Friday, August 7, 2020

The Importance Of Body Language In Writing!

When you read a book as a reader, you don't stop and think about what goes into a novel, you just enjoy the book. Well, a book would be boring if it did not have body language displayed throughout the pages. In conversations in real-life body language is used every day, and so you must incorporate body language in your story too! People don't just talk they display gestures also, and movement. Maybe he was so angry. What gesture conveyed that to you? Was it the way he stamped his foot hard after the person left the room? Or whenever he was anxious he snapped his fingers, displaying how nervous he was, or scared. Gestures can show sadness, anger, even frustration. People don't just say words when they talk, the show gestures, facial expressions, and emotions. I am sure in your own life you know what's wrong with the family, or friends just by their facial expression, actions, and gestures. They don't even have to speak, you just know. Well in writing you must do the same thing but with words and gestures that your readers will soon associate with your character so well that they can guess with accuracy how he or she will react. Read this article, it will give you more insight, and make your characters more real to your readers!

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