A Blog for all writers who are serious about the craft of writing, and want to learn more tricks of the trade, and become the writers they always dreamed they could be!
Language Translator
Friday, July 31, 2020
Read Books OnLine!
Love to read? If so I found a great site where you can read books anytime you want. It has all genres. So if you love to read, then here's your chance to read all the books you want! Click the link below.
</a> http://readictnovel.com/#/
Writing Continuing Story Series Online!
Hey guys, found this fantastic site where you can write stories that become series and gain followers as you continue the story. Plus you can earn money too. Gotta go and check this out. I love writing short stories and novels, and have written online before, so I am definitely looking into this one, you should too!!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Voice Over Acting Earn Extra Cash!
Do you have a good voice, maybe it's so smooth, soft, and many people have commented to you that you should be talking on tv, radio, of reading for audible books. Perhaps you've even thought about it. It would be a great way to make some extra cash, especially now during these hard times. But you don't know how to break into the field. Well here's an article with pictures to tell & show you just how to do it. So loosen up those vocal cords and start what might be a second career!
How To Keep Your Head In These Troubled Times!
In our world today everything seems so bad. Perhaps you're wondering if you can make it, sometimes you feel like you're losing ground, and everything is falling apart. The world is in lockdown and jobs are not there anymore, and how can you hold on any longer. Well, realize that you are not alone in these feelings. The whole world is feeling this too. But there are so many things you can do to stay sane and not only help yourself survive. This article has a lot of helpful tips and solutions for you. Check it out and you will be able to cope and help others cope too!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Why Is Poetry Cinsidered The Language Of The Soul?
So often we read poems and it touches the heart and we shed tears, why? Poetry has always been in literature the faucet that turns on emotions. What fuels poets to write words that produce these emotions? Well, this article just might open your eyes to some of the answers you might be seeking. Click the link and see why poets can move a reader to such heights!
A Poem For Humanity!
A Poem for humanity
My prayer today: Dear Lord train our ears to hear the cries of humanity. Only you can do that. The whole world is crying..."Do you hear me?" As followers of Jesus, we can answer YES...I hear you & I care! Think about this today as you go about your daily routine. Here's a little poem I wrote one day as I watched people passing by on the streets! Have a blessed day all...You are loved! Pastor Janet
In this world, so many places,
filled with so many faces.
Passing daily on the street,
they never touch, they never meet.
They all have secrets that they hide,
to keep the world outside.
Afraid to trust enough to share,
and still, they want someone to care.
They brush a shoulder, share a smile,
as they walk another mile.
Never letting others know,
how much their need has grown.
Their just a person on the street,
you never touch, you never meet.
Each day to them is like before,
and they look for nothing more.
Their just a face you see in a crowd,
that's shouting to you oh so loud.
Can you hear me?"
The Qualities Of A Good Writer!
If you are serious about writing, then here are some qualities every good writer should have. Read them carefully and look into your heart and see if these speak of you and your passion to be a writer, and how truly committed you must be to the craft.
Link below.
Are You Being Bullied As An Adult!
Are you constantly being picked on at home, school, or work, and you're an adult. Do you just brush it off and say, "That's just his/ or her personality" but it doesn't happen to others. It always seems to happen to you. You are the joke of the office, or at home nothing you seem to do is right and you're ridiculed for everything. In college, the guys always use you as an example of weakness because you don't stand up for yourself? Then this blog is for you! Bullying can happen at any stage of life. You need to recognize the signs of bullying because it could be happening to you and learn what to do about it
Monday, July 27, 2020
Author Fright!
You have probably heard the phrase "Stage Fright: and probably know what it means. Its when an actor or actress gets nervous before a performance and often forget their lines and can't remember, or speak because of this fear. Well, there is also "Author Fright" too. You're probably asking yourself, just what that is. Actually, it's basically the same thing. You go to an author book signing to see that author whose books you love so much. You want to tell them how their book touched your life and impacted your future. You stand in line for hours, then finally you are in front of him, or her and your mind goes blank. All the wonderful things you were about to say, suddenly are gone, and you stand there a frozen statue. You walk away with a signed copy of their book, and empty inside and frustrates. You scold yourself for not speaking. Well, this post is just for you. It will help you know what to say and get over this feeling. Click this link below and be prepared for that next author signing with confidence and know just how to talk to your favorite author!
