Friday, October 30, 2020

Are You A Mentor Or A Bully?

Well, it's day number 5 I want to do this journal just for 5 days to show you some of the things that are in my mind as a writer. The title of this article or essay is going to be about bullying other writers, especially new writers. I'm in a lot of social groups and I see how they do the young aspiring writers. Not all,but a large percent of them are very negative and hurtful to newbies in the groups. I don’t see them mentoring new writers, but giving them only negative responses. They tend to burst their bubble and take away their Joy. You know these aspiring
writers are so happy to share their work with us, looking for the positive feedback that will push them along on their writer’s journey. wonderful feedback. Naturally, they are just starting out and will need help. Sometimes you have to show them the errors in their writings, but never destroy their hopes and dreams to the point where some of them will never recover, and won't want to be a writer. In life, if you’ve ever been bullied, then you know how it feels, and you would hate it if your children were bullied by an adult. As writers, we have to remember not to be a bully when mentoring aspiring young writers. When talking to other aspiring writers we should correct them in a positive way that builds them up, and gives them hope for the future, never tear them down. I see so much of in writers groups that not constructive criticism, but on the plain of bullying and not mentoring. Aspiring writers are learning, they are babes, taking baby steps. and making them feel like they don't know how to write everything is wrong! We didn’t know it all when we first began to write, and we are still learning. Writing is a journey, not a destination. Bullying other authors is not right, it's wrong, and it doesn't show a good side of you as a writer. Be a mentor, not a bully!

1 comment:

  1. Am I the first to comment? I am a member of many g writing groups. They all have certain characteristics and tendencies. Most feedback I witness is positive. I DO see very repetitive questions asked and maybe some few get a little cranky about it. I am always trying to help if there is something I have learned along the way to getting my first big novel out to readers. I even started my own group called Fiction Writers Group here on linkedin.
