Sunday, November 29, 2020

New Love Story On My Romance Site!

Checkout my newest romance story for the week. "April Love" click link below and read and enjoy! There's music too!

The Pandemic How It Has Made us Better

The Pandemic How It Has Made Us Better! You’ve probably heard the saying that goes like this “you never miss your water until the well runs dry” Well, so many of us would agree with this statement now. Many of us now miss that boring, tiresome 9-5 job we use to go to every day, that terrible co-worker who got on our nerves, the vending machines that took your money buy let your coffee cup empty. The boss who always found something wrong with your work. Does this sound familiar? All the little things that were so annoying to you, now you would give anything to be back at work again, but this pandemic has you at home. Many husbands are understanding how it feels for their stay at housewives, who have to deal with their children, and how they can become frustrated, now that they are a stay at home father. They are jobless, standing in a line waiting for the unemployment benefits, just to make ends meet. And their older parents who had demanded their time, not understanding that they have a job and can’t always be there for them. Now they are sick and might die, and you worry that you won’t be able to tell them how much they mean to you. Oh! Just for another day to see their smile, hear their voice., or just hear the ring of that phone that so often annoyed you when they called while you were so busy. Everything suddenly becomes so important to you, and you pray this will all end so your life will get back to normal. Yes, the pandemic has truly affected us, and we want it to end. But when it does, let’s remember these emotions and feelings we have now and treat others as the valuable gems they truly are, that can so quickly leave us. Let’s remember what life really is all about, love and Family!

Political Parties/Where Do You Stand?

In our Government, we have two parties. Democrats and Republicans. This has throughout history been the cause of much turmoil between many Americans. Each believes their party is the better one. They believe the other party is the cause of many of the problems that we have here in America. But where do you really stand? Many families raise their kids to believe as they do. The children accept it as a heritage. I was raised a Democrat and that was what I always voted. Today I am independent. I vote on the platform they stand for, not for a party. I judge the opponent, not by how he looks, or what he says, (because their speeches are not their own, words they are written by others) but what they have done in the past that has benefited our country. Today we all need to make our own choices, not because our family in the past chose for us, or our friends influence us, but because we judge the platform, the man, and what he can do to better our country. Don’t be a puppet that is manipulated and pulled in different directions. Stand up, speak your voice, but let it be what you firmly believe. Not because someone tells you to believe what you hear, and see on television. But Because you have weighed the facts and made your own choice. In life, you will have many choices to make. You must learn to be you, not a carbon copy of anyone else. The only heart that you can know, and be sure of is your own!

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Effect Of The Pandemic On The Writing Community

The Corona Virus has virtually shut down the world. Everything has almost come to a stop. The virus is everywhere and the only solution is to stay inside to be safe. This has also affected the writer's world as well. It's wonderful when writers can go to conferences, retreats, or be apart of writers groups, where we can share our passion, learn new skills, ideas, and just be together as writers. But not so today. We like everyone else are confined to our homes, where we sit in front of a typewriter, or computer. We so often have said "All I need is time to write, and some peace and quiet" Well now we have it! Often it's not really what we discover we want at all. We need to mingle with others, hear their stories, see the expressions on their faces. All this helps fuel our writing. This pandemic has forced us to become aware of all the things we often take for granted, like socializing with others. How many times have you voiced this silently in your head just for some time alone, without any distractions? Being home can often distract a writer because there is family around and your attention is divided between writing and taking care of other responsibilities, like kids. This can work to your advantage as stories often are forged in difficult times like these. You become aware of things you never saw before. Example. Your kid's actions, their funny facial expressions, or your spouse, the way he or she smiles when you first met. All the little things that were pushed to the back of your mind, that are now coming to the forefront now. Things that make you want to write about and share with the world. Maybe you begin to watch those neighbors who always played their music so loud. You see them doing something nice for another neighbor, and you see that they really aren't so bad after all. They have compassion. You start looking at other people you never noticed before. Your eyes began opening to the world's hurts and the love that's out there. Yes, the pandemic has closed us in, but it has also opened our eyes and our heart to our world. The good that we see and can write about, and share with others!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Where Are Our Stimulus Checks???

