Thursday, December 24, 2020

Up In The Air, It’s A Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman….No, It’s Congress!

This may sound familiar. It was part of the opening for the Superman series of long ago. Superman was a mythical character that hid behind the man Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter who did good and helped people. His motives were always for the good of Metropolis where he lived. Our Congress has hidden their alter motives of what they were really doing by saying they were getting a stimulus package ready for the American people when in reality they were secretly fixing to give away the American people’s tax paying money to foreign countries. Millions were going to countries that don’t care for America at all. So many millions that there was nothing left for us but $600 dollars. Such a travesty. They fixed the bill with over 5 thousand pages and gave their members less than five hours to read it. They wanted them to just sign it, not read it to see what it really said or know where they really had in this bill. Well, their false Superman cape has fallen off, and we the American people know who they really are, and what they really think of us. They think we are so naive that they can push anything over, and by us, thinking that giving us scrapes will satisfy us. How sad a Congress we have, and we put them in the office to protect our welfare when in reality they are not protecting us at all, l but favoring others who will foster and benefit their seats there. So sad that lies become a part of their everyday speech. To stand in front of a television camera and openly say one thing, and mean another, and do it with a straight face. As Americans we should be upset with this Congress, they have been duping us for years and we didn’t see it until now. They want to look good in the eyes of the world, pretend to be good samaritans helping other countries when they won’t even help their own people. This just may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and opens the eyes of the American people to a sad truth. Politics is a dirty business, and we Americans need to start cleaning house!

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