Friday, September 18, 2020

Write Your Life Story!

Have you ever thought about writing your own life story? Perhaps about the things that you have learned in life, its lessons, that could benefit others, and keep them from the traps that snared you. Or, maybe you have discovered some secrets in life that would benefit the world in some way, but no one else knows about it but you. and you want to share it. Maybe it's a secret recipe handed down from your mom, or grandmother, or a teacher, that made all the difference in where you are today. Maybe, you've discovered a new invention that would make life easier for others, or you have battled obstacles and overcome them, like depression, drug addiction, or how you overcame and survived, after the death of a loved one. Telling your story to the world could bring relief to others, and make life for many worth living again, knowing that someone understands their pain. Writing your life story can bring so many benefits to others, and to you. You could relieve yourself of the weights that have been holding you back, the secrets that you have hidden in your heart, and allow youself to heal. Maybe, you've thought about it, but where to start? Click the link, and read all about how to do!

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