Thursday, September 3, 2020

You Must Love The Skin You Are In!

In our world today, so many hate the skin they're in, and hate the skin color of others too. We must all love the skin we are in. We were born with it, we can't change it. And, we must realize that we must also appreciate other skins not like ours, because, they too did not have a choice at birth. Here's a little poem I wrote when I was a lot younger after my mom explained this truth to me, and that God made all skin colors, and loves them all! "I Like Being Black' I like being black, and I'll tell you why, It's the way I was born, and the way I'll die. My hair isn't straight, my eyes aren't blue, I am me, and you are you. The good Lord made it just that way, So, what more is there to say? So I like being black, I'm telling you true, God made me black, so he must like it too! This is from my poetry book "Growing Up Black" out now on Amazon & contains all the wisdom & knowledge my mother instilled in me about race & Life!

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