Wednesday, July 10, 2019


As a writer, did you know that you can suffer from the "Empty-nest-Syndrome"  You might be saying, "What's she talking about, never heard of such a thing"  Well it exist.  You've finished your book, it's now published, you're so happy about it.  But what now.  You begin to feel lost, sad.  You've spent so much on this piece.  The characters have become like your children, you know everything about them, and have grown to love them.  Now they are gone,,, and you miss them so much.  This has becoming a trying time in your life. What do you do now?  Realize that your feelings are shared by many after they publish a book.  Its natural, but you don't have to feel sad.  There are so many possibilities open to you.  Take a break and just enjoy the fact that your book baby is on it's own now.  Sit back now and watch your baby shine in the eyes of the world.  It's also a time to take a break, enjoy life,  Travel, see the sights.  Often this will be the time new ideas will grace your mind for your next story.  Often sights, sounds, pictures, scenery, will come alive to you as never before, because your mind is now free to think about other things . It's a time of growth for you. to venture into different genres.  Maybe you've always want to try writing fantasy, non-fiction, children stories.  Now's a great time to do it. Move on with your writing knowing your prepared your book to hold it's own in the world. You'll always be the proud parent of that book that's out there.   Now, start another and give it the same chance to succeed, and make you a proud parent again.  Don't let the Empty-Nest- Syndrome make you feel depressed, instead let it make you thrive!

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