Our Stimulus Money/ Where Is It? Wanted to do this little article about our stimulus package. American people have been waiting a long time since the last check-in April. We waited each and every month when they said it was getting closer and closer and they kept saying great news, the stimulus is coming, great news the check is coming, now we're almost in December, and still no stimulus. Other countries have given their people stimulus checks more than one and will continue while we haven’t even gotten the second one. Our government has been so caught up on the presidential election and getting their party into office that they have totally forgotten about the American people I think we need to do something about this we need to talk to her Congressman or representative and get on board and get the ball rolling about this stimulus check Americans are losing their homes, are losing their careers, their jobs. Restaurants are closing, sickness is getting higher and higher with this virus, and still no stimulus check. I wonder just what's going on. Many people think that the President should make an executive order and pass it so we can receive those checks. But we must remember he can only sign the bill. it has to come from the House of Representatives, and the Senate, and these two are not on board with each other. One wants less stimulus money one wants more money, so what is going to happen to the American people? Other countries are watching us, we're supposed to be a country that is flourishing where everyone has a chance to make money and be who they want to be. The people in the higher government offices have money, they're not being touched by this lack of stimulus. The president not being touched, the new president's not being touched, or the people in Congress who are just sitting there in their seats. They have no money worries. Many of them lived behind gated communities they're not suffering for anything but the American people are suffering. This is awful it shows a bad picture of our government and we need to stop and think and make some changes now. Everything lately has been focused on the election that's what has been holding up the stimulus check each one wanting to be the one to say “I did it, I gave the money” it is a battle and they're acting like kindergartners. We need to make a change and put some of these people out of office and show them that we have the power too. We put them in office, and we have the power to put them out if they don’t start doing their jobs for the American people!

Monday, November 23, 2020

My Newest Book!

I have been a busy camper writing. Here is my larest pro-life book about abortion and the thoughts and feelings of women who were "Almost Mothers" Link is to a flipbook version of the book that is now in the Kindle book store on Amazon. Check it out!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Art Of Healing Through Words!

Our world is in trouble, as I am sure you all will agree. As a writer we have the power through our words to lift others up. To inspire them during these troubled times. So many have thoughts and emotions that they can't express, but we writers can express them for them, letting others know that they are not alone, even if the pandemic has distance us from our family and friends. A book can be a comfort piece during these times. A book can make us smile, laugh, and cry, but yet give us hope. Picking up a book and reading its words that often voice what we are feeling inside, lets us know that we are not alone,someone else cares and has felt as we do. That's why we have so many hotline's for people to call where helpful words can be spoken to them, and pull them out of depression. Words to give them hope. They hear a voice on the other end of the line, a human voice that says "I care." A book often can speak words like that through its pages. Words from your heart to theirs. A voice that says "I've been there, I know what it's like." During these times we need words that will soothe the hurt, and help heal the pain. This is a great opportunity for us writers to speak to a hurting world through our words in books, essays, blogs, articles, even chats. We have the talent and the means to put words together effectively that can touch a heart, touch a soul, and help heal our world. Let's do it!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Official Video)

A Place For Me!

A beautiful poem I just had to share on my blog today.  So many people in this world today feel there is no place for them...they feel unloved...unwanted...of no value to society of themselves, but God has a plan for each life...and in his plan there is a place for YOU! God Loves you...always remember that...Pastor janet
Here's The  Poem.

"There is a special place in life, 
That needs my humble skill, 
A certain job I'm meant to do, 
Nobody else can fill. 
The hours are demanding, 
And the pay is not too good, 
And yet I wouldn't change it 
For a moment if I could. 
There is a special place in life, 
A goal I must attain, 
A dream that I must follow, 
For I won't be back again. 
There is a mark that I must leave, 
However small it be, 
A Legacy of love for those, 
Who follow after me. 
There is a special place in life, 
That only I may share, 
A little path that bears my name, 
Awaiting me somewhere. 
There is a hand that I must hold, 
A word that I must say, 
A smile that I must give, for there 
Are tears to blot away. 
There is a special place in life, 
That I was meant to fill, 
A sunny spot where flowers grow, 
Upon a windy hill. 
There's always a tomorrow,
and the best is yet to be, 
And somewhere in this world I know, 
There is a place for me!"
   Author Grace E. Easley

Friday, November 13, 2020

Are We Next? The Question Of The Old!

