Sunday, August 30, 2020

The American Dream!

Lately on the television, and in the news I have heard many people talking about the "American Dream" That is not for everyone, all are not equal, rights do not fit all races,creeds, and colors. Perhaps its time now to understand just what the "American Dream" really is all about, or better yet, what it was meant to be all about. Take a read, and discover what that dream was really saying. Click link below and read for yourself what our for fathers were saying for this county America, and if its being fulfilled now! Then read a copy of the poem by Dr. King "I Have A Dream"

Never Judge Others!

Are you the type of person who knows it all? You perceive to know the acts, and thoughts that make others do what they do. A person who has no compassion, no pity when they do wrong, and would throw the book at them/ If you are , then this blog today is just for you. Remember what the good book says, "Judge not, less you be judged" Judging someone is saying that you have that right to do so, when you do not, it's like saying everyone is wrong, except you. Remember you don't know the heart of others, you have not walked a mile in their shoes. Read this and get off the train of judging others!

My new Romance Story For The Week!

Here's this weeks story for you romance lovers out there link here

Saturday, August 29, 2020

My Works/ Slide Show Presentation!

Slide show from a few years back showcasing my books, romance magines, and writers magazines.

Added a kids Story Page To My Site!

Kids love stories, especially when they can sit and have someone read to them. Well now you can go to my kid's page and click and have a story read to them. Just trying this out for all the precious little kids out there who are stuck inside during this pandemic. Check out the link.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

New Web page Just For Kids!

Just finished designing my new children's web page with all my books for kids. Check it out!

Jennifer's Heart/ New Online Romantic Story!

With all that's happening in our world, we need some time to just relax, read a good book or story about love & happiness. Check out my new romance story on my website. Will be posting a new story every week for all the romance lovers out there. Click the link below and read. Hope you enjoy it!

Quotes To Lift You Up In A Down World.

There is so much unrest in today's world, the protest, riots, vandalism, murders. Often we sit and think, when will it hit me? Maybe you don't live close to the violence, but you wonder when it could come to your area, then what would you do? The thought of others hurting others because of their differences makes you scared. Perhaps you are from one of the differences they are protesting about. The news reports on the television showing all the action as its happening. You realize, this is real, it's not a movie. You begin to find yourself being depressed, feeling hopeless that things are getting worse, not better. How to fight these feelings is often hard. I have found that inspirational thoughts on life help a lot. Being positive in spite of what we see, or hear, trusting in God and having faith. Here are some great quotes to help you up when you're feeling down. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. A new day is coming, until it does, stay encouraged with these wonderful uplifting thoughts! Click the link here

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

MY Finished Designed Website!

Finally, finished designing my new website. All the kinks are worked out, there's music you can listen to, if you choose, videos, and romantic stories coming every week for romance lovers., Also a look at future series and stories I am planning. . I am very proud of it. Please go check it out again, its fully functional. Here's the link again!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Should You Co-Author A Book?

You have a book you're dying to write, but you're like a "Fish out of water'" Your friend offers to help you write it,. That sounds great, right? Well, there's a lot that you must consider before you both commit to it. Like who owns the rights, who collects the royalties, and more. Check this out and know what actually happens when authors co-write with another writer.

The Best Writing Tips Ever!

Writing is hard. Who told you it would be easy? If you are wondering if there's a secret to being a good writer, and wish you had someone to give you some "tricks of the trade" well, someone heard your secret thoughts and did a blog just for you. Check this site out for all the answers you need!

Editing Software To Improve Your Writing!

If you are serious about writing, then you should definitely consider editing software to polish your writing, check your grammar, sentence structure, and more. As a writer, we often get so immersive in our writing that we miss the errors and other important things that could cause a publisher to reject our manuscript. It's very beneficial to a writer that his/or her work is presented in the best light. So with that said, go check these editing tools out and find the one for YOU!

A Beginning Writers Tool Box!

As a beginning writer, there are many things you need to know before you head out on your writer's journey, to write that novel, short story, novelette, or Novella. This site I found will help you immensely to help you get off and running as a new author. It will tell you what you need to do and so many other things that will benefit your writing career. Here's the link.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Checkout Webstarts!

