Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Real Enemy!

Our nation has become dived by hatred, race, and political parties. We once were known as the home of the brave, and the free. Now we are known for riots, hatred, chaos, and confusion. We must remember this. No party platform is going to get you to heaven or favor with God. They will not stand with you on the final day of judgment when you stand before God to answer for your decisions of actions. So don't be fooled by what's going on. It's a spiritual battle that's happening now, not an election between Biden And Trump, that's just what we see on the outside. It's the devil's ploy as Jesus said to steal, kill, and destroy our country by dividing & conquering us from within! But be of good cheer. In the end, God wins. So whatever the election results, remember these are just men, flesh and blood, they are fallible, they all promise but in the end break these promises. But God is infallible Never put your hope or trust in any man, only God. So until he comes, live life, be happy, leave all the rest to him, he's able to handle it all!!! Pastor Janet

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