Saturday, September 19, 2020

Make Lemonade!

Strange blog title right? Well, you've probably heard the saying, "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" but what exactly does that mean? What its really saying is, so many times in life things go wrong. It happens to all of us. But, we pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off,and start again. But, what if its a constant happening, where everything seems to go wrong, all the time? How is a person suppose to keep getting up, when they get knocked down so many times? Bad things seem to keep being thrown at you. You want to throw in the towel, and give up. Its been more than 3 strikes, and feel you chances to bat are up. At this time in our world, many feel this pressure to give up, with the riots, hatred, killings, they feel hopeless,scared,not knowing what's ahead, or what to do. Will they survive to have a future at all? Well, that's when you must dig those spikes in the ground, like the baseball players do, stand firm, and have faith in yourself to go on when that pitch is coming your way. You are ready and determine to hit it out of the park this time, and make a home run. You must stay positive even in the darkest of times. There will be a new day, darkness doesn't last forever. Light will break through, and Joy does comes in the morning. Here's an article that will tell you more ways to have hope, and keep you positive about yourself and life!

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