As a writer, in your journey you will have to do lots of research when writing a book, or an article. So prepare yourself because research is extremely important. Why? Well, have you ever read a book that was describing a certain place or city, and you by chance knew that place, but what they were describing wasn't there at all, because you'd been there before. You shake your head and sat that guy didn't do his research. In writing you must gain authenticity. You will have many readers who travel, know cities, background, all kinds of things, and they're not going to be fooled by mere words. You'd better know what your talking about.. A writer can learn many things from research. There are many self help books out there, written by writers who actually learned the trade they were writing about. Many crime stories authors asked to take a ride along with cops so they could actual feel the speed and danger of a chase, see a drug bust, or ride with the EMT's to see them in action. Maybe you're writing a cook book, so you might decide to take a cooking class, to really get the low down on cooking. Or you might be writing a book on serial killers in your local prison, and want to talk to the psychologist who works there, to question what makes them killers. What ever you're writing about, you must do research, get up close and personal. Only then will you actually have a better understanding of what your are writing about, and so will your reader In my book Leah, I was describing the entrance to Jackson Hole Wyoming and what visitors see when they enter town. Well, so glad I did my research. A woman met me and said I described the town so well, it brought back so many memories for her, because she use to live there. Some authors have traveled world wide, climbed mountains, survived the dangers of nature, forged through wind, rain and snow to do research for their book, or novel. How far will you go?
A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
Language Translator
Friday, June 28, 2019
Research A Necessity How Far Will You Go?
As a writer, in your journey you will have to do lots of research when writing a book, or an article. So prepare yourself because research is extremely important. Why? Well, have you ever read a book that was describing a certain place or city, and you by chance knew that place, but what they were describing wasn't there at all, because you'd been there before. You shake your head and sat that guy didn't do his research. In writing you must gain authenticity. You will have many readers who travel, know cities, background, all kinds of things, and they're not going to be fooled by mere words. You'd better know what your talking about.. A writer can learn many things from research. There are many self help books out there, written by writers who actually learned the trade they were writing about. Many crime stories authors asked to take a ride along with cops so they could actual feel the speed and danger of a chase, see a drug bust, or ride with the EMT's to see them in action. Maybe you're writing a cook book, so you might decide to take a cooking class, to really get the low down on cooking. Or you might be writing a book on serial killers in your local prison, and want to talk to the psychologist who works there, to question what makes them killers. What ever you're writing about, you must do research, get up close and personal. Only then will you actually have a better understanding of what your are writing about, and so will your reader In my book Leah, I was describing the entrance to Jackson Hole Wyoming and what visitors see when they enter town. Well, so glad I did my research. A woman met me and said I described the town so well, it brought back so many memories for her, because she use to live there. Some authors have traveled world wide, climbed mountains, survived the dangers of nature, forged through wind, rain and snow to do research for their book, or novel. How far will you go?
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Know Your Writers Terminology!

Want to know more writers terminology that will benefit you as a writer, then check out the link below !
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Soft Cover Book Or Hardcover Book/ That Is The Question!
At some point in your writing journey, you will ask yourself that question. Which is best? Well first lets discuss the difference between the two. A hardcover/ or hardback book is a book that has a hard, rather than "soft" or paper cover., so we now know that a soft cover book, has a soft cover. That's basically the difference between the two. In a soft cover the cover has the design print on it, while in a hard cover a jacket must be made with that exact design on it. Many people I have talked to say they dislike the jackets on the hard cover version. It often gets ripped or is distracting to them as they try to read, because it often falls off the book, and after time, the jacket looks old. Many thought hard cover books were difficult to carry around, where a soft cover is easier to carry around in a briefcase, on a flight, or in a purse. Many confess that they take the jacket off, and put it way until they finish the book, but later found they had misplaced it altogether, and could not find it, and just had the plain book on their shelf, with no memory of what the book title was, because the jacket was missing. Hard cover jackets are the key to the book, once lost it can be very confusing on your book shelf. But hard covers are beautiful if you are building a specific book collection of your favorite author, and want to show it off. Soft covers are very beneficial too, there are no jackets to deal with, every thing is visible right there on the cover. or spine. There is a price difference too. Hard covers are more expensive to print, and ship, while soft covers are much less expensive, and shipping is much cheaper. If you are on a budget, then soft cover is your best option. If you want to keep the book around a long time, then hard cover might be your best shot. as they are made to endure for years. Paperbacks can often rip, get stains, and after time the spines loosen and the book can come apart, and the pages fade. If you want your book to stay looking beautiful, then a hard cover is the one that will last over the years. Hard cover also make great gifts, and look expensive to the eye of the receiver. So now you know the difference. The choice s yours. Soft cover, or hard cover. Maybe you want to have both versions on your book shelf. Why not!
