What is Dialogue? Dialogue is a conversation that takes place between two people. It sounds real. As if you can actually believe this conversation was spoken by real people. In writing, when you read a book, you probably never stop think about the dialogue because the story moves smoothly, and the conversations seem so real. Dialogue is extremely important, if you want your readers to keep reading to the end of the book. Dialogue can be descriptive. It can give hints, and clues about the character, and the story. It can hint of past experiences your character has lived that effect his/ or her emotions, or life. Dialogue can also give a hint about other characters even before they come into your story, and bring action to the story plot. In Dialogue each character must be given their own line or paragraph, so your reader knows who's talking. You must use quotation marks before the person speaks, and at the end of their conversation, to not confuse your reader. If you are reading a book(Most writers read!) study their dialogue. Does it sound like a real conversation, or fake. Look for clues, hints , that make you want to read more. What does their conversations reveal.
what tone, what emotions, come across as they speak. Dialogue is essential in writing, if you want to write believable characters, and a story your readers will enjoy! 

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