Want to design your own special website, well is a great place to start. Check them out. I have 3 pages there, it's awesome! Here's my updated home page. Still working on more ideas. Go ahead, try your hand at building your own site and show your works and more. It free!!!!

Fun Writer's Games

It's the weekend, and you've got nothing to do, wrong! Here are some great writer's games you can do to build your writing skills as you have some fun! Check it out and don't be bored anymore!

Crime Writers Who Were Killers In Real Life!

I love mysteries, and crime stories. And If you are a curious person, like me, you probably wonder when you read some of these stories, where these authors got their storylines from. It sounds so real as if they actually lived it. Well, I thought I would check this line of thinking out for us all. So, here's what I found. Read it, and be amazed at the crime writers who lived their lives like the stories they wrote about! Check out this link now!!!

The Enemy Within!

As a writer, you will often face obstacles in your writing journey. Rejection, criticism from family, friends, or other writers. Usually, you will just try to ignore them and keep moving forward in your writing career. But often, very often, you have to fight the enemy within. The self-doubt, and another feeling that really can be more dangerous than those around you, that you can see. Those inner doubts, that can stop your creative flow. So, what do you do? Well, here's a great article for when those inner enemies pop up in your mind and thoughts. Click the link below, and know how to handle your enemies within!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Who Are You?

Who are you? Why do you think and act as you do? Take this revealing personality quiz and discover who you really are!!!

Trust Issues/ What causes Them?

In this world today, can you really trust anyone? That's a great question. I'm sure you could debate with me that you have many friends that you trust, those you can count on through thick and thin, right? But why do you trust them? What's your definition of trust? I have heard many others say "I don't trust anyone", but why? Let's take a little deeper look at the word trust and get a better understanding of what it truly means when you say "I Trust You" Click the link below.

Dealing With Incest/ Know The Signs!!

Today's blog is special and close to my heart. It's the subject of incest in the home. So many young teens and children face this every day and struggle with what to do when it happens, or understand why it's happening. A family is a strong unit, even a bad or troubled one. No child wants to lose their family and ultimately they see this could happen if they told the truth. Trust issues arise that teens or children don't know how to deal with. Their world of childhood dreams are shattered, and their world becomes a nightmare. Many carry that hurt with them into adult life, finding it hard to trust anyone. Please read this blog if you are one of those persons. Helpful information here that will help you, or someone else you know. Don't suffer in silence. Link below

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Checkout My New Website I'm Building!

Redoing some of my websites...go check them out.
I will be adding more stuff as time goes on. Click the links below!

Do You Really Know Your Character In Your Story?

Do you really know your characters? This might sound strange to you. You are probably saying, "oh course, I wrote him/ or her" but do you really know them so well that you could describe them in total detail? Their likes, dislikes, their moods, emotions, and other little idiosyncrasy that make them who they are? If you truly know your character then great! If not click the link and get acquainted!

Freelance Writing Scams To Avoid!

You want to write and make some money while working on that next bestseller. It's all over the web, offers for freelance writers. Write and make money, it so simple. How could it hurt you? You need money right? Sure you do. But what might it cost you if the places offering you the work are scammers who dupe others and renege on their promises? I don't want that to happen to you, so read today's blog and stay safe! Link here

Publishing Contracts/ Before You Sign On That Dotted Line!

Every writer wants a publisher to accept their book for publication. It's wonderful after you've submitted your book to different publishers, and one calls you with a publishing offer for a contract to publish your writing. You are so happy, jumping for joy. You rush to tell all your family and friends, you celebrate your accomplishment of attracting a publisher. But wait, before you sign on that dotted line here are some things you need to know about publishers so you will not be duped! What do you really know about them? What is their track record of success/ What are they offering you? Advances, royalties? what rights do they want to control? Will you still own the rights to your work, or do they? So many questions that you must address before you commit to them. Please read today's blog to make sure you understand what you in for. It could be a great blessing or a real curse! Click the link below and read the pros and cons of the publishing world!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Finding The Right way To Publish!

Hey guys, are you wondering which publishing platform is the right choice to use? Well wonder no longer. I've found a site with a little quiz that can give you the right answer. Its a quiz that can benefit you in the future after you've written your best seller(And one day you will) So take a little time and click the link below and take the quiz, you'll be so glad you did!!

