Monday, August 3, 2020

You Will Never Please Everyone!

You write to have others read your work and appreciate it because it's useful, or beneficial to their life. It brings enjoyment to them in a troubled world. You want everyone to love your book, and buy it. But, truthfully, everyone won't! That's the one thing all writers know, and secretly fear. That their book won't be accepted by readers. There's an old saying that goes like this. "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself." Oddly, this is so true. If you write for the world just to make money, you'll never be happy or feel fulfilled as an author. The secret to the writer's journey is to write for "YOU" Write because you love to write, because it's your passion, and you have a story inside of you that wants to be heard. Stick to what you love and don't be swayed by others who don't like what you write. If you stay true to you, eventually others will follow you that like your style of writing as much as you do. Never let the negative opinions of others sway you from your writer's dream, just follow your "Yellow Brick Road' all the way to your dream! Below is a link to an article that just might help you!

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