A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
Language Translator
Sunday, September 27, 2020
A'More/My Poetry Book On Love
Sweet love poems for all those in love. Now love has a book of it's own. This book is all about love.Its ups,downs,the thrill,and often the pain.Yet srill the quest in everyone's soul is to find love, because when they do they discover that love is worth everything!
New Site/Crowdstory
Hey guys. Found this great site for those who like to read short srories, or get paid for writing them. Gotta go and check them out. If you write short stoories then here's a chance to get paid for it. Everytime a person reads your story, they paid you.How great is that!
Link here.https://www.crowdstoryz.com/
Saturday, September 26, 2020
New Pomantic Story For The Week/ Meet Portrait Black!
Here we go folks, another fabulous story, if I might say so myself. I loved writing this one. Hope you all enjoy it!
New Poetry Page/Poems of The heart!
A special poetry page for those who's beautiful love story has come to an end. When love ends it affects every part of your being. These poems speak to the heart of those who have been hurt, and now broken, yet still feel the hurt of it. They have many questions that will never be answered like, why, what went wrong, that plague the heart, as well as the mind. Thses poems speak of these, and what lingers at the end of a beautiful love story that they expected to last forever!
Thursday, September 24, 2020
New Poetry Page!
Hey guys. I just updated my personal webesite with a poetry section. Go checkout some of the poems from my poetry book, now out on Amazon. "Seasons Of Love"
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Writers School Up & Working At Full Speed!
School up & running well. Lots of people from foreign countries, France, India, Chili, Africa, and the states too, logging on and seeing what's there. Makes me happy to contribute to helping future writers start their journey in the writer's world. And the courses are all totally FREE. They can learn any time, day or night, then grow and move on to higher learning, having the knowledge they need & not be a novice. They will have the knowledge of the writing process that they gained here to carry them into the future! This is my goal for future writers, to foster their writers Dreams!
checkitout! http://www.burningbushwritersacademy.com/
Monday, September 21, 2020
Stimulus Update /All You Need To Know!
Well here's the information you've been waiting for. Read the whole article through and keep in the know about all this next stimulus bill will offer, or not offer. Here's the link!
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Make Lemonade!
Strange blog title right? Well, you've probably heard the saying, "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" but what exactly does that mean? What its really saying is, so many times in life things go wrong. It happens to all of us. But, we pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off,and start again. But, what if its a constant happening, where everything seems to go wrong, all the time? How is a person suppose to keep getting up, when they get knocked down so many times? Bad things seem to keep being thrown at you. You want to throw in the towel, and give up. Its been more than 3 strikes, and feel you chances to bat are up. At this time in our world, many feel this pressure to give up, with the riots, hatred, killings, they feel hopeless,scared,not knowing what's ahead, or what to do. Will they survive to have a future at all? Well, that's when you must dig those spikes in the ground, like the baseball players do, stand firm, and have faith in yourself to go on when that pitch is coming your way. You are ready and determine to hit it out of the park this time, and make a home run. You must stay positive even in the darkest of times. There will be a new day, darkness doesn't last forever. Light will break through, and Joy does comes in the morning. Here's an article that will tell you more ways to have hope, and keep you positive about yourself and life!

Friday, September 18, 2020
Write Your Life Story!
Have you ever thought about writing your own life story? Perhaps about the things that you have learned in life, its lessons, that could benefit others, and keep them from the traps that snared you. Or, maybe you have discovered some secrets in life that would benefit the world in some way, but no one else knows about it but you. and you want to share it. Maybe it's a secret recipe handed down from your mom, or grandmother, or a teacher, that made all the difference in where you are today. Maybe, you've discovered a new invention that would make life easier for others, or you have battled obstacles and overcome them, like depression, drug addiction, or how you overcame and survived, after the death of a loved one. Telling your story to the world could bring relief to others, and make life for many worth living again, knowing that someone understands their pain. Writing your life story can bring so many benefits to others, and to you. You could relieve yourself of the weights that have been holding you back, the secrets that you have hidden in your heart, and allow youself to heal. Maybe, you've thought about it, but where to start? Click the link, and read all about how to do!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
More Update On My Writers School Website!