Where To Sign Your Book At A Signing!

Well, you've made it. Your book is out and all is well. Now you've been asked by your local library to hold a book author event, where you will chat, and sign your books for readers. You're more than beyond excited, but worried about where to sign it. Front cover, inside the book, where? And what should you write? Should it be a personal message, what?? Well, as a new author this might seem a big problem, but to an established author who's done many signings, its nothing. You don't want to ask him/ or her how to do it. You think they might frown at you, and think you are the novice you truly are. So what to do? Well, I am here to help you. On this blog, I am taking you toa site that will answer all your questions and stay your fears. Just click the link, and you'll be signing those books like a pro!,that%20will%20be%20on%20display.

So You Want To Be A Romance Writer!

So you love romance and would love to write it, but you don't have any ideas for stories. Well here's a site that will give you 52 chances to try your hand at it. They even provide the storyline & plot. so go ahead and try your hand at it, and see what you can do. You might even surprise yourself! Link below <

Need A Self-Esteem Boost Writers?

At times we all need a self-esteem boost as a writer. We get down, lack confidence, we feel that as a writer we're going nowhere, right? We see other writers in our genre succeeding, and wonder why we are not. Well, that's the time we need to sit down and recount all the things we have achieved so far. Too often, we forget how far we have come. This little trick will help you remember, and count your milestones. Check it out, and do it to build self-esteem in yourself!

Short Story Or Novel/ Which To Write?

Well, you've finally decided that writing is for you. But what to write. Should it be a novel or short story? You love to read books, but you love reading stories that are short, ones you can finish in less than an hour or two. But, you also love reading novels that build on the plot, & suspense. That sweeps you off to faraway places, as you get to know all about your hero/or heroine. So, which should you write? This can often be a dilemma for some writers. Each has its pros and cons. So today I want you to read an article that will help you decide which is really for you, and all that your choice will entail to write it. Click the link below and find the answers you need to make the right choice!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Making Videos

If you like some of the videos I've made, then here 2 another site for you to run to and try your hand.(I use the lightmv to make mine) So many options there to make exactly what you want. Go try your hand and see what you can do. Links below

Finding YOU!

In today's world we're always being shown people who are rich, famous, beautiful, successful, and more. This can pull on your self-esteem if you are not happy with yourself. You want to change you, and be like those you see. But I must tell you that, you cant be like them, they are an original, you would just be a carbon copy. Why be a copy when you were created as an original? There will never be another YOU! So today I want to take you on a journey to find yourself, and to be happy with who you are To appreciate your talents and qualities. So, let's start your journey to find out who you really are. Click the link below.

Proverbs From Around The World!

We can often learn so many things from other countries. Proverbs from around the world show us that other cultures have sayings that have influenced their lives. Proverbs that have been handed down from generation to generation. I am sure you can remember sayings that were spoken to you as you grew up. Sayings that influenced your actions in different situations Here you will have an opportunity to study some of the sayings from different countries and see the value of each. I am sure you will know and understand the meaning of each, and maybe carry some of them into your world to enhance your life.

Working From Home A Juggling Act!

Today many people are working from home to make their living while juggling home responsibilities too. How can one manage this and still make a living when confined in a small space which is often interrupted by so many obstacles? It's often very hard to keep on task when you have a house, spouse, and children who are constantly in the mix. This blog article can help you to function better and stay on top of it all with success. Check it out!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Promo Videos!

Check out some of my promo videos that I made to advertise coming writings! (These link videos wil be gone after 30 days, its just a trial version to see if I want to buy the software at a monthly price. I'm thinking about it. Love making these videos!! (You must click each link separately)

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Activation Quotes A Great Site!

Hey guys, if you want to be inspired by quotes from famous authors of the past, and rising authors of the future, then this is the site for you. So many inspirational quotes to help you feel inspired in this troubled world we live in. There you will find quotes from the authors, their pictures, and their biography, and their written works. It's a fabulous site to venture into the thoughts of authors internationally. I am one of the authors they added to their site in the pass two weeks. You must go and check them out, and all the authors that are featured. And of course check me out too! Once on the site you can click the links at the top of the page and click what you would like to visit there. Link below!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Dream Writers!

