It's good to know the types of books on the market. It helps you to decide which type of book you want to write, or want to read. So lets take a look at these types. They all will require work. But some more than others. Let's start with the Novel, which is widely read by most. A Novel usually consists of 40,000 words, and often more. It's the longest of all the types of books out there. And when you read a novel it usually takes days to finish the book. Now a Novelette is like reading a short story, but longer. It usually consist of 7,000 to 17,500 words. On next to the Novella. A Novella is longer than a Novelette, but longer than a short story. Some think of it as a short novel. It usually has 17,000- 40,000 words. A short story can be tackled easily, if you are able to pull it all together with about 7,000 words, and tell a truly good story that reaches your reader. Some writers think that a short story is much harder because you have little time to tell a compelling story, as you do in a novel, where you have more time to develop plot & characters. All these types are a work of fiction, and as a writer, you should decide what type interest you the most. Maybe you want to start with the short story as a beginning, but remember this can be quite a job. It's shorter true, but still must have a complete plot, and believable characters. Study all the type's here, and then decide. Whatever you decide, will be up to you. Just be sure you know where you're heading in your writing goals, and what is required of you to write that book!
One more type you might not have heard about. The Fable. You might be asking yourself what is a Fable. Well, here's the definition.
"Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are given human qualities, such as the ability to speak human language, and that illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson (a "moral"),"
I am sure you have been told Fables. Stories that taught you something about life, as you were growing up. Writing Fables are great for teaching morals to children.
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