Monday, June 24, 2019
Don't Kill The Editor!
Well, you sent that manuscript off to the editor, and now it's come back to you. "What's this?" All kinds of marks are on it, so many marks that you can hardly see the words .He says your spelling is awful, phrases are wrong, punctuation is terrible. Says, you need to re-write certain parts.
"What does he know" you shout. Does he understand how many hours you devoted to this piece of work. The sweat you spilled, to write every word? You're so upset. You start to throw his letter away, as well as your manuscript.... but wait. Remember, you sent it to him for his expertise, because you choose him to make the corrections that will make you manuscript shine, and eventually be published.. Don't kill the editor! Often, when we write we are in our own little world. The words flow, and we are on a roll. Nothing stops us. Not grammar, punctuation, nothing. We're like a snowball that starts rolling down a hill, the more it rolls the bigger it becomes. We just write, and write, not stopping. So it's up to the editor to stop us, before we hit something. Its his job to be there and yell, when we've gone way off the path, and didn't stop to consider all the aspects of a well written piece. Our story may be good, but all the writing details we consider minor can kill a book, even before it hit the bookstores. It's often good to use different software as you write, for spelling errors, and other writing mistakes. And when you complete your piece, to take a few days off, then come back and read your story. Often, it will amaze you when you find mistakes, you did't now you made. As I said before, when the writing flows we just write, never seeing the possible errors we are making . To help minimize this frustration, it's good to use software that can help you as you write. But remember, software' is not a person, and can only do so much. So DON"T KILL THE EDITOR You need him!
Here are some software's that can help you to be a better writer. Click the link to be taken to all the software that can improve you writing skills!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Your Book Cover/ A Smoking Gun!

Here are a few covers I have designed myself for some of my future stories. What hints do they give you of the story line?
Here is what one author said about the importance of having a great book cover!
“I have hundreds of books on my shelves I’ve not had the chance to read, because I have an addiction to buying beautiful books with stunning covers.” – JD Smith, author
And BuzzBooks says :
"A book cover is the book’s billboard, and even without the reader or author knowing, it causes expectation. If a reader sees a book with an amateur cover, they’re going to believe that it’s also poorly written."
Thursday, June 20, 2019
The World Is Your Book And All Who Live In It! !

Want to hear stories from other authors and what inspired them to write, then click the link below!
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
A Hot Topic!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Real Name/Pen Name/ The Choice Is Yours!
You may be asking yourself, what is a pen name. Well, the definition made simple is. "A name chosen by a writer to use instead of using his real name when publishing books" Are you wondering why an author might want to not use his, or her real name. Well there are many reasons. We will look at some of them here. Naturally as a writer you dream of seeing your name on the cover of a book you've worked at. It brings you happiness and pleasure to flip the pages knowing you wrote every word. So why would you ever not want the world to know it. Often times if you are writing about personal things, like about your life, family members. Exposing details can cause friction, so it could be better to write under a fictional name they would not know, and would not damage your relationship with family members. Another reason is if you are working at a job, and are afraid others will look down on you if they knew you were writing in a genre totally opposite of what they believe about you. For instance, maybe you are a real tough man, but you secretly want to write romance, but don't want to lose your manly toughness you portray at work. So a pen name could be the way to go. Perhaps you already have a book in print, but the sales are poor. Under a pen name you could write another novel without carrying the stigma of that book that didn't sell so well. This would give you a fresh star,t and possibly get you new readers. Perhaps you want to write an article to expose crime and corruption in your city, and focus on a certain mobster. Definitely a pen name is called for here. It could be dangerous to your health if you used your real name. Sometimes your real name may already be in use. For example if your name is Nora Roberts. Well that name is already out there, and people will think you are that great mystery writer, when you just happen to have the same name. So maybe you want to chose some way to make your name a bit different from hers.
