With all that's happening in the world today, it's common to see, and read stories about the race problems that face us all. Its all on television, in the news, movies, and novels. Race and different cultures is one of the biggest problems on the scene today. Everyone has their own opinions which influence their thoughts, and ultimately their writing on these subjects. I am not going to deal with these issues, but I will deal with them in regards to writing about them. If you are entertaining the thought of writing about some of these issues, then there are certain rules you should follow. Definitely research the race of culture you will be writing about. Each race has different beliefs, are raised differently, backgrounds differ too, as well as religion, cultural foods, dress and so much more. If you want to write about these, then you must be up close and personal. Spend time with the race or culture you will be writing about. Don't go on "Hear Say" from other opinions, or your own upbringing ,which often are bias. The old saying goes "Walk a mile in my Moccasins," which means, you'll never understand me unless you get to know me, then you will have a better understanding of me, and where I've, been, and where I want to go. Lack of communication is the main problem with the race relationships across the world. Each race is shouting "Can you hear me?" If you are a writer, race and cultural differences is a field wide open for writers to discuss, and write about in their novels today. Just make sure you do your homework, and not gather all your findings from the news, television, of from those around you Then you will have a clearer view of the people and their culture, which will show in your finished piece. A Piece that may open your own eyes, as well as the eyes of others, because you got "Up close & personal!"
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