Friday, November 27, 2020

The Effect Of The Pandemic On The Writing Community

The Corona Virus has virtually shut down the world. Everything has almost come to a stop. The virus is everywhere and the only solution is to stay inside to be safe. This has also affected the writer's world as well. It's wonderful when writers can go to conferences, retreats, or be apart of writers groups, where we can share our passion, learn new skills, ideas, and just be together as writers. But not so today. We like everyone else are confined to our homes, where we sit in front of a typewriter, or computer. We so often have said "All I need is time to write, and some peace and quiet" Well now we have it! Often it's not really what we discover we want at all. We need to mingle with others, hear their stories, see the expressions on their faces. All this helps fuel our writing. This pandemic has forced us to become aware of all the things we often take for granted, like socializing with others. How many times have you voiced this silently in your head just for some time alone, without any distractions? Being home can often distract a writer because there is family around and your attention is divided between writing and taking care of other responsibilities, like kids. This can work to your advantage as stories often are forged in difficult times like these. You become aware of things you never saw before. Example. Your kid's actions, their funny facial expressions, or your spouse, the way he or she smiles when you first met. All the little things that were pushed to the back of your mind, that are now coming to the forefront now. Things that make you want to write about and share with the world. Maybe you begin to watch those neighbors who always played their music so loud. You see them doing something nice for another neighbor, and you see that they really aren't so bad after all. They have compassion. You start looking at other people you never noticed before. Your eyes began opening to the world's hurts and the love that's out there. Yes, the pandemic has closed us in, but it has also opened our eyes and our heart to our world. The good that we see and can write about, and share with others!

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