Saturday, May 25, 2019

Never Limit Yourself As A Writer!

Today I want to talk about different avenues of writing.  Perhaps you love to read poetry, and would like to try your hand at it.  Well go ahead.  I also write poetry.  Here are some of my poems, from my poetry book "Reflections Of Life"  Out on Amazon.  Often, a writer finds on his journey, that he's good in other areas that he never thought about.  You could be writing Mystery's, or Westerns, and just dabble in poetry, or other areas, and discover that you're not bad at it.  Many writers write in many genres.  It's all up to YOU!  Take a peek at the poems I wrote over the years on my journey through life, and my feelings shared through poetry. Never limit yourself.  Follow your heart, it will never lead you wrong!

Do you think of life differently now that you are older...
then when you were young?
and reflect over the decisions you made in your life
as we all often do.
Of course we can't go back and do things over again...
we can only reflect on what might have been!
If so, then this book is for you
I hope the poems will speak to your heart!

Looking Back !
Looking back over the years
sometimes brings happiness
sometimes brings tears
would I truly like what I see
or would I do things differently
if it could be?
How would I change things
where would I start?
Or are these just reflections of the heart
I can never go back and do it again
I can only reflect on
What might have been!”

What is time
time is a clock
that each of us has
that one day will stop
we can't speed it up
or slow down the hour
It's not given to us to have that power
over the years the ticking gets louder
to warn us of the lateness of the hour
everyone hears it
no one's set a part
it's the internal ticking
it's called the heart !

The Rose
Out of the window she does stare
at the flowers planted there
her eyes fastened on the rose
her favorite among all of those
it has beauty, it has charm
yet when she held them in her arms
it was the thorns that pricked her hands
just like the thorns of man
in the world so much beauty to behold
yet a world so often cold
still she looks upon the rose
and the thorns of life it holds
to handled and enjoy the beauty of the rose
one must accept the thorns it holds!

The Portrait
Life is a portrait that's painted by time
by a master painter who sometimes seems blind
there's beauty and ugliness between the lines
yet he hold the brush, and we hope he'll be kind
each portrait is different, completely unique
but wouldn't it be wonderful to just sneak a peek
and see the picture he's painting of you
but you'll just have to wait until the artist is through

A Smile
The value of a smile
cannot be measured
it can brighten up a world
or unlock a treasure
it speaks a thousand words
yet not one syllable is heard
from just a smile

Struggles are what makes us strong
struggles let us know we belong
the good, the bad, the happy, the sad
struggles help us to see
that life is not partial to you or me

Rose Colored Glasses
How you see the world may be different than me
for we all wear rose colored glasses you see
these glasses can often distort what we see
a beautiful butterfly, or a mad stinging bee
it can hide our own flaws while in others we see
the way that we think they really should be
rose colored gl;asses can make us all blind
unloving, uncaring, and often unkind
we have different names for the glasses we wear
hatred, prejudice, and these we all share
we must take off these glasses
if we ever want to see
a clear view of the world, yourself, and me

The Butterfly
Love is like a beautiful butterfly
that we all like to see
we want to capture it and hold it close
to study it's beauty
only to discover it will soon die
if its not set free to be itself
love like a butterfly
cannot be smothered
it must be free to be
in order to survive and remain
beautiful, then it will come
and light on your shoulder

What is happiness,
can it be held
in the palm of the hand
is it the love between
a woman and a man
is happiness acquiring riches
for the eye to behold
or a nest egg to help you
survive when you're old
is happiness different from
when you were Young
and had stars in your eyes
` and love songs were sung
is happiness different
now that you're old
would you share a different story
if the truth could be told

Poverty is a condition
of the mind, body, and soul
its what's present in society that
keeps it from being whole.

The Good Life
The good things in life are totally free
and are available to you and me
the Sun, the Moon, the stars in the sky
are gifts from God to you and I
the lakes, the streams, the mountains high
these are all things that money can't buy

What is is a stage
that we all start acting on
at a very early age
what is is a script
who's pages you sometimes want to rip
you would love to start over
and act it again
and re-write the pages
from beginning to end
but the curtains are open
the stage lights are on
and you don't know when
your audience will be gone
you must stay on the stage
for as long as you can act
for one day the director will say
That's a Wrap!”

The Lesson Of The
Weeping Willow
I passed a tree the other day
it spoke to me in a special way
it told me how to react to life
the trouble it can bring and its strife
it told me to bend and to sway
like it did until the storms went away
like the willow I want to be
accepting all that life has for me
learning to accept life and be strong
knowing that the storm won't last to long

Age teaches a lesson
that can only be learned
as the years advance
and life's clock turns
then we yearn for
yest-er- years”
when we thought we saw
life oh so clear
we thought we
had the secret to life
in the palm of our hand
no one knew more than us
or could understand
only to discover
it's a delusion common to man
it's then we discovered the secret to life
is to love your creator,
your neighbors and enjoy a
good life

A mom, a dad
the good the bad
children to love
faith from above
thank God for your family

True Beauty
True Beauty is not just a face
but can be found
in the most dismal a place
beauty is a giving soul
a smile on a face
when your world is cold
it's going that extra mile
just to see the warmth of a smile
beauty is in everyone you see
if you look beyond the face
and set it free

Faith is believing what you cannot see
a measure was given to you and me
it's what keeps us going
and makes us strong
faith in our hearts is God's love song
There's A Light At
The End Of The Road
There's a light at the end of the road
where your story one day will be told
every page of your life God will see
will he be happy at what he reads
he'll play your life movie
from beginning to end
and then decide if you've
been an enemy or a friend!

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