Stimulus Package Up Date/ It's Coming Today????
Well, today is the day, or so they say. The stimulus package is supposed to be revealed today with all the information the public has been waiting for months ago! So if you are not informed, then read this post and click the link below and find out just what its all about and when your money will be coming, and how much you will get!\
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Friday, July 24, 2020
Anyone Can Write A Book...Even YOU!
This is catchy, isn't it? It caught my attention immediately. Can anyone write a book? Well if you're one of those persons who wants to write one, then you need to check this site out and see just how to do it.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Fast Or Slow? Which is Best As A Writer????
"Haven't you finished that book yet, You've been pecking on that typewriter for months now." Perhaps you've heard those words before. Maybe from family, friends, or co-workers. You may be wondering which is best. Or maybe you know other authors who are working on their third or fourth novel, while you're still working on one. Why can't you wire fast like hem? Yes, many authors are fat writers, but does that make them better, that is the question. Never belittle yourself for your writing style, instead read this article and see if your writing can be good after all!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Writing That "Killer" Back Cover For Your Book!
Of course, you want your book to sell, that's why your back cover is the second best thing you must write. When you enter a book store, there are so many books on the shelves. Some catch your eye(as the cover should do) you pick it up, what's the next thing you do? You turn to the back and read the short description of what's in the book. If you like it, you'll buy it to read the whole story. If not, if it doesn't catch your interest, it goes back on the shelf. So you need to know what makes a "killer" back cover, and how to do it. I found this site with so much helpful information that you can't miss. Go check them out and get started on writing that bak cover!
Using Illustrations in Books!
Like a kid, I've always loved books with pictures. Illustrations in books make them stand out in your mind. Pictures leave imprints that are never forgotten. People basically, like kids love to see pictures of what is happening is a story. But how to do it effectively is a trick. Check out this article that will help you to learn the tricks of effective illustrating that will hook your readers. Link below.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Joining A Social Network/ Yes? No? Maybe?
Hey guys, maybe you've been looking around and considering joining a social network, but not sure if it's a good thing to do. Probably most of your friends belong to one. There are many out there, but what are the real advantages of being a part of such a community. Will it truly benefit you, or is it just a place to hang out and chat about nothing, just being social? Well, then this blog is just for people like you, who want to know the good, the bad, and often the ugly of these places. So click the link below and find out if you want to join a social networks or not!
Monday, July 20, 2020
When Is The Money Coming? Our Next Stimulus Check Update
Hey guys, well congress is back in session, and we are all waiting for the news when is the money coming! Well here's an article which can give you some information on that subject. Click the link below and get the information you need to know!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Take The Guess Work Out Of Editing!
Having trouble with the how, where, why, and when of editing that story or novel? Well here's a site that can help you. Editing is very hard and can be costly. Check this site out. It's like having a mentor by your side through the whole process. link below
Hey! A Another New Publisher
Well, new author's I have found another publisher looking for new authors. Its always a delight when I discover publishers who definitely want to publish unknowns. So here's the link, go check them out.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Saturday Afternoon Romance Story 4 You!/ A Right To Love!
Emily Collins stood looking from her bedroom window, her thin frame pressed tight against the pane. Beulah sighed, as she watched her standing there. She was young and beautiful with creamy white skin, Rosy Cheeks, green eyes, and long red hair that flowed past her tiny waist to her slim hips. She remembered the first time she saw her it was the first day on the plantation. It Seems Like Only Yesterday, when in reality it has been 10 years. She was a woman now, 20 years old. A woman who should have parties and handsome suitors begging for attention, but she had no one. Although Beulah had no say so, she could understand why her father was doing what he was.
I know you're there Beulah, Emily said as she turned and smiled. She could barely make out the shadow of a figure that was standing behind her but then she didn't have to. She knew her distinct walk, the way the floor sagged under her as her feet hit, and the smell of the kitchen still in her apron as she entered. Beulah was her daddy's black slave. A heavy-set woman, with large arms and breasts, and although her Daddy had other slaves, none of them was like Beulah. She could make her laugh, and told her stories about her family in South Carolina, before she was taken away from them. Going blind didn't seem so bad as losing your family like she had. The war between the North and the South was over, yet her daddy slaves stayed on. Beulah said Mr. Collins was a good master, who treated them all well. Emily knew they were right. Her father treated everyone with dignity regardless of their color, which often brought him problems from his white associates. But everyone in Atlanta knew he was a kind man.