Maybe you have a really hard name to pronounce, or you feel in not to memorable. You might want to shorten it, or choose one that sounds fancy, and memorable. Often a writer who is well known in one genre, wants to try their hand at writing in another. A pen name keeps then safe just in case all doesn't go well, and their efforts fail. They still have the fan base built from their books of success
in the genre they are famous for. So many writers that are famous use pen names, why not you.
Check the link below and see some famous writers who do!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
The Power Of Books!
As a writer you have unlimited power in words. You can shape a mind, build a civilization, forge into unknown territories, take your readers to other worlds, and they never leave the comfort of their living room. All by the power of your words. You can answer their questions , build their careers, and even motivate them into action. Yes, you have the power writers. Books are educational tools that often spark the light in others to move forward with their dreams and goals. Books entertain too, refreshing the mind with fantasy, romance, memoirs of others lives, helping them often to appreciate their own. Our world is forged through books. Telling of the past, and bringing us to where we are today, and the struggle of those who made a difference. Books can even foster love, or hate. Books, books, books! We read books to find answers, to solve problems,
to discover ways to acquire wealth, for health benefit, for longevity of life. We read books for answers to life. We read book to change our lives for the better. So as you write, think about the power in your words. They could change someone's life & alter their world. YOU have the power...use it wisely!
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Who Are You Really?
Have you ever felt that you could write like a certain writer,? Well here's a quick little quiz to tell you what type of writer you are most like. It's fun and revealing, So give it a shot, you might be surprised!
This quote says it well
"Knowing what type of author you are will do wonders to help you sharpen your writing skills. When we become aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we begin to flourish."
Start flourishing writers, take the quiz!!!
Nothing To Write About? These Writing Prompts Can help YOU!
Are you sitting at your computer, and have no idea of what to write about. Well, here I am going to link some sites where you can find lots of ideas to get you started. They are called, writing Prompts. A writing prompt in definition means, well here's how it's defined in the dictionary.
"A writing prompt is a word or two, or a very short phrase that sets your mind off on a journey that inspires you creative energy. Writing prompts are designed to get you thinking. Any sentence, word, picture, setting, or theme that spurs you toward writing something is a writing prompt." Here's an example below from off the internet. You can find many prompts on the internet, this is just one picture example.
"A writing prompt is a word or two, or a very short phrase that sets your mind off on a journey that inspires you creative energy. Writing prompts are designed to get you thinking. Any sentence, word, picture, setting, or theme that spurs you toward writing something is a writing prompt." Here's an example below from off the internet. You can find many prompts on the internet, this is just one picture example.
I am listing some links where you can go and write with these prompts, to help start you off. No pressure, just find the prompt you like and start writing. This will help you get comfortable in writing, and fuel ideas for future story's of your own. So check them out. Now you can't say you have nothing to write about, because you do!
I have picked some Genres for you to choose from below.
Friday, June 14, 2019
The Death Of A Writer!
Well, you might be asking yourself what is she talking about. Why is there a casket picture in this post. So let's talk about it. Many writers lose their passion for writing. It becomes a 9-5 type of job. Something they have to do to stay financially secure. There are deadlines, editors, publishers. They feel like they are under pressure to preform. To crank out so many books by a certain date. They become frustrated. They sit at their computer, or typewriter, but there's no longer any joy there. They often wish they were just free to sit and write with no expectations from anyone, that's when writing was really fun for them. What happened? Lets look at some reason this might make the writer think his passion has died, and he just might as well give up. Often when writing was fun , it was when they weren't striving to make money. Oh, they love making money, we all do. But perhaps they have compromised themselves for the purpose of money. They aren't writing the stuff they feel passionate about,, and this causes a burn out. Perhaps they don't feel that excitement they first felt when they wrote that first piece because they are caught up with others telling him how to write a particular way to attract readers, they lose their distinctive voice Maybe they are frustrate when the sales don't come in, and wonder if their a writer at all. They may have taken on to many projects and can't meet them all. Writing has now become drudgery, something they just do every day, but without any joy at all.
