Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Crumbs From The Table Of Congress!

We get Crumbs From The Table Of Congress! Well, Congress has finally passed the stimulus package bill over 5,000 pages yet only $600 has been allotted for the American people. This is a sad thing to see. They said that there was nothing left to give to the American people. Well, there was nothing left to give after they gave everything to everybody else. To the big businesses, to all kinds of different programs, and we were the last we get the scraps from the Congress table. I think it's pitiful! I was reading yesterday where is New Zealand a lady posted they got $600 a week every week until people went back to work and she wondered why America, which is a financially prosperous country cannot do that. How could they only give their pe
ople $600? Well, ma'am, I'm wondering that too. I think it's awful, that's why I think we need a new Congress we need to get rid of all of them and have a whole new Congress. I don't have faith in Congress anymore after months of false hope and so many lies to the American people. They've promised for over several months that they were going to fix the stimulus package for the American people they see people losing their homes, can’t pay their rent, and about to be thrown out of their apartments. They can't buy clothes, they can't feed their families, and school are closed because of the virus. The restaurants are closed, and then they're saying, American you can make it on $600. They have to first take care of these big big big big business that’s what’s important to them. That's what's wrong with the country we're so caught up on money, in their eyes are dollar signs, and looking good in the eyes of others who have power. They put the people last. They want to keep their position in Congress. The problem is that Congress is divided, and I don’t mean by House & Senate, but by pride. Each wanting to out show the other. Each wanting to say they are making things happen for the country. Battling like they are children in order to have their way no matter how long it takes, or how it affects the American people. And who put these people in these seats in Congress? We did. Congress is supposed to be for the people of the people, by the people. They are not for the people. They are all wanting to look good, wanting to show they have the power to govern our lives when they don’t even know how we live. Saying what’s good for us to live on and survive when they are fat and flourishing themselves, not touched by the Americans they are supposed to represent. I am very disappointed in our government I love my country but I do not love the ones that are running it. We need a definite change. Congress needs to grow up and quit acting like little children!

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