" So what are you thinking about miss Em?" Beulah place your hands on Emily's shoulders leading her to the bed. Emily could smell the fresh scent of pine she use to scrub the sheets and pillows. It was a scent she would miss after today, along with everything else in the house. By tomorrow she would be in another house, it would be strange to her but she would learn how to get around
. It would be what was expected of her .
"Just wondering about tomorrow." She answered slowly stretching out flat on the bed as she hugged her pillow as if some how she could store the scent in her memory.
It'll be okay miss Emily, Beulah, tried to sound happy, but she knew the feeling of being taken from your home to a strange place. Something all slave shared alike. Master Rawley, him have a big house, lots of people doing and fix-in for you."
She loosened the back of Emily's dress and helped her into her long lace gown, then brush her hair with long slow strokes. Emily pulled the quilt up close around her. Come tomorrow she was expected to be a woman and a wife. Master Rawley's wife. Her body shiver at the mere thought of giving herself to a man she had never met.
Jake Rawley was also thinking about tomorrow as he turned back the covers on his old oak bed. He knew his life was about to change. It was a change that he was really looking forward to. It had been eight years since his beloved Amelia died in childbirth, taking his only heir with her. He had resigned himself to the fact that he would never fall in love, or marry again. His friends and business associates on the other hand didn't agree and we always introducing him to eligible ladies they thought would fill his empty existence. It was on one such occasion at the mens club that he was introduced to John Collins. They had many things in common, they both owned plantations just 20 miles apart and we're in the cotton business . He often heard John speak of his daughter Emily, and the sickness that was driving her into blindness. The doctors could do very little for her, and he had little hope of any suitors who would be willing to take a blind woman to wife even if she was beautiful. Perhaps he concluded as he got under the covers it was the reason he listened when John presented him the idea of marriage to his daughter, a woman 15 years younger than himself. But he could offer Mr. Collins peace of mind by giving his daughter the security that he was so desperately seeking for her. He would make sure she had a comfortable life, as much as was possible for a blind person. Although John Collins assured him that his daughter was exceptionally beautiful, he was just as sure that she was not. He had no expectations except that she'd be willing to accept his proposal of marriage, show the common courtesy as the mistress of his home to his friends and business associates, and leave him to his solitude. At least that was what he wanted until he saw her. It happened quite accidentally, he was riding past their Plantation when his eyes caught sight of a vision of loveliness sitting out on The Veranda. She was having tea and holding a book in her hand. Her long red hair cascaded down over her back
As she sat in a pink lace dress, while the wind played with the Hem of her petticoats revealing slim shapely ankles. She was beautiful, just as John Collins had told him.. But she knew nothing about him. Only that he was a stranger, who would probably expect wifely duties that usually cane with the conditions of love. He knew she would never look into his eyes, or see his face, or realize that he was at one time thought to be a very handsome man. That revelation would come, if she would give him the chance. As he rode away he watched her, the wind playing with her hair. A smile crossed her thin lips and he knew at a glance that he loved her, and he wanted her to come to love him too. But a marriage of convenience only bound her to him on paper, with what he wanted was to bind her heart with his forever. As he closed his eyes, he visioned her next to him. She would be frightened of him, and he understood that. He would give her as much time as she needed, until she felt the love he had in his heart for her. Then she would come to him and love him willingly. She didn't need eyes for that.
" You best be getting up Miss Em", Beulah
said as she opened the bedroom drapes. Morning and come so quickly Emily, thought, as she yawned, stretched, and swung her slender legs over the side of the bed.
"Today is your wedding day." Beulah said in an anxious voice.
