Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Pandemic How It Has Made us Better

The Pandemic How It Has Made Us Better! You’ve probably heard the saying that goes like this “you never miss your water until the well runs dry” Well, so many of us would agree with this statement now. Many of us now miss that boring, tiresome 9-5 job we use to go to every day, that terrible co-worker who got on our nerves, the vending machines that took your money buy let your coffee cup empty. The boss who always found something wrong with your work. Does this sound familiar? All the little things that were so annoying to you, now you would give anything to be back at work again, but this pandemic has you at home. Many husbands are understanding how it feels for their stay at housewives, who have to deal with their children, and how they can become frustrated, now that they are a stay at home father. They are jobless, standing in a line waiting for the unemployment benefits, just to make ends meet. And their older parents who had demanded their time, not understanding that they have a job and can’t always be there for them. Now they are sick and might die, and you worry that you won’t be able to tell them how much they mean to you. Oh! Just for another day to see their smile, hear their voice., or just hear the ring of that phone that so often annoyed you when they called while you were so busy. Everything suddenly becomes so important to you, and you pray this will all end so your life will get back to normal. Yes, the pandemic has truly affected us, and we want it to end. But when it does, let’s remember these emotions and feelings we have now and treat others as the valuable gems they truly are, that can so quickly leave us. Let’s remember what life really is all about, love and Family!

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