In a world that’s changing so rapidly, and not always for the better, we see babies being aborted even before they draw their first breath. I have talked with older people, seniors who are fearful of this world we live in. They fear the young because they feel that the world is geared now for the young, and care nothing for the old, they are merely a burden to be cared for by society. They fear that eventually, society will one day decide when it’s their time to die/ just like they choose the time for babies to die by being aborted. And just like them, one day our world will decide they have outlived their usefulness. To care for them has become a burden on society, and decide its time for them to die. They wait for the time a doctor will stick a needle in their arms and they will be gone. Nursing homes are overpacked, what to do next? Will this be the next avenue our world will travel down in the future? We must truly stop and reflect on this because one day we all will get old, and our time will draw shorter in this world. I have even talked to seniors who sometimes wish to die and leave this world because no one seems to care, and they feel they would not be missed at all. This is very sad for me. Many say they feel like they are already dead because they are so lonely, lack attention, or affection, family members don’t visit because they don’t have the time. It’s a sad, sad, world we live in from the eyes of many seniors I have talked to as a pastor. Where is our world heading, what has become of our value for life? We want our world to get better, but so often it gets worst. It’s a fearful thought to ponder, but we must, because one day it will be us!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Tongue!

The Tongue A Tool Of Good Or Evil/ A Thought To Ponder! This is a thought that has been in my heart for quite a while, we use our tongue every day when we talk, to speak but what, are we speaking? We so easily say words and never stop to consider the force they have. Our tongue is like a wild horse that can’t be tamed. We seem to have no control over it. How can you speak good things, then speak evil in the next sentence about someone? It’s like a fountain that spurts out water and then poison at the same time. It can’t be done. We need to control our tongues. The Bible says the tongue is a mighty weapon. “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.” That’s a mighty powerful statement about our tongues. We need to stop and think before we speak because once words are spoken they cannot be taken back. Words go deep into the heart of the person whether good or bad. Even if you say you are sorry and the person says they forgive you, still they will remember your words of hurt. Many confess to love and know God, yet they curse others he has created if they don’t fall in line with their way of thinking. How can one go to church on Sunday and praise God, when all week they have been cursing others and speaking badly about others? We must learn to tame our tongues even if the world around us cannot. We must speak words of life, not words of harm. Only God can tame the tongue when we give him complete control of our lives!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

All things are possible to him who believes!

* I had to repost this on my blog because it's so beautiful so miraculous and so inspiring. It all comes down to You Must Believe!

"Please Read To The End*
A young man working in the army was constantly humiliated because he believed in God.
One day the captain wanted to humiliate him before the troops.
He called the young man and said: – Young man come here, take the key and go and park the Jeep in front. the young man replied: – I cannot drive! The captain said: – Well then ask for the assistance of your God! Show us that He exists!
The young man takes the key and walked to the vehicle and begins to pray………
He parks the jeep at the place PERFECTLY well as the captain wanted. The young man came out of the jeep and saw them all crying.
They all said together: – We want to serve your God! The young soldier was astonished, and asked what was going on? The CAPTAIN crying opened the hood of the jeep by showing the young man that the car had no engine. Then the boy said: See? This is the God I serve, THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBLE, the God who gives life to what does not exist.
You may think there are things still impossible BUT WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. To the person reading this, I pray the Lord work A SUPER MIRACLE in your life today In Jesus Name I Pray..."

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Abortion/What Might Have been!

Abortion/What Might Have Been? I have been thinking a lot about this topic, but in a totally different way than maybe most are thinking. They are usually people that are for it, and people that are against it. This is a different take. This is what I think about abortion. Everyone has the right to choose, that's true and I think that a woman's right’s should be acknowledged, but I think she needs to acknowledge those rights at the beginning of a relationship so that she doesn't have to get to the point where she needs an abortion. I do agree that incest and rape is totally different, but still I believe in pro-life. I believe that a woman that has been raped, or incest by a family member should still have that child and give it a chance to live. It's not the child's fault, they have done nothing they didn't ask to be brought into this world. So that's one thought that I have, then there's another. So many people in relationships they just want to have the fun and the pleasure of a relationship with the opposite sex and then suddenly they find out that they are pregnant and they start to think about all the things they should have thought about before. They may have a career, they don't want to lose their career. they don't have time to raise a child and of course, they never thought that this would happen to them. Maybe they're on the pill or using other forms of birth control, but still, it happened outside of marriage, or in marriage, but the timing is all wrong for them. Usually, the first thing they think about is how this will change their lives and make it worse. So it's so easy to just think, I'll go have an abortion, and in no time it will all be over and my life will be back to normal. But now this is what I think What about that child? How many babies that have been aborted could have grown up to be a benefit to society? They might have been doctors who could find a cure for cancer. They might have been scientists or Engineers. How many potential good things could have come from that aborted a child's life? we need to stop and think. It's so easy to have an abortion, but you're taking a life A life that could mean something to the world we need to stop and think about that. And another thing, we need to think about what the world would be like if our parents had aborted us. Maybe they had more kids than they planned for, and they thought I don't want another one, but they went on with their pregnancy and you live today. We need to stop and think about that. It’s so easy to say abort a baby, but we never stopped to think about the results that abortion can mean. Maybe you don't see it this way, but it is murder. Whatever you're contributing to the world now is because you're here to contribute to the world. That unborn child deserves a chance too. They didn't ask to be conceived, but they should have the right to live and make something out of themselves and contribute to the world. You want to live, they do too. They should be given that chance to do so. So this is my thoughts on abortion we will never know what they might have become because we took their lives away before they had a chance to live and become somebody to our world. Don’t do that!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Real Enemy!