Hey, writers just added some great videos from the pros, speaking about writing, (go under the "More" section on the website to see the link) These will really inspire you to keep writing. You could be the next famous author the world will be speaking about! Check it out!
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Writers School!
Check out my new school for writers where you can learn at your own pace. Added more topics of interest for writers.! No fee, open day & night. Search and find topics you want to learn about.
Kids Corner Website Update!
Just updated my children's website with a new story for kids & a movie too! Fun things for kids to do during this pandemic!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
My new Romance Story For The Week!
With the holidays coming, here's one for Thanksgiving! Check it out at link here!
Life Is A Dream!
Where are you in your life today? Are you living your dream? Look around you, all that you see in the world today was someone's dream. The towns, cities, buildings. These were all made from someone's dream. At first, there was nothing to be seen, except in the dreamer's mind. Pictures of blueprints of what could be. All life is a dream until you make it become a reality. Dreams are formed by hard work, struggles, and determination. So many people have dreams but cast them aside because they don't see how to make them into a reality. The airplane was a dream, but it flys today because of two dreamers, the Wright brothers Think about the electricity you use daily, you can thank Ben Franklin for that invention. Or When you are ill and need medicine, maybe an antibiotic. Well, you can thank Joseph Lister and Louis Pasteur for their dream to fight disease and came up with this drug. And the paper we all write-on every day was first started in China then brought to our world. And the clock on your wall that gives you time, the Egyptians thought of that. All these things we so enjoy today were once only dreams someone had, but now are realities we use daily, never thinking about how it all came into existence. Life is a dream made into a reality by dreamers. You too have dreams. Are you fostering them into reality? It takes hard work, determination, and most of all faith in God and yourself to bring it to birth. Don't give up, The world needs someone like YOU!
on your dreams, make them come true. The world needs someone like YOU!
Thursday, September 10, 2020
My Own Online Writers School!
If you want to learn all about writing, here's your chance. My online writers school will be coming soon, for all. Internationally too. Come join me and we'll talk all about you becoming a writer and just how to do it! Check it out at the link. It will be starting very soon!!!
A Thought To Ponder!
Today I am posting a little essay. Hope it makes you think about yourself & others in a different way. And realize that their is only one race of people we all belong to, and that's the HUMAN RACE!
Thought for Today!
Love for one another the greatest gift of all!
Race, creed, color, or language doesn't matter...it's love for one another and showing compassion that wins souls to Christ and unites us all! ( compassion speaks all languages!)
A little short story to ponder my friends.
.Who are my People?
"My people? Who are they?
I went into the church where the congregation
Worshiped my God. Were they my people?
I felt no kinship to them as they knelt there.
My people! Where are they?
I went into the land where I was born,
Where men spoke my language...
I was a stranger there.
"My people," my soul cried. "Who are my people?"
Last night in the rain I met an old man
Who spoke a language I do not speak,
Which marked him as one who does not know my God.
With apologetic smile he offered me
The shelter of his patched umbrella.
I met his eyes... And then I knew…
'Who Are My People,""
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Making Your Writers Life Work While You Work!
If you are a writer who also has a day job, then you know how hard it is to keep an even balance between the two. I have some help that will make it easier for you to accomplish that. Click the link and see how to do it!
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Kids Corner website update!
Added more things for kids to see and do during this shutdown. Go check it out!
Monday, September 7, 2020
My Book Cover Designs Past & Future!
Check out my flip book of cover designs. some past, already published, and some not yet, but for the future!
Click link below! Just click the book to read, or click where it says "Read"
New Romantic Story "A Soldier For Christmas"
Well, here's your romantic story for this week. Christmas is fast approaching. I wrote this story just for the holiday season. Check it out.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Website /Added An Audio Book Section!
