Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Blame Game

The Blame Game! There’s a new game going around in congress, it’s called the “Blame game.” Congress has been playing this game for some time now. The people have been waiting for their second stimulus check for several months now. The American people have been waiting for what has been promised months ago when they kept saying “Stimulus is on the way” yet we haven’t got anything yet. Each is saying it’s the fault of the other. The House and the Senate can’t seem to agree on anything. One wants a large package, the other a smaller package. While we the American people still sit waiting as homes are in foreclosure, jobs are lost, people having to go to food pantries to feed their families. And the virus is hitting hard. What’s wrong here? Other countries that are not as wealthy as we have already given their citizens many checks by now, but America can’t seem to give us a second check. Congress is not suffering as the people who elected them are. They sit in their seats unaffected by it all. They still have their homes, cars, jobs. They are not feeling the hurt at all, that’s why they can’t emphasize with the American people. They need to walk a mile in our shoes to really understand. If they really understood they would have passed a stimulus bill already. We need to put the blame on them, where it really belongs. They are not concerned because it’s not them who are hurting and stop blaming individuals in congress. They are all the blame, not just one but ALL. Unless something affects us personally we will just take out time in getting something done. So sad for Americans, we put our vote and trust in these people, and they are letting us down. They seem to only want a seat in congress only for the position, popularity, and money it provides, and to look good in the eyes of the people and themselves. Shame, shame on you Congress, shame, shame on YOU!!!

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