Thursday, December 24, 2020

Congress/ Take It Or Leave It Attitude

Well, we’re at a standstill now. It’s a battle of wits between the President and his Congress President Trump wants each American to have 2000 dollars to meet their needs and help stimulate the economy, while Congress thinks we Americans should settle for 600 dollars and a promise from them for more stimulus later. Are we suppose to believe them after letting them dupe us for several months with lies, saying that our stimulus package was coming. How can we trust them now. They still want to give our taxpayer money to all these programs that have nothing to do with the American people. Many think we should trust Congress, and the President should pass the bill, while others think promises are not guarantees. There have been too many lies hidden from the people. Are we still so blind not to see that Congress is not for the people, but for their own selves, writing bills that are not going to benefit our country, but others? I say no! My eyes are wide open now. Whatever happens, if they pass it and we only get 600 dollars, then it’s our own fault for not seeing what’s in front of us. We have no excuses now that it all has been revealed to the Americans what’s in this bill. We the Americans are always the last to know the real truth. The last to be thought about, or be considered when the chips are down. How many times are we going to close our eyes, and pretend all is okay, when our hearts cry for a better day, to truly experience ourselves the “American dream” that drives others to our country. These are hard times, a large stimulus is definitely needed to help us meet daily needs throughout this virus. Congress seems to have a“Take it or leave it attitude.” They think we should shut up and be happy that they are giving us $600, while they give the rest away. This is not acceptable, not for me, and I hope it’s not for you either!

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