Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Tongue!

The Tongue A Tool Of Good Or Evil/ A Thought To Ponder! This is a thought that has been in my heart for quite a while, we use our tongue every day when we talk, to speak but what, are we speaking? We so easily say words and never stop to consider the force they have. Our tongue is like a wild horse that can’t be tamed. We seem to have no control over it. How can you speak good things, then speak evil in the next sentence about someone? It’s like a fountain that spurts out water and then poison at the same time. It can’t be done. We need to control our tongues. The Bible says the tongue is a mighty weapon. “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.” That’s a mighty powerful statement about our tongues. We need to stop and think before we speak because once words are spoken they cannot be taken back. Words go deep into the heart of the person whether good or bad. Even if you say you are sorry and the person says they forgive you, still they will remember your words of hurt. Many confess to love and know God, yet they curse others he has created if they don’t fall in line with their way of thinking. How can one go to church on Sunday and praise God, when all week they have been cursing others and speaking badly about others? We must learn to tame our tongues even if the world around us cannot. We must speak words of life, not words of harm. Only God can tame the tongue when we give him complete control of our lives!

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