" I know," Emily answered her voice void of any emotion. A woman's wedding day was supposed to be special, with excited girlfriends, gifts and dreams of the man she loved crowding her thoughts. But not for her. The only feelings she had were ones of fear for what was ahead. She was marrying a total stranger. She didn't care if he was rich and could provide for her. Her daddy wasn't poor and she could take care of herself. She was well-educated, knew braille, and ran her daddy's house efficiently. It was the life she loved, why did it have to change. But as she slipped into the warm bathwater Beulah and waiting for her, she knew why. Her daddy was well up in years, and the thought of his own mortality coming to an end, was the real force behind his actions. He wanted to secure his daughter's future while he was still around to see it. Love had never entered his mind. But it had hers some time ago, when she was in Boston. She remembered Charles Langton, her braille teacher. He was very attentive to her especially since it was unusual for a sighted person to attend the School for the Blind. And after she told him about her retinas deteriorating and that she would eventually be blind, he spent many evenings tutoring her, and telling her how brave she was. He seemed to care for her. He was tall and lanky, with curly hair and smooth hands that she loved holding as I walked along together. His warm smile gave her hope for the future. It was hard to leave Boston but he promised her that he would write and he did but eventually the letters became less and less until they were no more. Even as her world became dimmer and dimmer she had not forgotten Charles, his face was etched in her memory.
"Sit still miss Emily, Beulah scolded to her, as she proceeded to lace up the corset around her warm pink flesh, that showed her womanly bosom.
"I wish you were coming too," Emily said anxiously, wonder what she would do without Beulah. She had always been there for her, to dress her when she woke up or went to bed. She was the one person she confided in. Beulah could see the tears welling up in her eyes, she wanted to comfort her, but it would only make things worse. She quickly started fixing her hair in a Cascade of curls that would be fitting for a master's wife.
"Have you seen him,"Emily is anxiously, pulling away from Beulah's dutiful hands. She could feel the Silk curls as they fell in ringlets around her ears and neck.
"Yes I see's him."
." What's he like?"
Beulah could see that worried look on Emily's face and stopped and sat down on the vanity chair beside her.
" I see him talking to your papa the other evenin . Him real tall and handsome, with hair as dark as molasses, and eyes too. His face was right kind looking and him have them long arms and legs good for horse riding."
Emily smile nervously, as she leaned both elbows on her knees. She knew Beulah would not lie to her.
" Master Rawley, I hear's he's a good man, lots of women be glad to be his wife. Him have a big house like your Papa's here, lots of rooms and servants to do and fix for you."
Emily smile.
" I hear he had a wife long time ago. Her die birthin his youngin, and baby died too. Now we best get you ready Miss Emily, Master Rawley, him sending carriage for you and your papa this afternoon."
As Emily yielded to Beulah's wishes she felt sympathetic for master Rawley. She knew how much a male heir meant to a man. Her father and almost died himself when her brother Jonathan was killed in the war at Gettysburg, but she still had no desire to be Master Rawley's wife. John Collins sat erect in the Double Wing chair in his study. His gray hair neatly combed and parted to the side, as he puffed relentlessly on his favorite cigar. For man of 65 he still has features that would turn a woman's head when ever he went into town. His tall statues physique, broad shoulders and chest, could hold their own with the youngest of men. But today he felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him.
"Master Collins," Beulah voice caused him to turn.
She was standing in the doorway, with her head lowered and her hands clasped together. He could tell that she was disturbed about the whole affair although she said nothing, and it bothered him a bit. She and Emily were more like mother and daughter. It had been that way from the beginning when she came to the plantation after Emily's mother passed away of the fever. Emily had become an extended part of Beulah's family. If six children of her own weren't, enough for her and Earnest to care for. And he knew about the secret meetings at night when Emily had taught them both to read and write.
" Yes. What is it?" His blue eyes deepened and as he looked at her.
"I had them trunks put on the front porch for when that their Carriage comes."
John Collins nodded silently.
" There's something I'd like to say to you. He walked over and stood by her. I know you love Emily."
Beulah dried her eyes on her apron.
" Yes...um, I do."
He smiles. So do I."
"Him is a good man....Master Rawley I mean. Him treat miss Emily good?"
John Collins patted Beulah's shoulder.
"Yes Beulah.....Jake Rawley is a good man...and Emily will have a god life."
Beulah turned quickly and walked away, but he could hear her silent crying as she left.
As he watched her go out, his attention Was drawn to Emily's figure on the stairs. She looked so beautiful in her white satin wedding gown with billows of petticoats and Lace, that he almost staggered when he saw her. For one moment it was as if her mother Elizabeth was standing there, and he was the captive groom.
"You look lovely Emily," he said walking over to extend his hand. It surprised me when she pushed it away.
