Saturday, October 16, 2021

My "Writer Speaks" Radio Show!

Take a listen to my first radio program after a long break. yes, I'm back with more help for aspiring writers. Here's a listen to my first program. next program is today at 4:30-4:45 (central time) only 15 minuten for starters, then I'll see how it goes. here's the link to that first program

Your Own Social Network?

Have you ever dreamed of doing this? You love facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but you don't see how you could do something like this and make it work. Well you can do it, and here's a site that will help you do it with all the tool needed. A Must check out site if this is your dream! Click link below and try it, what do you have to lose? It's free!!!!

Warm Welcome!

If you have a business website, it can be a authors website too, then Warm Welcome might be just right for you. It's a way of connecting with your buyers and clients in a more personal way by video. You can chat, help them in their purchases of your products and so much more. Go check them out at this link!

Pocket FM Radio

In this stressful time in our world, so much going on, it's nice to just sit and relax and often read a book. But if you don't want to read a book, then why not just listen as someone reads a book to you. Well have I got a treat for you. Pocket FM Radio is such a site to do this for you. So many audioable books, podcast to choose from to feed your interest. Go check this site out and relax and enjoy your time away from the world and all its problems!