Before you can write it, you must know what Flash Fiction is. Here's a definition., from of the web that says it well.
"In brief, flash fiction is a short form of storytelling. Defining it by the number of words or sentences or even pages required to tell a story, however, is impossible, for it differs from writer to writer, editor to editor. Some purists insist that it is a complete story told in less than 75 words; others claim 100 should be the maximum. For less-rigid flashers, anything under 1,000 words can be considered flash-worthy. And there are even a few who stretch their limits to 1,500 words"
In our world today we hear about the novels, short stories, but not to much about Flash Fiction. It's the underdog that is usually left out of the conversation. You might be thinking, maybe that's for you because it sounds more simple. Hold on. Writing flash fiction isn't easy. You still must have a story line, plot, action, characters and an ending. If you don't know how to write it, then you are venturing into dangerous territory. Flash fiction originated from folklore, and children fairy tales that have been passed down through generations, that told a complete story in very few sentences. Flash fiction can go by other names as well as stated in this quote from off the web below.
""Other names for it include short-short stories, sudden, postcard, minute, furious, fast, quick, skinny, and micro fiction. In France such works are called nouvelles. In China this type of writing has several interesting names: little short story, pocket-size story, minute-long story, palm-sized story, and my personal favorite, the smoke-long story (just long enough to read while smoking a cigarette)"
Flash fiction must have a hard story line that hits hard at the reader, and makes an emotional impact. Every word must be essential to the story. It's not like a novel where you can take time on description, setting, and background . Each sentence, and word must be sharp and necessary to the story. It must tell a complete story in the least amount of words, and sentences, but be structured well. Flash fiction is a great way to engage readers who are short on time. It's also a great way to build your fan base, as a beginning writer. Flash fiction isn't an easy write, but its not like writing a novel which takes more time. If this sounds good to you, then go for it. But be sure you understand all that goes into writing Flash Fiction before you start!
Below is a link to stories of flash fiction. read them, study them, and see how it's done. Then try yourRhand at it!
Here are some short stories I wrote in my Romance4you68 Magazine. None more than 23 pages long. Available on Amazon. Short fiction, that can be read in less than an hour, while at lunch, or on the bus home, or, if you just love short stories!

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