Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Our News Networks Need A Balance!

I've been thinking a lot about all that's been going on in our world today. I've been listening to the news, watching the reports on television, reading the newspaper, and listening to the radio. We hear about all the riots, anger, hatred, murders, and racism. All the news is bad, and it makes you want to run and hide that you are living in this world with such turmoil. The older people fear for their lives and are afraid of the Youth of today, the gangs, and the power they seem to have in their cities. They wonder when their lives will end, and how? will they be taken out by gangs, or will this virus kill them instead? While the youth want their voices heard and if it takes riots, and violence, then so be it. They want to let the world know who they are through many different avenues, and often gangs become that avenue. The economy is bad, jobs can’t be found, and often there is prejudice in hiring. Our world for many has come to a boiling point that spills over into violence, hurting so many others. Our Government programs have so much red tape that it’s difficult to get the help that’s needed. People are frustrated and begin to act out. There is so much good in the world, but we only hear about the bad. Good is happening all around us, if we just open our eyes and look. People, I mean people that are hurting are helping others like themselves, doing good deeds like giving food from their own cupboards, giving clothing, supporting others by opening their homes to them when they have no place else to live. But we hear very little about this, only once in a while. It’s the bad news that sells and seems to capture the world, and all these networks want to stay on top, so we hear the bad more than the good. Yes, I know the news is supposed to report what’s going on in our world, but they need a balance and report all the truly good things as well. And there are a lot of good things happening out there. A lot of good people doing good things, let’s hear about them to give hope to the world, and not so much chaos and fear!

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