Saturday, October 31, 2020

Growing Up Black/ My Life Experiences!!

Redesigned my personal website, Go check it out! Growing up black is my reflecting over my life and written through essays and poetry. It’s my viewpoint as a young girl in a world often hard and unfeeling, with lack of opportunities, but fill with love, prayer, and hope for the future. There were good times, bad times, and there was always love, and MAMA!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Are You A Mentor Or A Bully?

Well, it's day number 5 I want to do this journal just for 5 days to show you some of the things that are in my mind as a writer. The title of this article or essay is going to be about bullying other writers, especially new writers. I'm in a lot of social groups and I see how they do the young aspiring writers. Not all,but a large percent of them are very negative and hurtful to newbies in the groups. I don’t see them mentoring new writers, but giving them only negative responses. They tend to burst their bubble and take away their Joy. You know these aspiring
writers are so happy to share their work with us, looking for the positive feedback that will push them along on their writer’s journey. wonderful feedback. Naturally, they are just starting out and will need help. Sometimes you have to show them the errors in their writings, but never destroy their hopes and dreams to the point where some of them will never recover, and won't want to be a writer. In life, if you’ve ever been bullied, then you know how it feels, and you would hate it if your children were bullied by an adult. As writers, we have to remember not to be a bully when mentoring aspiring young writers. When talking to other aspiring writers we should correct them in a positive way that builds them up, and gives them hope for the future, never tear them down. I see so much of in writers groups that not constructive criticism, but on the plain of bullying and not mentoring. Aspiring writers are learning, they are babes, taking baby steps. and making them feel like they don't know how to write everything is wrong! We didn’t know it all when we first began to write, and we are still learning. Writing is a journey, not a destination. Bullying other authors is not right, it's wrong, and it doesn't show a good side of you as a writer. Be a mentor, not a bully!

Website Update

Updated my personal site. new design, new look, more sections .Go checkit out!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Tin Man

A Tin Man Day 4 So many thoughts today to write in my journal. I was thinking today about the movie "The Wizard of Oz" there are three characters in that story who wanted to have their wishes granted by the wizard of oz. The Scarecrow, a lion, and a tin man. The Scarecrow wanted a brain, the lion wanted courage, and the Tin Man, he wanted a heart. I thought about how sad it is that some people in the world, are like the Tin Man they don't have a heart, so they have no compassion for others. Then there are those whose hearts have been broken, and they don't want to be hurt again, so they wish they were like the Tin Man. in the song I wish I were “A Tin Man” by Kenny Chesney. The words were "I wish I were a Tin Man man, you could hurt me all you want, and I’d never even know.” So sad that so many hearts have been broken in our world today that I’m sure some people wish they didn’t have a heart. They wish they were a tin man, like in the movie “The Wizard Of Oz” The hatred, prejudice, the killings that have ripped so many families apart is overwhelming, to say the least, on every side and in all races. In the future, there will be stories I’m sure that will tell of this hurt in words that will be turned into stories, and novels. It will be a way of dealing with their hurt, as well as telling what others feel who cannot express it in words. This is a sad, sad time in our history. As a pastor, novelist, it breaks my heart as well. See you tomorrow on day 5

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Enemy Within/ Journal Day 3

The Enemy Within Journal Day 3 I'm sitting here thinking today about the world, as I'm sure most writer’s do. I listen to the news, I see all the trouble everywhere, so many riots, so much looting, the killings. It makes me wonder what our world is coming to? I am sure that in the future we will find many writers writing about their experiences during this coronavirus, and the lockdown. I am sure they will talk about their businesses, the layoffs, and so much more. But I see a different picture. This virus has traveled all over the world and affected many countries, not just our own. But there is a more dangerous virus that's on the rise, it's the virus of prejudice and hatred that is infecting our country. It's a virus that is spreading so fast that we don't know how to handle it. We blame it on so many things. We blame it on prejudice, poverty, the judicial system which is supposed to serve and protect us. The deaths of many which are often at the hands of the police have become a problem, as everyone is becoming more frustrated, even the officers, who are often fired upon by the people they are suppose to serve. Many give their lives too. Many officers are placed in the barrel along with the bad cops when they are good cops. We worry about being invaded by a foreign power, so we spend funds on our military to make sure we stay safe, while our real enemy is within our own borders, our own county. We are our own worst enemy. And if we are not careful, it won’t be the foreign powers who will destroy us, but we ourselves!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Second Stimulus Check/ Read it & Weep. It's Not Yet!

Okay guys. Here's the latest on the checks we are all sill waiting for. It's still not a done deal!