John Collins could hear the tension in her voice and he knew she was displeased with him. The carriage would be coming soon to carry them to Jake Rawley's home. How could he let her go this way, feeling that he was casting her out because of her blindness. He followed her out onto the porch, where she had taken a seat in the old wicker swing that she loved as a child. As he looked at the face of a woman it was an image of the child that he was remembering. The child that clutch at his heartstrings. The warm Summer Breeze they shared together, and the Small Voice that question them about life and love. He watched her as your fingers move nervously to brush a wayward girl from her forehead.
I love you Em," he said his voice cracking with intense emotion. Emily looked toward the image standing in the doorway. It had been a year since she had seen her father's face clearly, but you knew he was crying. He never called her Em,only Beauty did that.
"Oh Father," she rushed into his arms as he covered her face with kisses, his strong arms holding her as when she was a child.
" I understand, really I do father," she tried to assure him as he held her in his arms. The Carriage was coming slowly up the road to take her to another time and place but neither of them saw it. It was their moment. She wasn't a woman or a bride,they were merely father and daughter to suspended it in time.
Jake really never thought he would feel this happy again and he anxiously awaited their Carriage arrival that would bring his future bride to him. But he also knew that Emily Collins didn't share the same anticipation as he. He felt remorse knowing that she felt no love for him. She was only fulfilling her father's wishes, nothing more. In time he hoped that would change, but there were no guarantees in the matters of the heart. His beloved Amelia had loved him from the start. They were kindred spirits and had been from their youth. Their Love and marriage had been eagerly anticipated by both their families and brought joy to all in their hometown of Charleston Virginia. Even when they move to Atlanta the town's folk spoke of the love that shines in their eyes for each other.
"Master Rawley....Master Rawley, Bessie voice bellowed with excitement, as she rushed into his study. They's come in the carriage."
He tried to calm himself as he followed, his her tall dark frame, and long legs with his thick black hair and popping in front of him.
Bessie she has been with him for what seemed like a lifetime. She had nursed his sick wife until the end. Although she was a free woman she chose to stay on with Lewis her husband who cared for the Rawley's horses. Their twin boys Jacob and Elijah had been born in his own house and he's taken quite a liking to them. It would be Bessie that he would entrust the care of his wife, to make her make her feel welcome and comfortable and help her to learn her new home. Passion Andrews
Was waiting on the porch along with a few of Jake's business associates. Bob Butler., Lou Myers, and Jake's only living relative Jim Raleigh. He could see the questioning glances passing between them as the carriage came slowly to a halt. And as he descended the stairs to meet it, he felt the Cool June Breeze mingle with the perspiration on his brow. His black tailored suit and Tails, and ruffle shirt, felt more like a straitjacket than a groom's attire. The Carriage seemed miles away with each step as his legs grew heavier and his throat dryer. When he finally reach the latch on the door that separated him and his intended, he was aware of his hand shaking nervously. He nodded to John Collins as he stepped off, and move to the side smiling. Emily carefully took Jake's hand and he helped her out. Jake was absolutely mesmerized by her beauty and Grace. She could feel his strong grip still holding your hand, and your eyes could dimly make out his tall lean figures as he led her by the arm to the steps.
There are eight steps you said Softly
His head was so close to her, that you could smell the scent of his freshly shaven face, as he secure her every step until they entered a large room that was wonderfully and smelled of peach blossoms and pine soap
. It was a scent that was familiar to her, and made her feel a little less apprehensive, she could hear the voice of her father, and the other gentlemen talking in the hallway behind her comment as Jake Reilly letter to a long sofa with soft cushions and pillows. Emily could feel him staring at her as he took a seat beside her. Although her eyes were Hazel she could see him looking carefully at every inch of her body. Her eyes finally his eyes finally settling on her face again. As he looked at her he was stunned by her beauty, and could not resist the impulse to touch her delicate face, only to have her pull away from his touch
"If you need anything, Bessie will be happy to do for you," he said in a strong voice, as he got up quickly. He could tell that his touch was not welcome. He was acting like a lovesick School boy experiencing a woman's beautiful for the first time, when in reality he had known many women in his lifetime.
