this is something I personally have done many times) to look at, and use it as a reminder to myself of how wrong they are, and show them all by writing even better. I'd read that letter and see what areas they felt made my submission unworthy of publication. Now, not all publisher will offer suggestions of how to improve you writings in that rejection letter, if not then you must search your writing yourself and try and find any errors. Don't wallow in defeat, or go off somewhere and sulk. Get back in there and keep writing, keep submitting, Never give up. You can make rejection a friend by learning from it. Rejection will be a constant companion on your writing journey. Befriend him, listen to him, get to know him, and by doing so you will become a better writer form his advice. Don't treat him as an enemy, but as a friend!
Below you will see a link that will take you to a site of writers who's works were rejected. They never gave up. Don't you!
A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
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