Our nation has become dived by hatred, race, and political parties. We once were known as the home of the brave, and the free. Now we are known for riots, hatred, chaos, and confusion. We must remember this. No party platform is going to get you to heaven or favor with God. They will not stand with you on the final day of judgment when you stand before God to answer for your decisions of actions. So don't be fooled by what's going on. It's a spiritual battle that's happening now, not an election between Biden And Trump, that's just what we see on the outside. It's the devil's ploy as Jesus said to steal, kill, and destroy our country by dividing & conquering us from within! But be of good cheer. In the end, God wins. So whatever the election results, remember these are just men, flesh and blood, they are fallible, they all promise but in the end break these promises. But God is infallible Never put your hope or trust in any man, only God. So until he comes, live life, be happy, leave all the rest to him, he's able to handle it all!!! Pastor Janet

New Romance Story Added To My Romance site

here's the newest addition love story I just added to my website. "The Second Time Around"


Words! Have you ever stopped to think about the power of your words? Well, you should. Words have power. In our world today look all around you. There are billboards, flyers, pamphlets, all these have words that are used to push you forward to take action for something. Words can uplift, cast down, hurt, inspire, or help one get answers to things you struggle with in life. Words can cause emotions that lead others to riot, or making changes for the better. Words can calm a situation down, or ignite a fire in a crowd. Words can unite people, or separate them. Words can foster hate or love. Everything that happens in life is the result of words spoken by others that cause us to do something. The words can be our own, or of someone close to us. Words are often shot out of our mouths like a gun, with no afterthought of what they can do, how they can hurt, or cause pain for the one hearing them.. Words are used to sway others to our way of thinking, and we will use as many as necessary to get our point across. We must stop and think before we use words, and not just say anything we want to say. We should consider how what we say will affect others. Well, my words bring a good result, or cause harm to the hearer? A good example, look at the election. Each party uses words to sway the people to their side. Words that defame the opponent on the other platform running against them. Words that people come to believe and that stay in their hearts and minds long after the election is over. Yes,words are powerful, once spoken and heard, they cannot be taken back. Be careful with your words!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Election Results/ Will It Bring Chaos?

Election Results/ Will It Bring chaos? With the election happening in less than 3 days the whole nation and the world have their eyes on us, waiting to see what's exactly is going to happen in the USA when it's over. Will, there be a crisis, will people riot, loot, steal, destroy property if their choice doesn’t get into office? The clock is ticking, and the whole world is waiting to see the results. We are supposed to be a nation of free speech where everyone has a voice, but that’s not exactly true today. Freedom isn’t accepted if you don’t agree with another’s point of view. This brings troubles in all forms which even the police find hard to control. Tempers flare, people are shot and killed. Cities are finding themselves standing against riot’s larger than they can handle..People are trampling on the right of others. Cities are almost destroyed by rioters demanding their rights by force. The pandemic is spreading for lack of responsibility on those who are doing their “Own Thing” which is causing a spike in numbers and deaths. Businesses are closing because they have no choice but to obey, or are fined. Unemployment is on the rise, people are out of jobs because they have to be laid off because of this pandemic. Many are losing their homes, can’t pay their rent. Stocks are down, people are still waiting for the help the government has promised, through stimulus checks, that have not come through. This is a time that will go down in history, and not be forgotten. It will reveal, who we are as a nation. Reveal what we are all made of as individuals, and reveal our hearts for our fellow man. We are all struggling to survive this time in history. This has truly been a “Time that has tried our souls” This is America today…. and I truly hope as the bible say’s. “This too shall pass!”