Well, you sent that manuscript off to the editor, and now it's come back to you. "What's this?" All kinds of marks are on it, so many marks that you can hardly see the words .He says your spelling is awful, phrases are wrong, punctuation is terrible. Says, you need to re-write certain parts.
"What does he know" you shout. Does he understand how many hours you devoted to this piece of work. The sweat you spilled, to write every word? You're so upset. You start to throw his letter away, as well as your manuscript.... but wait. Remember, you sent it to him for his expertise, because you choose him to make the corrections that will make you manuscript shine, and eventually be published.. Don't kill the editor! Often, when we write we are in our own little world. The words flow, and we are on a roll. Nothing stops us. Not grammar, punctuation, nothing. We're like a snowball that starts rolling down a hill, the more it rolls the bigger it becomes. We just write, and write, not stopping. So it's up to the editor to stop us, before we hit something. Its his job to be there and yell, when we've gone way off the path, and didn't stop to consider all the aspects of a well written piece. Our story may be good, but all the writing details we consider minor can kill a book, even before it hit the bookstores. It's often good to use different software as you write, for spelling errors, and other writing mistakes. And when you complete your piece, to take a few days off, then come back and read your story. Often, it will amaze you when you find mistakes, you did't now you made. As I said before, when the writing flows we just write, never seeing the possible errors we are making . To help minimize this frustration, it's good to use software that can help you as you write. But remember, software' is not a person, and can only do so much. So DON"T KILL THE EDITOR You need him!
Here are some software's that can help you to be a better writer. Click the link to be taken to all the software that can improve you writing skills!
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