Sunday, November 8, 2020

Abortion/What Might Have been!

Abortion/What Might Have Been? I have been thinking a lot about this topic, but in a totally different way than maybe most are thinking. They are usually people that are for it, and people that are against it. This is a different take. This is what I think about abortion. Everyone has the right to choose, that's true and I think that a woman's right’s should be acknowledged, but I think she needs to acknowledge those rights at the beginning of a relationship so that she doesn't have to get to the point where she needs an abortion. I do agree that incest and rape is totally different, but still I believe in pro-life. I believe that a woman that has been raped, or incest by a family member should still have that child and give it a chance to live. It's not the child's fault, they have done nothing they didn't ask to be brought into this world. So that's one thought that I have, then there's another. So many people in relationships they just want to have the fun and the pleasure of a relationship with the opposite sex and then suddenly they find out that they are pregnant and they start to think about all the things they should have thought about before. They may have a career, they don't want to lose their career. they don't have time to raise a child and of course, they never thought that this would happen to them. Maybe they're on the pill or using other forms of birth control, but still, it happened outside of marriage, or in marriage, but the timing is all wrong for them. Usually, the first thing they think about is how this will change their lives and make it worse. So it's so easy to just think, I'll go have an abortion, and in no time it will all be over and my life will be back to normal. But now this is what I think What about that child? How many babies that have been aborted could have grown up to be a benefit to society? They might have been doctors who could find a cure for cancer. They might have been scientists or Engineers. How many potential good things could have come from that aborted a child's life? we need to stop and think. It's so easy to have an abortion, but you're taking a life A life that could mean something to the world we need to stop and think about that. And another thing, we need to think about what the world would be like if our parents had aborted us. Maybe they had more kids than they planned for, and they thought I don't want another one, but they went on with their pregnancy and you live today. We need to stop and think about that. It’s so easy to say abort a baby, but we never stopped to think about the results that abortion can mean. Maybe you don't see it this way, but it is murder. Whatever you're contributing to the world now is because you're here to contribute to the world. That unborn child deserves a chance too. They didn't ask to be conceived, but they should have the right to live and make something out of themselves and contribute to the world. You want to live, they do too. They should be given that chance to do so. So this is my thoughts on abortion we will never know what they might have become because we took their lives away before they had a chance to live and become somebody to our world. Don’t do that!

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