Thursday, November 5, 2020


Words! Have you ever stopped to think about the power of your words? Well, you should. Words have power. In our world today look all around you. There are billboards, flyers, pamphlets, all these have words that are used to push you forward to take action for something. Words can uplift, cast down, hurt, inspire, or help one get answers to things you struggle with in life. Words can cause emotions that lead others to riot, or making changes for the better. Words can calm a situation down, or ignite a fire in a crowd. Words can unite people, or separate them. Words can foster hate or love. Everything that happens in life is the result of words spoken by others that cause us to do something. The words can be our own, or of someone close to us. Words are often shot out of our mouths like a gun, with no afterthought of what they can do, how they can hurt, or cause pain for the one hearing them.. Words are used to sway others to our way of thinking, and we will use as many as necessary to get our point across. We must stop and think before we use words, and not just say anything we want to say. We should consider how what we say will affect others. Well, my words bring a good result, or cause harm to the hearer? A good example, look at the election. Each party uses words to sway the people to their side. Words that defame the opponent on the other platform running against them. Words that people come to believe and that stay in their hearts and minds long after the election is over. Yes,words are powerful, once spoken and heard, they cannot be taken back. Be careful with your words!

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