Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Enemy Within/ Journal Day 3

The Enemy Within Journal Day 3 I'm sitting here thinking today about the world, as I'm sure most writer’s do. I listen to the news, I see all the trouble everywhere, so many riots, so much looting, the killings. It makes me wonder what our world is coming to? I am sure that in the future we will find many writers writing about their experiences during this coronavirus, and the lockdown. I am sure they will talk about their businesses, the layoffs, and so much more. But I see a different picture. This virus has traveled all over the world and affected many countries, not just our own. But there is a more dangerous virus that's on the rise, it's the virus of prejudice and hatred that is infecting our country. It's a virus that is spreading so fast that we don't know how to handle it. We blame it on so many things. We blame it on prejudice, poverty, the judicial system which is supposed to serve and protect us. The deaths of many which are often at the hands of the police have become a problem, as everyone is becoming more frustrated, even the officers, who are often fired upon by the people they are suppose to serve. Many give their lives too. Many officers are placed in the barrel along with the bad cops when they are good cops. We worry about being invaded by a foreign power, so we spend funds on our military to make sure we stay safe, while our real enemy is within our own borders, our own county. We are our own worst enemy. And if we are not careful, it won’t be the foreign powers who will destroy us, but we ourselves!

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