" If I could freshen up a bit? " Emily stood to her feet their bodies facing each other. She had intended to drop back when he touched her it was just unexpected. She knew that tonight he might even expect more of her as a wife, and that frightened her a bit since she had slept alone in her own bed for so many years. Now she would have a man in the bed with her...a man who was now legally her husband. As Bessie took her arm and she followed her out of the room Jake Rawley watch her until she faded out of sight, and down the long narrow hallway. He knew he had to control himself if he was to win her heart, or he might lose her forever. He Slumped down on the couch knowing how much he wanted her to love him. It has been a long time since he had a wife and he hoped he could still make a wife happy as much as he made his wife first wife Amelia so long ago. As he arose to greet the other guests that was filing into the living room he tried to put the thought of Emily out of his mind. The Parson was now there for the ceremony, and he had to concentrate on that.
Emily found Bessie very enjoyable to be around. In minutes she had told her all about her life with Jake Rawley, her twin boys, and her husband Lewis, as she cooled her face and neck with cold towels, and refresh the curls Beulah has spent time fixing. Emily listen to Bessie carrying on about her wonderful Master Jake Rawley, and how kind and gentle he was, and how all the women long to be his wife and marry him in her place. Emily wished at that precise moment that she could have granted those woman's wishes.
Emily had always dream that she would have a large and elaborate wedding, but she had seen only a few people on the veranda when she and her father arrived.
Her father met her and Bessie met her and Becky in the hallway, where he took her arm, then escorted her the rest of the way, until he placed her hand into Jake's.
Emily didn't hear the organ playing. All she could hear was the pounding of her own heart as Jake Raleigh walk silently up beside her, then his footsteps stopped right next to her.
They stood in front of a short man coming with bushy hair. Emily couldn't make out the shape of a book in his hands and knew that it was the Holy Bible. And that they were facing the minister, who in only moments would pronounce them man and wife. As Jake Reilly Stood beside her, he could see the quivering of her full lips and feel the shaking of her arm as he held it firmly to steady her. He wanted to take her in his arms and tell her that she had nothing to fear from him, he only wanted to love her even if she didn't love him. His hand slid down her arm until his long fingers entwined hers, and he rubbed them gently. He was sure fate had brought her to him. And when he felt her fingers curled around his in return, he was just so sure that one day she would love him back.
As eager guests gathered around Jake Rawley and his new bride, Emily was ever aware of his warm hand around her waist. Her thoughts still lingers on his kiss, when they were pronounced man and wife. She never expected his lips to be so warm and soft, or her mouth to part so instinctively. She had never before kissed a man and what was that strange sensation that she felt in your whole body and made her feel weak in her knees. If his arms hadn't been there to hold her, she probably would have collapsed onto the floor in front of everyone.
"Emily." she bared her thoughts with the sound of her father's voice. Jake's arm slid down from her waist as he stepped away giving her a private moment with your father. John Collins prayed that Jake Rawley would be gentle with his daughter tonight of all nights. There was so much that she didn't know about a man, and he had been reluctant to tell her. He had always start on their her special wedding day that her mother would share such an intimacy with her.
" You look so beautiful Emily so much like your mother, he said sadly giving her a kiss on the cheek tonight he cleared his throat struggled to find the right words to prepare her. Tonight will be different than any other night, things will be expected of you by your husband."
Emily watch the shadow of the man that she had loved and respected all her life, who was never at a loss for words pace nervously in front of her as if he was trying to tell her about what was ahead.
"I know father," she said, her arms suddenly tight around his neck. He could still feel her shaking as he pulled away, and walked out of the living room to the awaiting carriage that would take him back to his plantation but without his daughter Emily.
Emily could feel the weariness of the afternoon tugging at her, as everyone went out on the veranda where Bessie serve them wedding cake and a tall cold glass of lemonade.
Se found Jake's cousin Jim Rawley to be a fast talker, who took pleasure in telling things they did as a child in Charleston. As she listened to his stories she wished her father had stayed longer but knew why he hadn't.
" I'm really not that bad of a guy is my cousin makes me out to be," the deep voice of Jake Rawley remark.
He placed the tall grass and lemonade in her hand as he took a seat beside her on the swing. He could see the tiredness on her delicate face, and took the liberty to put his arm around her pulling her close to him. He was overjoyed when she didn't pull away, but slowly rest your head on his shoulder.
" I'm sure you were an angel as a child, he said, nothing like your husband."
