Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Seasonal Writer's !

     I was asked this question by a person at a book signing recently.  It surprised me, because I never thought about it.  She continued to say that she noticed that a lot of my stories took place during the holiday months. Like around Thanksgiving, Christmas, or early Fall.  As I searched back through my stories. I think she was right, to a certain point.  I did seem to focus on those seasons.  I love the holidays, and although I don't go into details in my stories. I do seem to talk about the character's feelings about the holidays. Holidays seem to inspire me, and may others with stories.  Some writers, write more in certain seasons than others.  Many are Winter writers, because they love the outside, the snow, and all the winter activities. Some like Fall, just before Winter hits the earth  They like the crisp feeling of a cool day.  The leaves falling, feeling them crunch under their feet as they walk. And the ideas that Fall seems to invoke  of the time's pass, when they  were young.  Then, we have  those who remember holidays, like Thanksgiving, going to relatives homes, big meals, and the closeness of family. And of course, there's Christmas, the biggest holiday of all.  So many stories are written about this season.  Many writers are more inspired during certain seasons than others, and some, I recently discovered only write during certain seasons, and just rest on their off season.  It's like their mind is a thermostat set at a certain level and knows just when to kick in when the time is right, to foster inspiration. Being a seasonal writer has benefits.  You only write when the season moves you, and you take time off when it doesn't.   You don't feel the pressure to crank out story, after story, since you know what season inspires you.   I'm not a total seasonal writer because, I write throughout the year, and usually don't take a break for months like they do.  Are you a seasonal writer?  Only you can answer that question, but if you are, you're not alone!

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