Thursday, October 15, 2020

Having Trouble With Show & Not tell?

I am sure as a writer, you've heard the statement "Show Don't tell" it's probably the most difficult thing for new writers to grasp. It can often be confusing. When to show, or when to tell. So maybe we should discuss exactly what meant by show and tell. Here's a quick definition for aspiring writers, from the internet. "What does show don’t tell mean? Show don’t tell describes writing in various forms with an emphasis on using and showing actions in order to convey the emotions you want readers to interpret, which creates a better experience for readers, instead of writing exposition to tell what happened" It is good to have a mixture of both. At times you just want to convey what happened, at other times you want the reader so see it through the characters own eyes, and feel what they feel. You want to show them so they can experience the emotion attached to the situation, which will pull them in and they will feel a true attachment to the character in the story. Example: SHOW- As she approached the house, she began to shake all over. It was haunted she knew this for a fact, and she didn't want to go inside. Tell- She was terrible afraid of haunted houses. In Show the reader gets to experience how the girl felt when approaching the haunted house, she shook with fear. In Tell, We are just told that she is afraid, but we have no emotions that show how she was feeling. Showing draws people into the story and the characters, it is also useful in charaterization, showing attitudes, behaviors and more about the characters in your story. It gives the reader a insight into certain behaviors that they would not normally know, or understand by just telling them in a flat statement. Characters are supose to be like real people for the reader. They must feel, bleed, hurt, cry, feel sadness or happiness, and the reader must be right there so see it and believe it. Give your self time, it gets easier as you write. Watch people more, see how they respone to certain things, often you can read them without them even saying a word. You can tell when they are happy, sad, angry. That's what you want to show when you write, and not just tell! Check out this site for more helpful information on "Show Don't tell"

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