It's like a rat race, and they want to get out of the race. Not to do. Stop, re-evaluate, what do you want as a writer. Not what others want, but what do you want? Go back, think of how you felt at the beginning. Was it worth it? You must answer these questions before you drop out of the race. Do you still want to write/ If you answered yes, then keep writing. But decide what important to you. Be true to yourself, even if it means letting go of some things in order to get your passion back, your voice back, that thrill of the joy of writing again. What ever you do, don't quit, keep moving towards your dream as a writer!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Rejection An Enemy Or A Friend?
You waited so long for that letter to come in the mail saying your manuscript was accepted. But, not so. It was rejected. How could they do this to you? You know your story was good. Now you feel depressed, and not sure if you want to write again. Wait! You've just met "Mr. Rejection" He will be a companion in your life at times. He can be a friend, or an enemy. But, don't let that stop you from writing. Every writer meets this guy, so you're in good company. Should you tare that letter to pieces? I wouldn't. I'd put it in a frame( this is something I personally have done many times) to look at, and use it as a reminder to myself of how wrong they are, and show them all by writing even better. I'd read that letter and see what areas they felt made my submission unworthy of publication. Now, not all publisher will offer suggestions of how to improve you writings in that rejection letter, if not then you must search your writing yourself and try and find any errors. Don't wallow in defeat, or go off somewhere and sulk. Get back in there and keep writing, keep submitting, Never give up. You can make rejection a friend by learning from it. Rejection will be a constant companion on your writing journey. Befriend him, listen to him, get to know him, and by doing so you will become a better writer form his advice. Don't treat him as an enemy, but as a friend!
Below you will see a link that will take you to a site of writers who's works were rejected. They never gave up. Don't you!
Below you will see a link that will take you to a site of writers who's works were rejected. They never gave up. Don't you!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Free Stuff For Writers!!!
Everyone likes free stuff right! Well writers are no different. So here we go writers. Below are sites that offer so much free stuff for you. Go check these out, it will benefit your writing greatly, and as I said It's all FREE!
"This web-based word processor is an excellent alternative to Google Docs or Microsoft Word if you’re looking for a distraction free interface. Draft has many cool features, including the ability to share your documents with other users and accept or decline their changes. And like Google Docs, your work is all backed up online. Draft tracks how many words you write per day and will even send out a helpful email reminding you to meet your daily word count goal. "
"The Reedsy Book Editor is a free, online alternative to software programs like Scrivener. Reedsy does not have as many features as Scrivener, but it lets you write (or import) your manuscript, format it, and then instantly typeset to EPUB and print-ready PDF files."
"Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant."
"If you like to have ambient noise in the background during your writing sessions, you’re going to love this website. Hipster Sound is an ambient noise generator that recreates the sounds of cafes. It helps you stay focused and improve your productivity, even on those days when you can’t make it to your local coffee shop"
" Canva is a user-friendly graphic design software with a wide range of drag and drop templates. You can use Canva to create stunning graphics for Facebook and Pinterest or design a beautiful eBook and book covers."
"The Adazing eBook Cover Creator lets you bring your book to life with realistic 3D mockups. You can choose from ten different templates."
Want more free stuff? Then search on the internet for what you need. It's all out there, you just have to LOOK!
Happy Writing!
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
A Novel, Novelette, or A Novella/ Or A Short Story You Must Know The Difference!

It's good to know the types of books on the market. It helps you to decide which type of book you want to write, or want to read. So lets take a look at these types. They all will require work. But some more than others. Let's start with the Novel, which is widely read by most. A Novel usually consists of 40,000 words, and often more. It's the longest of all the types of books out there. And when you read a novel it usually takes days to finish the book. Now a Novelette is like reading a short story, but longer. It usually consist of 7,000 to 17,500 words. On next to the Novella. A Novella is longer than a Novelette, but longer than a short story. Some think of it as a short novel. It usually has 17,000- 40,000 words. A short story can be tackled easily, if you are able to pull it all together with about 7,000 words, and tell a truly good story that reaches your reader. Some writers think that a short story is much harder because you have little time to tell a compelling story, as you do in a novel, where you have more time to develop plot & characters. All these types are a work of fiction, and as a writer, you should decide what type interest you the most. Maybe you want to start with the short story as a beginning, but remember this can be quite a job. It's shorter true, but still must have a complete plot, and believable characters. Study all the type's here, and then decide. Whatever you decide, will be up to you. Just be sure you know where you're heading in your writing goals, and what is required of you to write that book!