Journal Day 2 Writing Is Like Politics

Journal day 2 Writing Is Like Politics! I was thinking about the politics of writing. Politics and writing are very similar. In the world, we pick and choose who we want to be president, for senators, or mayor's, House or representative. We pick who we think is the best candidate and often those candidates don't live up to our expectations. Sometimes it's like that in writing, so many people pick a favorite person or author that they like and they stick to their books only and often miss the golden nuggets that are in other people's books because they aren't famous. I'm not saying there’s anything wrong with this
mindset but sometimes you need to step out of the box. There’s nothing wrong with reading authors like Daniel Steele, or John Grisham, their books sell As soon as you hear the author’s name you automatically know who it is. So many people like in politics, pick books in that same way and don't give other authors a chance. There are so many good writers out there just like there are so many good people that could run for the government but we never hear about them because we have our mindset in one direction, or on one political group, and we're sticking with that one person, or group regardless of what happens. A lot of times this is the same way with Publisher's, they know certain authors and they know that if they sign them that they're going to make money, even if the story isn’t that good. It’s hard for many publishers to sign an unknown. It’s a risk many don’t want to take. I think sometimes we should stop and get our mindset off of one genre, or author, and become independent, and look around and try other books and other authors in the same gender that you like but just a different author and see how they write. Often you'll be surprised that there are so many good writers out there that are unknown I read books by authors I've never heard of before but who inspired me, lifted me up, gave me hope. I thought, you know I'm going to look for more authors like that, more books like that one. So I’m saying, don't get stuck on one author, or genre there’s nothing wrong with reading other books. Become independent if you like romance or science fiction or westerns or historical fiction historical romance try other authors in that same-gender I think you might be surprised at the books you will discover and like and start reading across genres. This is day 2 of my Journal. See you tomorrow for day 3!

Monday, October 26, 2020

My Writers Journal Day 1

Today I sit here in the living room ( writing my thought as they flow, just writing it all down ) looking out the window getting ready to start my writers day so much to think about I'm heading to chapter 6 of my novel A Journey of Faith, getting the characters, plot, and dialogue together, and most importantly putting emotions so that the people can feel what the character is feeling, that's very important and I got to thinking about other writers. I'm looking out my window here & they are looking out their window too, but we see two different things but yet we're all writers and what we see often determines what we write about. Where we live affects our writing how we feel about the world, and all around us, that affects our writing, so many things affect the writer. I write Christian romance novels I see things from a Christian standpoint but so many in the world see no hope and sometimes that comes across in their writing the way they feel about the world. I've read so many books that have sounded so sad so troubled and then I read books that are happy uplifting inspirational.I tend to be an inspirational writer I love writing Christian romance novels but I always incorporate God into my storyline to show that with God all things are possible nothing's impossible Many things.In this world may seem impossible but with God nothing is impossible, so I give my characters inspiration and hope through their storylines even though they struggle with different situations and things that happened to them, still they have hope because they have God, that's what my messages is in my writing. In my whole journal here today I thought I explained something about that to my readers here on I want to give people hope this is the troubled world we live in and so much trouble is going on around us and it's often hard to have hope but in my books, I want to give hope to people when they read and see the difficulties can be overcomed. I incorporate difficulties that happened in everyday life but that they will see that there is hope with God if you have faith. As a writer, I think that's what we should do. We should want to make the world a better place by what we were Write, by the words we say because they do affect people, they can move people in different directions they can move them to the good or they can move them to react and be bad I want people to be inspired to move toward a better way of living and I want to show compassion and hope that my books would lead people to have compassion for others it's very important that we love one another you can look at this world we live in so much has happened in the riots, the stealing, the looting, all of that, so the world needs hope we want to pick up a book sometimes just for enjoyment and just relax and think that there's a better way out there and that somehow someway someday it will get better. It can give me hope it can light up my life and make me feel okay That’s what my thing about writing is all about. I want to inspire so I thought I'd just do a little Journal with my thoughts and feelings. This is day one of my journal I'm going to try to do a little 5-day journal on here and let people know what I am thinking how I feel cuz I think when you read a person's novel and the back of her book blurb, it tells a little bit about the author but it really doesn't tell you some of their inward thoughts and feelings because there’s not enough space there, but I think a reader should know something about the author. So I'm giving you a little insight into me how I feel. I think what's important to me it's very important I think for readers to have some insight into the author of that book. Why they wrote the book, what is the message they’re trying to get across I think every writer has a message some may not realize it. So this is day 1, tomorrow day 2. It’s all about me and why I write! If you have any questions please leave them in the comment box below. See you, tomorrow Pastor, Janet Fears the Simply Pure, Sweet, Uncomplicated Christian Romance Writer!

Friday, October 23, 2020

2nd Stimulus Package update!

Well guys, we've been on this roller coaster before, and it's going no where. Still no stimulus package to date. So here's the latest update as to why this is happening. Read it and weep. Who knows when it will happen, if it ever does. But anyway, read this and try to make some sense of it all!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Get Out And Vote!

