Thursday, August 20, 2020

Publishing Contracts/ Before You Sign On That Dotted Line!

Every writer wants a publisher to accept their book for publication. It's wonderful after you've submitted your book to different publishers, and one calls you with a publishing offer for a contract to publish your writing. You are so happy, jumping for joy. You rush to tell all your family and friends, you celebrate your accomplishment of attracting a publisher. But wait, before you sign on that dotted line here are some things you need to know about publishers so you will not be duped! What do you really know about them? What is their track record of success/ What are they offering you? Advances, royalties? what rights do they want to control? Will you still own the rights to your work, or do they? So many questions that you must address before you commit to them. Please read today's blog to make sure you understand what you in for. It could be a great blessing or a real curse! Click the link below and read the pros and cons of the publishing world!

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