Tuesday, February 19, 2019


                      A Article I wrote  A While Ago But Still Beneficial For All Writers!                                                                                            Reading As A Writer

How often when you read a book, do you really get excited about it.... It really moved you... it said something to you.  Reading always shows you how certain thoughts are put on paper.  Some writers do it well, and when that happens ,you are captured and held to the story line, or article.  When words are not put together well on paper, you have no feelings about what was said, the words failed to impress you.  It's the writer's job to impress you.  Every book you read is showing the writer's ability to impress you, you must be aware of how he/or she did it. 
       You must be aware of the writers' techniques in writing.  How they put sentences together, the words that are used to develop pictures in your mind so you can see the story happening.. how they describe the characters.  If you learn to read as a writer it will help develop your own writing skills.  You will begin to see where the writer pulled you into the story, and how they did it.  Was it through words, or action, dialogue, or setting.  Watch the way he/or she handled sentences, paragraphs, or different phrases, maybe even used words you never thought of using before. A lot of the writing problems you are facing have been faced by the author of the book, and they solved them.  Study their techniques, their strength, their weaknesses.  What did they do well, or  not do so well..  Then corporate these techniques in your own writing style, and you will see your own writing style improve dramatically.  You are no longer a member of the reading audience, you must now learn how they cast their  spell over you with their words.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

"When Love Comes Calling" / New Teen Magazine/ Debut Summer 2019

Are you a teen who loves romance?  If so, you'll love my new magazine coming out this Summer.  It's called "When Love Comes Calling"  And love most definitely will call to you one day.  Come read and enjoy these stories which will help you as you seek true and lasting love, while enjoy the stories of  teens just like yourself, as they search for the true and lasting kind of love!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Some Simply Writers Tips For Novice Writers!


     You're just starting on your writers journey.  Well here are some tips that might help you along the way that were passed on to me when I first started writing all those many years ago.

1. The best tip I ever got was "Just start".  Write, don't stop to think about it...just write!

2. Write something each day.  It can be a few words, or a sentence, or maybe even a paragraph.  But write something each day!

3.  Don't try to write like others, say it your way.  Take a paragraph of an author and try writing it your way, using you own voice.  No one can say it like you.  It's good practice in getting to know your writers voice.

4. Reading is good.  It teaches you to look as you read and see how other writers do things.  But never copy, always be an original.

5. Learn to accept criticism, and learn from it.  But never let that stop you from writing.  If you have the true passion of a writer, you will keep writing!

6. Keep a dictionary close at hand.  It will help you more than you will realize. And if you have a spell check on your computer, use it often it will save you a lot of grammar mistakes when you start to edit.

7.Check your community for writers groups where you can get to know other novice writers like yourself.  This will help you feel a part of the writers world, and show you that you are not the only writer struggling.

8.  Remember that you are just starting your writers journey.  You are not  a pro yet, keep that in mind as you learn the craft, it will help you when you get frustrated and want to stop.

8. Finally "Believe in Yourself"  If you don't believe in you, no one else will.

A writers journey starts with the first word you write, so get to writing!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

                                         Writing Emotions In Novels!


I am at a very emotional part in my novel "Esther The Sequel/  More Precious Than Gold"   Sometimes writing emotional scenes takes you to places in yourself that you have forgotten, and often want to forget, but drawing on these emotions brings the reader into your story in ways that fuel them to read more. Often you are touching on areas in their lives that they didn't realize others have experienced too...don't be afraid to write and show emotions...it's what makes the story believable !

Sunday, February 10, 2019

                                                A Writers Thoughts!

    There are so many aspiring writers in our world today who stay silent, because they fear that others  will think they are foolish to want such a career.  To many, writing is not a job at all, better yet a profession worth spending time on .  Many write in silence, on coffee breaks, or late at night, not wanting to reveal to their spouses, or families their dream.  But they can't help but write.  It's a fire that burns within them, stories that must be told, and they must tell it.  If you are such a person, a silent writer, hiding from the responses of others, then I say, "Don't Hide".  Come out , show the world your talent, forget about what others think about you pursuing your dream to write.  You will never know what you can become, and will one day regret not doing what was in your heart.  Keep your day job, but pursue avenues to your dream.  Take writing courses, attend seminars , join writers groups, study the art of writing, but NEVER give up on your writing dreams