Have you ever dreamed a dream so fantastic, so good, that you thought it would make a great novel or movie? If you have, you've probably hidden it from the world, thinking others might think you are weird. Well, in this blog I am going to take you to a site where you can read about how dreams can make great novels or movies, and what authors have dreamed and brought that dream to reality for the world to experience. Go check it out. You're not weird, you're in great company with a lot of other writers!

Writing Is A Journey Not A Destination!

So, now you've written that book. You can finally sit back and rake in the profits from it, but wait, where are those profits you've been looking for? You had such hopes and dreams, but nothing is working. You thought it would be so easy. Everyone told you, that you are talented, and how much they love your writings, but still, no action of a profit, what's wrong? Well, honestly, nothing! You figured this one book would do it. Wrong! Writing is not a one-stop, like on a train where you reach your destination and get off. Writing is a journey that goes on and on,. Writers are always writing, perfecting their craft, learning how to write better, and better. It's a never-ending journey, and a train you will never get off of, so, settle that firmly in your mind once and for all. At times you will get frustrated, tired, and even think of quitting the journey, and even consider jumping from the train. what do you do then? Well here's a little article form another blog that just might help you stay on the train. Check it out at the link below.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Writing Essays For Profit

Are you a good writer? have others ever asked you to help them writing papers, essays, or other projects? Have you ever thought about doing it and charging them for your time and effort? If so, then you might like this site. Here you can write for others, and make money doing it. Check it out!

What Is A Writers Voice/How Do I Find It?

As a writer you've probably heard about the "Writers Voice" but you may be wondering, what exactly that is, and how to find it, and use it when you write. You might even be thinking, do you even have a writer's voice. I assure you that you do. Whether you realize it or not, you have it already, and use it every time you sit down to write. But, here I am taking you to a site that will explain it in detail, and give you a better insight into your writer's voice. "Follow the yellow-brick road", well, follow the link instead here.

What Type Of Writer Are YOU?

Who are you as a writer? Here's a little quiz to help you discover the type of writer you are. You'll discover your strengths, your weaknesses, or if you write like another famous writer past or present. It's a fun test, but very revealing too! Go ahead, discover who you are as a writer! Link Below.

The Secrets To Good Writing!

What does it take to be a good writer? Many have pondered that question as they see so many other writers succeed in the business. They must have a formula or a secret they could share with others, right? Well, this blog I am going to link you with an author who told his secrets of writing. You must go and check this out and see if you can benefit from his knowledge. I'm sure you will!

Booksniffer For Authors!

Sorry that I've been off a bit, but we had a tornado in our town, and it knocked out all the internet, electricity, phones, everything. Well, now I am back up & running again. Happy me! Today I want to tell you about another site for authors, and its totally free, no charge. This site will help you build your fan base in some awesome ways that keep you totally connected to your readers. Go check them out at the link below.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

A World Of Many Colors!

In our world today there is so much hatred and racism. Some time ago, I wrote a children's book titled, "A World Of many Colors" to help children understand the differences in people, and how to appreciate the different things in the world. It was a way to introduce them to the many different races in our world, and how each compliments the other. It was written exclusively for children, but maybe adults need to read it too! Children know nothing about the different races until we tell them about them. We tell them from our own viewpoints, from our experiences with them, whether good or bad. They believe what we tell them even before they have ever had any experiences to base their personal beliefs on. This is totally wrong. I have seen signs being held by children no more than 3 years old with hate words. So sad, they don't even know what they are doing, but we do. We are fostering our thoughts into them at a very early age which will continue throughout their lifetime, and affect their association with others. In my book, I show how flowers all are different, but they are still flowers, each showing their beauty, but still apart of the flower family. I talk about cats, all different in looks but still, they are cats. And dogs, some big, some small, some with spots, some without spots. But they are all dogs and add to the beauty of the animal kingdom that God created. Things don't always look the same, but they compliment our world, just as different types of people do. Some black, white, yellow, oriental, Mexican, Indian, who are all fascinating to see, know, and understand, as all being a part of God's beautiful garden of life! We as adults need to stop and realize we are the culprits of racism and hate. It starts with us and can end with us. Tearing down statues, burning bibles, and flags won't get rid of the problem because it's in the heart, that can's be seen and is often hidden behind a smile. But is surely felt across the world in the destruction we see in our streets today. Lets think about our world like a box of crayons with many, many colors, but all needed to make a beautiful picture!

