Sunday, December 6, 2020

The True Meaning Of Christmas!

The True Meaning Of Christmas Christmas Time Is almost here, for many this will be a Christmas like no other. We must stop, and really think about what the meaning of Christmas is really all about. It's about the birth of Christ, love, and compassion for others. The pandemic has caused many problems in our world today, that has affected everyone. With the holidays coming up, we see the true effect of the pandemic. Many will not be able to afford Christmas trees, or presents. Many, will have to stand in lines at places like the Salvation Army, food pantries, to just be able to survive. The pandemic has taught us one thing about the holidays, it's not the gifts or the presents that really matter, it's family. It’s getting together, laughing, talking, and sharing memories. Some family members have passed on because of the pandemic, and we truly realize their importance and value to the family now that they are gone. Children will realize their gifts are not so important when there's no food on the table, and the plate is empty. We need to really stop and reflect on the true spirit of Christmas, which is helping others and showing compassion, love. Just being together, that's Christmas. In the Bible, we read the story of Jesus’s birth, and how there was no room for him in the inn. Now, we realize how it feels to have no place to go, no room because the rent can’t be paid because there’s no work and you are laid off. But many are helping others, many are showing compassion, many are showing love, to strangers that are not of their family, during these troubled times. Many are realizing we are all in this together, and we all belong to the human race. that's the true spirit of Christmas. When we think about the movie Scrooge, we see how he was changed by dreams, flashbacks of memories of his childhood, and certain things that he didn't know truly affected him, and made him the man he was. He had to stay at school while his classmates went home to their families which secretly affected him deeply. He saw how others were suffering working for him, and he never understood until he came face to face with himself, and his mortality, and where his future was heading. Let’s remember the true spirit and meaning of Christmas. Perhaps we all need to take a little trip back in time like Scrooge did and look into other people's lives, take a peek and see how they live and may have suffered at our hands when we had the power to make their lives better. Let’s look at ourselves, and make a change this Christmas because no one should feel alone, or unloved at Christmas when we all have the power to help others in some small way. We can do this!!

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