Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Art Of Healing Through Words!

Our world is in trouble, as I am sure you all will agree. As a writer we have the power through our words to lift others up. To inspire them during these troubled times. So many have thoughts and emotions that they can't express, but we writers can express them for them, letting others know that they are not alone, even if the pandemic has distance us from our family and friends. A book can be a comfort piece during these times. A book can make us smile, laugh, and cry, but yet give us hope. Picking up a book and reading its words that often voice what we are feeling inside, lets us know that we are not alone,someone else cares and has felt as we do. That's why we have so many hotline's for people to call where helpful words can be spoken to them, and pull them out of depression. Words to give them hope. They hear a voice on the other end of the line, a human voice that says "I care." A book often can speak words like that through its pages. Words from your heart to theirs. A voice that says "I've been there, I know what it's like." During these times we need words that will soothe the hurt, and help heal the pain. This is a great opportunity for us writers to speak to a hurting world through our words in books, essays, blogs, articles, even chats. We have the talent and the means to put words together effectively that can touch a heart, touch a soul, and help heal our world. Let's do it!

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