One more type you might not have heard about. The Fable. You might be asking yourself what is a Fable. Well, here's the definition.
"Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are given human qualities, such as the ability to speak human language, and that illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson (a "moral"),"
I am sure you have been told Fables. Stories that taught you something about life, as you were growing up. Writing Fables are great for teaching morals to children.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Why I Publish With Amazon's CreateSpace
Everyone knows Amazon. a great place to buy so many things, at really good prices. Well they are great publishers too. (I really think so!). I have published with them for years. First off if you are interested in publishing with them , as I said before check publishers out. These are my true opinions about CreatSpace and my publishing experiences with them. CreatSpace does great professional looking books, as well as any other well known publishing company. First you must set up an accoun,t if you want access to their publishing tools. You can upload your book file, even design your own cover, with Cover Creator. They provide all the tools you need to produce a great looking book. One perk for me is that Amazon has so many affiliates in so many countries, so your book definitely gets publicity. I have sold book in Japan, England, Australia and other places. Often with other publishers, you might have to pay a fee to advertise in other countries, but not Amazon. Your book is seen by all, and you can even go to there affiliates and see how your book is advertised in their country.(I love this feature) There are forms to fill out, as with any publisher, so you can receive your royalty's, which if you have a bank account, will be deposited directly into your bank. They will even provide your book with a free ISBN, which often be expensive. And if you want to do an E-Book, they are connected with Kindle too and will send your book file to them for publishing. I love the way they set both copies together on Amazon, so people can buy the print version, as well as the E-Book version, if they choose too. Yes, for me, I love CreateSpace & Kindle. I will once more be publishing my newest novel with them " More Precious Than Gold" some time in July 2019. Yes, CreateSpace is right for me. Maybe they could be right for you too! Check this video link out and see, as you follow this author publishing for the first time on CreatSpace.
Here's a visual look at the step's for publishing on CreatSpace. Click link below
You can publish a book on your own, or ask for support help, but will cost you a fee!
Here's a visual look at the step's for publishing on CreatSpace. Click link below
You can publish a book on your own, or ask for support help, but will cost you a fee!
Sunday, June 9, 2019
What Makes A Book Bad?
What makes a book bad? That's a good question. Take a moment and think about it. I am sure you have read many books yourself, and can recall certain ones you've read that you just didn't like. Ones that you would not read again, or should I say, an author your would not want to read again. What turned you off? Here are some possible reasons that people have given me when I asked this question from my friends. The plot was weak, not a well thought out story line. No real action. Nothing exciting was going on, it was slow paced, and boring. Where was the romance, and adventure? All readers want romance, and adventure, or to be inspired in some way to act, or make a change They want to be swept away to a place they've never been before, and live in the life of the character's. They want to feel the characters emotions as they deal with struggles they can relate to in real life. It lacked description. They couldn't visualize where this was all taking place. Didn't describe the background and setting. Dialogue was fake. No one talks like that in real life. The language was vulgar, to much profanity. It depicted racism, or views on other religions. But the major thing they all agreed on was grammar. Misspelled words, punctuation. It stopped them dead in their tracks. They had to figure out what the real word should of been in the story, then go on reading. It breaks the flow of the story A writer should address these things when writing. If not, your readers will never turn the next page of your book. Study grammar, spelling, and how to use the right words, verbs, punctuation. Know your English. Study dialogue, setting, and how to write emotion into your story. I expect your thinking "I never thought writing would be this hard." Well now you do! Anything you want bad enough, takes hard work. As I said before, "Writing is a journey, not a destination" A writer is always learning, even the best writers out there are still striving to be better. You should too!
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Publisher Needed?

