You're probably wondering by my title, why I'm so happy as a writer. Is it because I've sold thousands of books,and made lots of money... NO. Is it because I have loads of followers on Twitter and Facebook, NO. Is it because I get good reviews, NO. So what makes me a happy writer, if these things are not in my portfolio. I'm not on television, or have lines of readers waiting for me to autograph my book for them at well known bookstores. Well I'll tell you. Of course I want to be noticed, have followers, do many book signings, tell the world about my books and other writings. But that's not what makes a happy writer at all. A Happy Writer is one who has passion for their work. They write because they have a story to tell. Now, not all people will want to read that story, but they must write it for those who will. A happy writer is one who feels complete when someone say's they loved the story, it moved them. They brought a smile of happiness to that writers face, even if their story wasn't on the New York Times best seller list. To hear someone say "What's your next book about, or when is it coming out. To hear that, is like walking the red carpet. You feel honored, that they want to hear more from you as a writer. A fire ignites inside you to write more. A Happy writer doesn't compare himself / or herself to other writers, because each writer is an individual, with a distinct voice. A Happy writer just loves to write. It's like breathing. You must breath, and you must write. It's a part of you. And with each word, sentence, or paragraph you write, a joy flows inside of you that's overwhelming. You are creating something, breathing life into your characters, and watching them come to alive in the eyes, and minds of your readers.. I have met so many people on my writing journey who read, and have read my books. Most don't leave reviews. I don't mind that at all. It's nice to speak face to face with them and hear them talk about my characters, and how the story impacted their lives in some special way, and hear them tell me, that they can't wait for my next one. Many have asked for my business cards so they can check online for more of my books. Happiness comes from enjoying your writing journey and all the people you meet along the way who make you feel special about your gift, and not letting yourself stop to feel defeat by the world, and other's expectations. That's what makes me a happy writer, and continues me on my writing journey. Be proud of your work It' will make you a happy writer too!
Here is my latest Christian Romance Novel, out now on Amazon
"More precious Than Gold"
Just to see it in print, makes me a very Happy Writer!
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