Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How To Stay Encouraged As A Writer!

         So, now you're all excited about writing.  You know it's a big job you'll be tackling, but you know you can do it, right?  Well, you thought you could until you walked into a bookstore and gasp in awe at all those books by other authors on the shelves.  Your heart sank.  How is your book going to make a difference?  You walk out discouraged, head home, flop down on your sofa and decide, you've made a big mistake.  You'll never see your book on any shelf, in any bookstore.  You'll never be good enough, what were you thinking?   Stop that right now, erase that thought from your mind.  Let me tell you, those books on those shelves, those author's names you see, they too had the same thoughts, but their book are there now, aren't they.   If you could talk to them personally, they would tell you of their struggles, doubts, fears, and other anxious moments they had on their journey.  Go to the web and search your favorite writers, read their biographies, writing wasn't an easy road for them either.  But they stuck at it.  Why?  Because they had a story to tell that burned inside of them.  A fire that couldn't be quenched. You must love writing as much as you love eating,, breathing!  Encourage yourself by joining writers groups, where other authors are on the same journey as you.  Talk, listen, and see, that you are not alone.  Attend seminars live, or on the internet.  You tube has many videos where authors around the world  talk about their writing journey.  This is your dream, and the only one who can stop you from reaching it it YOU !   Here's a quote from A famous author, I'm sure you will recognize, an example, to push you forward, and keep you writing!

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