Pleasw go out and vote, it's a privilage some countries don't have, but we do. Pick your candidate, but not by his words , or his looks,but by the platform he's promoting. What are his beliefs, by his record, how he feels about life in general, races, cultures, our country, these are what you must consider in your heart, and then choose wisely, but VOTE!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Up Dated My Romance & Poetry Site!

I have added more poetry to my jayloves website.Go check it out, you will truly love all the different poems there!

Do You Still Need A Good Publisher?!

If you're a new author, and are looking for publisher to send your book to for possible publication, then read this information from this site that I found for myself, and am now passing it on to you. Check these publishers out. They might be just what you are looking for!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Having Trouble With Show & Not tell?

I am sure as a writer, you've heard the statement "Show Don't tell" it's probably the most difficult thing for new writers to grasp. It can often be confusing. When to show, or when to tell. So maybe we should discuss exactly what meant by show and tell. Here's a quick definition for aspiring writers, from the internet. "What does show don’t tell mean? Show don’t tell describes writing in various forms with an emphasis on using and showing actions in order to convey the emotions you want readers to interpret, which creates a better experience for readers, instead of writing exposition to tell what happened" It is good to have a mixture of both. At times you just want to convey what happened, at other times you want the reader so see it through the characters own eyes, and feel what they feel. You want to show them so they can experience the emotion attached to the situation, which will pull them in and they will feel a true attachment to the character in the story. Example: SHOW- As she approached the house, she began to shake all over. It was haunted she knew this for a fact, and she didn't want to go inside. Tell- She was terrible afraid of haunted houses. In Show the reader gets to experience how the girl felt when approaching the haunted house, she shook with fear. In Tell, We are just told that she is afraid, but we have no emotions that show how she was feeling. Showing draws people into the story and the characters, it is also useful in charaterization, showing attitudes, behaviors and more about the characters in your story. It gives the reader a insight into certain behaviors that they would not normally know, or understand by just telling them in a flat statement. Characters are supose to be like real people for the reader. They must feel, bleed, hurt, cry, feel sadness or happiness, and the reader must be right there so see it and believe it. Give your self time, it gets easier as you write. Watch people more, see how they respone to certain things, often you can read them without them even saying a word. You can tell when they are happy, sad, angry. That's what you want to show when you write, and not just tell! Check out this site for more helpful information on "Show Don't tell"

Monday, October 12, 2020

Creative Story Ideas & Making Money!

Everyone likes to make money. Well here's a site that offers you writing prompts as well as contest you can enter and make some money if you win. This is a great way to build your writing skills. They offer so many writing prompt ideas for inspiring writers so you have no excuse to say, you don't know what to write about. These can often spark ideas for novels in your future. So go check this place out for story ideas & contest too!

Friday, October 9, 2020

My New Romance Story!

Hey guys, here's my new romance story for you to enjoy for the week ahead. Be back with another next week. Enjoy!

A Woman's Place

If you are a female author who wants to connect with other female writers and gain more knowledge, insight, and chat about your craft. Then "She Writes" is the place for you. Its a womans writing community with over 30,000 female writers all there to help you be the writer you want to be. They discuss all aspects of writing, give feed back and so much mor. Go check them out ladies, zi am!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Latest Stimulus Update Today Oct 7th 2020

Here we go on a roller coaster ride again on getting this stimulus package for the people. Read and see where we Americans stand on getting the money we so badly need!

Book Trailers!

Every writer should have a book trailer made for their book. It can be expensive, but you can invest in yourself and try yor own hand at making one. Here are 3 that I made using Its a great place to try your hand at making one and will save you lots of MONEY.Give it a try, it can't hurt and you will gain so much knowledge that will help you in the future.

Monday, October 5, 2020

My Romance website !

A Site with music, audio stories, love poems and so much more! Go check it out at links below. Click all the links to the different pages.You'll love it!

Book Trailer!

Working on a book trailer for my soon coming novel in 2021 "A Journey Of Faith" A Chrisian romance that all will enjoy. This is just a trial video, once story is done I will do another without any mistakes(If you found any?) Really enjoy learning the aspects of doing this. I think Every writer should at least give it a try. It's fun, plus you will gain knowledge into the video making business.You won't be a pro, but you will be knowledgable of how it's done

Knowing The Corona Virus!

Today I want to give you more information on the corona virus. So many poeple want to know if their symptoms could be the virus. So here is an article that will tell you all you need to know and let you know when medical help is needed. Take the time to study this article closely, and be informed for yor own health! Click the link & read it today!

Friday, October 2, 2020

latest news On The Stimilus Package For October 2nd

Hey guys, here's the latest news about the money we are all waiting for from the Government. Chek it out!

A Brand New Editor For You!

Editing your novel is extremely important before you ship it off to the publisher. No publisher wants a novel that's not edited correctly. A novel they will have to correct, so they most likely will disgard your book and send it back to you. Now they might suggest that you seek an editor before you re-subnmit it again. Well, I found this editing software that might be a fix for you. Go check it out at the link here.