Just added an audio section to 3 of my books that are out now on Amazon. Now you can listen to my books and know what they are about. Check it out! (Scroll to the bottom of my homepage.There you will find the audios)
The Dangers Of Mental Aduse
As a pastor, I come in contact with many hurting people in our world. I have discovered that so many are hurting deep inside. There are no outward signs of physical abuse because it's internal. There are so many ways to be mentally abused. You may not even realize you are being abused. Sometimes it's a feeling you get when around a certain person or groups of people who say or treat you as if you didn't exist, or make you feel that you are less than them, not worthy to even walk close to them. They may say that you offer no input that is valuable, or that your voice is annoying, or they leave the room when you enter making you feel all alone, not a part of their world. Oddly enough the abuser could be your spouse, your boss, a co-worker, or even a family member, or someone you thought was a friend. Many people walking in life are mentally abused and often commit suicide. Please don't do that. Know the signs and realize that there is help out there. You are worth it!
Click this link & know the signs of mental abuse. Thay might surprise you, and save a life, maybe even your own!
Saturday, September 5, 2020
New Activity on Kids Corner Website/ It's Movie Day!!
In this troubled times, where everyone is busy trying to make a living at home with the kids around it can often be very hard to concentrate. So my website for kids is just what a parent needs to keep them happy, while you work. I've added a new activity to the page under the section titled "Fun Things For Kids" Today it "Lets go to the Movies" A fun movie for kids that even you will enjoy(when your not to busy on your computer. Here's the link, check out this so fun movie!
Thursday, September 3, 2020
You Must Love The Skin You Are In!
In our world today, so many hate the skin they're in, and hate the skin color of others too. We must all love the skin we are in. We were born with it, we can't change it. And, we must realize that we must also appreciate other skins not like ours, because, they too did not have a choice at birth. Here's a little poem I wrote when I was a lot younger after my mom explained this truth to me, and that God made all skin colors, and loves them all!
"I Like Being Black'
I like being black, and I'll tell you why,
It's the way I was born, and the way I'll die.
My hair isn't straight, my eyes aren't blue,
I am me, and you are you.
The good Lord made it just that way,
So, what more is there to say?
So I like being black, I'm telling you true,
God made me black, so he must like it too!
This is from my poetry book "Growing Up Black"
out now on Amazon & contains all the wisdom & knowledge my mother instilled in me about race & Life!
Fun For Kids Website!
Just updated my "Kids Corner" website with a trip to the Zoo for all to enjoy during these troubled times., Check it out, you might enjoy it as well. There are happy songs and funny animals that will ease your child's fears and bring happiness to them as they sing along with the =children at the Zoo! Go under the section that says "Fun Things For Kids" and take a trip with your kids
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Kids Corner!
Added a new page to my "Kids Corner Website. Title is "Fun Things For Kids" Check it out!
Famous Writers Who Suffered From Depression
If you are a writer who suffers from depression, then this blog is for you. depression can hit anyone, even authors. Sometimes it can even stop them in their tracks, or at other times push them on to write as a therapy to relieve their depression. Writing takes them to another world, away from the depressed one they live in, at least momentarily. There are many writers you probably aren't even aware of who's books you have probably read who suffered from depression, but yet became famous writers. Click the link below and get to know then and how depression affected their writer's world!
Understanding Depression
In our world today I meet so many depressed people, so today I wanted to reach out to those who are feeling depressed. Events today have caused a lot of depression. The riots, protests, killings, etc! People are wondering when all the unrest will stop, and life will get back to normal. These events can foster depression, making one feel hopeless. Depression has many signs and can affect us in ways we may not be aware of. It can affect us mentally, and physically. One may not be aware they are depressed, but just think their feelings are normal, and whatever they are feeling will go away in time. Maybe it will. But what if it doesn't? I hope this blog will help you to be aware of the signs and when to seek help when needed.
Start Your Own Social Network!
Do you have a lot of friends, and wish sometimes you could all meet in one place and just hang out together, chat and catch up on what's going on in each of their lives? You probably already belong to a social network, like Facebook, Twitter, and some others, but wouldn't it be fun to have all your friends in one meeting place? Well, how about building your own network of friends and associates? If this sounds good to you then here's help in doing just that. Give it a try. Who knows, it might turn out to be a good venture for you!
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