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Importance Of Body Language In Writing!

When you read a book as a reader, you don't stop and think about what goes into a novel, you just enjoy the book. Well, a book would be boring if it did not have body language displayed throughout the pages. In conversations in real-life body language is used every day, and so you must incorporate body language in your story too! People don't just talk they display gestures also, and movement. Maybe he was so angry. What gesture conveyed that to you? Was it the way he stamped his foot hard after the person left the room? Or whenever he was anxious he snapped his fingers, displaying how nervous he was, or scared. Gestures can show sadness, anger, even frustration. People don't just say words when they talk, the show gestures, facial expressions, and emotions. I am sure in your own life you know what's wrong with the family, or friends just by their facial expression, actions, and gestures. They don't even have to speak, you just know. Well in writing you must do the same thing but with words and gestures that your readers will soon associate with your character so well that they can guess with accuracy how he or she will react. Read this article, it will give you more insight, and make your characters more real to your readers!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Abuse Isn't Love/ What To Do!

My blogs today are on subjects close to my heart. Safty online, sex trafficking, and now physical abuse. Someone needs this today. So many people, both men, and women suffer from abuse. Physical, and mental. Abuse is never about love, it's all about control. Making the person submit to their way or else. Working in a high school I have seen it in teens who have abusive boyfriends, or girlfriends. But they refuse to leave. They make excuses like it was my fault, I upset him, or he loves me and he said he was sorry. I have even known instances where one partner kills the other and is sorry afterward. How to reach these afflicted souls and open their eyes is often seems impossible. Then suddenly one will reach a point where they finally cannot take it and silently leaves for good. This usually happens when children are involved and need protection from an abusive person. In the high school where I worked one parent moved her daughter out of state where the boyfriend could not find her to save her life after he physically almost killed her. I hope reading this article below will open an abusive persons eyes and let them see what abuse really is all about, and help them do something about it!

Sex Trafficking

What, and who are you talking to in these chat rooms, or on social networks? So often we fall prey to those who use kind words or say sweet things that our hearts want to hear. Those we feel understand us, and we often think they are just what we need to survive in this ruff world we live in. But, do you really know them, are they really who they say they are, or, you next on their hit list? This has happened to me once in my life, and I was not a young vulnerable young girl, but a grown woman. It took me a while to finally realized who I was chatting with, but eventually, after many conversations, he revealed his real intentions, and I reported him to the authorities. Don't let this be happening to you. Know the signs, and what they usually look for. Read this article and help yourself, and maybe someone else who's about to fall prey to a sex trafficker!

Be Safe Online!

Today everyone uses a social network, well, maybe not everyone, but most do. Sometimes when online you will get a request from people who you have already befriended who want to be friends, or discover that someone else is using your account. What if someone gets your credit information, what can you do? This has happened to many people So how do you protect your self when surfing the web, or on social sites? It's a problem I assure you, you don't want to have. It has happened to me before, and it's scary! So here's some information that can help keep you safe out there. Click the link below and stay safe!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hey! Write Your Life Story

Have you thought of writing your life story to share with the world, to possibly help others in life, but don't know where to start, or how to organize the events in your life in order? Well, have I found a site for you. You answer all their question, follow the prompt, and they will write it for you! How great is that!! Gotta go check this site out people. Link below.

What You Need To Be A Good Writer!

Perhaps you're still on the edge about becoming a writer. You're wondering do you have what it takes? I Is it a good career choice? And, what makes you want to write in the first place? Does all your scribbling mean anything, or could it really amount to anything? These are questions you must have answered before you continue, and see if you have the qualities of a writer. And what are those qualities you must have to become a good writer? Check this link out and see if you have any of the qualities listed that a writer needs to succeed, then make the choice if you should enter the writer's world!

Free Contest For Poets!

Is poetry your love? If it is, then here is a place you can submit your poetry. Poems of all kinds are welcome, they even list the poetry categories for you to submit your poem to. Check it out and see if this is the spot for you to try! Link here-