Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Journal Day 2 Writing Is Like Politics

Journal day 2 Writing Is Like Politics! I was thinking about the politics of writing. Politics and writing are very similar. In the world, we pick and choose who we want to be president, for senators, or mayor's, House or representative. We pick who we think is the best candidate and often those candidates don't live up to our expectations. Sometimes it's like that in writing, so many people pick a favorite person or author that they like and they stick to their books only and often miss the golden nuggets that are in other people's books because they aren't famous. I'm not saying there’s anything wrong with this
mindset but sometimes you need to step out of the box. There’s nothing wrong with reading authors like Daniel Steele, or John Grisham, their books sell As soon as you hear the author’s name you automatically know who it is. So many people like in politics, pick books in that same way and don't give other authors a chance. There are so many good writers out there just like there are so many good people that could run for the government but we never hear about them because we have our mindset in one direction, or on one political group, and we're sticking with that one person, or group regardless of what happens. A lot of times this is the same way with Publisher's, they know certain authors and they know that if they sign them that they're going to make money, even if the story isn’t that good. It’s hard for many publishers to sign an unknown. It’s a risk many don’t want to take. I think sometimes we should stop and get our mindset off of one genre, or author, and become independent, and look around and try other books and other authors in the same gender that you like but just a different author and see how they write. Often you'll be surprised that there are so many good writers out there that are unknown I read books by authors I've never heard of before but who inspired me, lifted me up, gave me hope. I thought, you know I'm going to look for more authors like that, more books like that one. So I’m saying, don't get stuck on one author, or genre there’s nothing wrong with reading other books. Become independent if you like romance or science fiction or westerns or historical fiction historical romance try other authors in that same-gender I think you might be surprised at the books you will discover and like and start reading across genres. This is day 2 of my Journal. See you tomorrow for day 3!

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