You don't have to limit yourself when seeking publishers, but as I said before, check publishers out thoroughly. Here's one that sounds interesting. They are located in Australia. I am just bringing them to your attention, the rest is up to you, if you decide to contact them or not. Links below for you to see what they are all about. Remember check publisher out fully. Hang in there until you find the right one, you won't regret it!
Click links for a more in dept look into this publisher!
All about Tablo- Link below will tell you more about this publisher.
My New Book Cover designs!
Here are my newly design covers for my Mystery series "Abigail Moses Mystery's" coming sometime in Sept or October. I love to design early, then write the stories. It's such FUN!!
Think about your story, and picture the cover you want in your mind, then design it. That's what I do. I design ALL my own covers.

Romance Site For Those Who Love Romance!
If you love romance, check out my romance site, full of stories, videos and music. Most stories have a translator so you can read them in your own language. Enjoy!!
Link below
Writer Beware!
All writers dream of being published. Seeing your first work in print, is an awesome feeling. It's like you're walking on air, you've caught the brass ring, and nothing can stop you, until you discover that there are publishers out there who want lots of money to put your book in print. The charges can be outrages, even into the thousands. How can this be happening to you. Well come back to Earth. As in all walks of life, you are going to find people who make it their job to scam others. They sound legit, but in reality, they are frauds! Here are some flags to warn you. Like the saying goes, "If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is" Pin that in your mind. There are many Vanity Presses out there who will say they will print your book for free, or for a minor fee. This sounds so great, so you jump at their offer. But wait. You know nothing about this press, or the people behind it. So you need to know what a Vanity Press is first. So here's the scoop!
Vanity Presses are publishers who agree to cover all, and might give you a small advance to draw you in. They say they will cover all cost, book cover design, printing, or whatever is needed to get your book out there in the public eye. But watch out. Slowly they will say & offer you better options, but there's always a catch, and money involved. But you're so excited that they accepted your book that you just believe whatever they say. Their publishers right, and they know what is best, right? So you sign a contract with them (I'm speaking from past experience) for seven years, as you wait patiently for all those royalty checks to come in. False, they never do. At best you might get a few hundred dollars, ( they get 90%, you get 10%) while they keep your book tied up for years because they have you under contract with them. (Please read contracts before you sign on the dotted line) You can't offer your book to other publishers, until your contract is up( Think of how this restricts you from pushing your work to other publishers) Vanity presses will tell you anything, even that your book is a winner, when they really think it's not, just because they want your MONEY!
They often will offer you discounts to buy copies of your book, for all those book signing you will be doing, and of course you want copies for that, right. Unfortunately the shipping cost will be high,
Higher that you expected, sometimes into the hundreds for 20 books that you were told were just
99 cents each. As a writer, don't let yourself be duped by these publishers just to get your book into print. Seriously search publishers, their records, how they work, before you choose them. If not your book could be tied up with them for years! Writer Beware!!
Friday, June 7, 2019
Another Excerpt From My Soon Coming Novel/ More Precious Than Gold"
Suddenly she felt him move, then felt his arms pull her closer. He was awake. His eyes looking into hers. Then he smiled, an intimate smile, that reached deep into her heart.
“I love you Esther, he whispered. You make me complete. You fill my heart with hope, and anticipation for a future, and all my sadness fades away.”
Esther wanted to speak, but he touched her lips tenderly with his finger, and she stopped.
“I know this past year has been hard for you, he said, holding her tightly in his arms And you wondered if I ever really loved you, as you fell on your knees at night, and prayed about the two of us. I caused those tears, and I’m so sorry. His finger wiped the falling tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes, and were now rolling down her cheeks. I felt your tears, even though we were thousands of miles apart. I never knew how lonely I was without you, until last night. My heart was a bottomless pit, that only your love could fill.” His eyes spoke to her of love, as he pulled her back into his arms again, and once more she felt the thrill of his touch. The touch, she loved so much.
It was his touch that meant so much
A finger through her hair
Showed of a love, they both shared
A pat on the cheek
Oh, how loud it did speak
And the brush of his lips on mine
Could transport me back in time
Of all the things about him that I love so much
I still favor, the thrill of his touch!
The novel is coming In July 2019 to Amazon & Kindle! All poems included in the book are my own original work.
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