Emily could hear the steady beating of his heart in her ear as she rested her head
on his room chest. He referred to himself as her husband. It sounded strange to hear, but that's what he was and tonight she would be his wife. She sat up easing out of his arms, and turned sideways facing him.
"Father says I was an angel, she smile but I'm not sure, he's prejudiced where I'm concerned."
"And he should be, he said, reaching over over taking her hand in his. I could never imagine you doing anything wrong."
She could see him closing the distance between them, and feel his hand reaching up to stroke her face.
Jake felt propelled by a force stronger than he could control as he lifted her mouth to his. her mouth to his. Her lips trembled at his second kiss, then then parted allowing him privilege to the sweetness of her mouth. Emily such a wonderful warm flood her body. How could she feel such strange enjoyment from a man he knew nothing about. But as she open your eyes, he gave her no time to think as he took her fully in his arms again, kissing her deeply with no resistance from her at all.
As Bessie led her to the upstairs bedroom and Jake said his farewells to his business associates and his cousin Jim Rawley, Emily knew that tonight would be different than any night in her life. As Bessie open the door to a large room, she could make out a huge four-poster bed before her. She walks slowly to it and seated herself on the satin comforter, as she waited for Bessie to return and help her undress.
The drapes were wrong and why and there was very little light in the room making an even more difficult for her to see. When the door opened it wasn't the figure of Bessie her eyes beheld...but the tall lean figure of Jake Rawley himself.
"I was waiting for Betsy she said nervously you said if I needed anything I should ask Bessie."
He looked at her a long minute.
"what is it that you need," he questioned as his hand move slowly over her back and down her spine causing her heart to beat wildly.
" I need help undressing that's all." Her voice was cracking and she knew he heard it as he move closer to her.
" That's what husbands are for," he said softly as he started unbuttoning the numerous buttons on the back of her satin gown.
Jake could feel her shiver as his fingers made their way down her back as his fingers made their way down her back. Ff nothing more he would lay with her, feel your body next to his, and just hold her in the night. With the last button undone he slid the dress from her shoulders and help her step out of it. Emily heard his footsteps as he gathered the dress in his arms and cross the room with it, and then return. Then he proceeded to unlace her corset, and help her out of her pantaloons.
Her breath caught in her throat knowing that she was naked before him.
"You have nothing to hide from me Emily...nor I you."
Even with dim eyes she could see that he was removing his clothes too. First his suit coat, then his shirt, trousers, lastly his shoes, until he stood naked before her too.
He lifted her into his arms and lowered her to the bed. Emily could feel the satin sheet beneath her as he laid her down, then gently positioned himself next to her.
He felt a burning desire in his body to love her, but knew in his heart that now was not the time. as he looked at her.
She was everything he could ever want. Beautiful. She was his second chance at love. A chance he never expected.
"Oh Emily "he gasp as he smother her with kisses on her face, neck and breast.
Emily had told herself not to be afraid but she was.
Jake could feel the tears trickling down onto his chest.
"Oh my love, he said softly, you have nothing to fear from me, I would never hurt you or take from you what you're not ready to give. He kissed her sweetly, as he wiped away her tears with delicate Strokes. We're Bound in marriage, but not yet in love. I have no right to love you until you give me that right."
He kissed her sweetly on the lips as he enclosed her in his arms where she laid silently listening to the rhythm of their hearts.
He had undressed, seen her naked, yet took no husband privileges.
Her father, Beulah, and Bessie were right, she concluded. Jake Rawley was a good man.
And as she closed her eyes, she suddenly felt safe and warm. There was so much she didn't know about him, but she had a lifetime to find out. And as she nestled deeper, and closer to his warm flesh, she knew she wanted to love him , and would ultimately give him what they both deserved....The Right To LOVE!
The End
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Thursday, July 16, 2020
Spoken Biography/ New Software!
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Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Is There A Difference Between Love & Attraction?
As a romance writer, I see that people are eagerly searching for real love. But how do you know if its real love, or just physical attraction that draws you to another person? As a pastor too, I see and counsel many persons who have married for what they thought was love, only to discover it was really because of the person's looks and not their heart which they all too late realized was mean, and hurtful, or insensitive to others. How do you keep yourself from falling into that trap? Well, you must know the difference between the two. So check out this article and know what the difference is!
