Saturday, August 8, 2020

A World Of Many Colors!

In our world today there is so much hatred and racism. Some time ago, I wrote a children's book titled, "A World Of many Colors" to help children understand the differences in people, and how to appreciate the different things in the world. It was a way to introduce them to the many different races in our world, and how each compliments the other. It was written exclusively for children, but maybe adults need to read it too! Children know nothing about the different races until we tell them about them. We tell them from our own viewpoints, from our experiences with them, whether good or bad. They believe what we tell them even before they have ever had any experiences to base their personal beliefs on. This is totally wrong. I have seen signs being held by children no more than 3 years old with hate words. So sad, they don't even know what they are doing, but we do. We are fostering our thoughts into them at a very early age which will continue throughout their lifetime, and affect their association with others. In my book, I show how flowers all are different, but they are still flowers, each showing their beauty, but still apart of the flower family. I talk about cats, all different in looks but still, they are cats. And dogs, some big, some small, some with spots, some without spots. But they are all dogs and add to the beauty of the animal kingdom that God created. Things don't always look the same, but they compliment our world, just as different types of people do. Some black, white, yellow, oriental, Mexican, Indian, who are all fascinating to see, know, and understand, as all being a part of God's beautiful garden of life! We as adults need to stop and realize we are the culprits of racism and hate. It starts with us and can end with us. Tearing down statues, burning bibles, and flags won't get rid of the problem because it's in the heart, that can's be seen and is often hidden behind a smile. But is surely felt across the world in the destruction we see in our streets today. Lets think about our world like a box of crayons with many, many colors, but all needed to make a beautiful picture!

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