Sunday, September 13, 2020

Life Is A Dream!

Where are you in your life today? Are you living your dream? Look around you, all that you see in the world today was someone's dream. The towns, cities, buildings. These were all made from someone's dream. At first, there was nothing to be seen, except in the dreamer's mind. Pictures of blueprints of what could be. All life is a dream until you make it become a reality. Dreams are formed by hard work, struggles, and determination. So many people have dreams but cast them aside because they don't see how to make them into a reality. The airplane was a dream, but it flys today because of two dreamers, the Wright brothers Think about the electricity you use daily, you can thank Ben Franklin for that invention. Or When you are ill and need medicine, maybe an antibiotic. Well, you can thank Joseph Lister and Louis Pasteur for their dream to fight disease and came up with this drug. And the paper we all write-on every day was first started in China then brought to our world. And the clock on your wall that gives you time, the Egyptians thought of that. All these things we so enjoy today were once only dreams someone had, but now are realities we use daily, never thinking about how it all came into existence. Life is a dream made into a reality by dreamers. You too have dreams. Are you fostering them into reality? It takes hard work, determination, and most of all faith in God and yourself to bring it to birth. Don't give up, The world needs someone like YOU!
on your dreams, make them come true. The world needs someone like YOU!

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