Read the definition below that will break it down for you
"Attraction can happen at any time of the day, while love is something that takes time to grow. ... To put simply, love entails attraction, but attraction can exist without love. You can simply say you're attracted to someone because of their beauty, talents, and personality, but love goes beyond that".
This is the definition of what it says on the web. So let's learn more about this subject and find out if what you are feeling is real love or just attraction."
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Sunday, July 12, 2020
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Advertising all my children books so far. Check them out on Amazon!
A advertisement for my Romance4you Magazine which has wonderful love stories in it. Out on amazon.com
A Short Story 'Blind Date"
A short story for all my romance lovers out their... Blind date"
another from my magazine Romance4you out on amazon now!
Pg. 3
Missy Taylor listened as her Laura relived her
dream date with Ryan Davis. She forced a smile,
but inwardly she hated what she was hearing.
Why did Laura always seemed to have
everything good happen to her. She was from a
wealthy family. A doctor father, a lawyer mother,
two brothers who were in college at Harvard,
and she herself was looking to a career in
medical school after they finished junior college
and she went off to Stanford to study pre-med.
She herself wasn’t sure which direction she
wanted to go, and besides, her parents couldn’t
afford an expensive university, so it was the local
university for her anyway. So why choose now.
She still had plenty of time to make that decision.
Yes, it seemed so unfair. Her family struggled to
simply survive, they weren't destitute by any
means, but her father worked hard as a school
teacher, while her mother worked at a factory as
a seamstress. She was an only child, so there
were no other siblings she could confide in to
share her feelings about life.
“So, who’s your date for the Graduation
dance Missy?”
Pg. 4
Laura looked at her. There was a smirk on her
face. She knew she didn’t have a date, and she
wanted to rub her face in that fact. She looked
over at Laura, sitting there, her long black hair
resting totally beautifully on her shoulders. In
Leather slacks, cashmere pink sweater, and knee
high boots. Every boy in school wanted to date
her, and she knew it.
“I’m leaving my options open. Not sure yet who
I want to go with Laura, too many choices.”
She knew she was lying, but she said it anyway
She could see Laura smiling a bit. She knew She
was lying too. Missy often wondered why she put
up with her. They really weren’t friends, not in
the real since of the word. She wasn’t in Laura’s
circle, although she tried desperately to fit in.
Laura seemed to take joy in all the efforts she
made, but still she was an outsider, someone she
would throw a crumb to, now and then, to
appease her efforts.
She looked up just in time to see Mac Mackenzie
walking in there direction. She covered her face
with her hands. He always seemed to follow her
where ever she went. He was the one thorn in
Pg. 5
her flesh, so to speak since grade school, and
now junior college.
“Hey Missy,” he called her name loudly, making
all eyes turn in her direction. She wanted to run
and hide, as Laura started laughing.
“See you later Missy, your boyfriend is coming,”
Then she rushed off, leaving her there with
everyone looking intently at her.
“Hey, glad I ran into you. He sat down on the
bench next to her.
Why was it his hair always seemed to be sticking
up in that afro she so hated. Guys didn’t wear
those anymore, at least not the guys she knew.
And, he dressed like a nerd, with suits, and dress
pants, and those glasses, oh boy!
“Hi Mac, she said forcing a smile, turning her
eyes away from him.
“What do you want?”
“Well, she could hear him clear his throat. I was
wondering if you have a date for the graduation
dance yet?”
Missy looked at him strangely.
“No, why?”
“Maybe we could go together then?”
“Are you serious, her eyes shot open wide. You
and me. She started to laugh. That’s really
funny Mac. I need a guy to go with.”
“Well, what am I chopped liver?”
Missy had never seem him upset before, until
now. He flashed a hard look at her.
“I’m a guy, or haven’t you noticed. He quickly
picked up his books and walked away swiftly
before she could even answer back.
“Oh honey, you hurt his feelings. Her
mother sat down on her bed beside her after
dinner, for their usual recap of her school day.
Mac is very sensitive, you know that. She smiled
at her daughter. He’s been that way since first
grade. And besides, you know he’s always had a
thing for you.”
“Mother, Missy said quickly. I could never like
“Never say never dear,” her mother replied, then
kissed her warmly on the forehead and left the
room. Missy sat up, reached over and opened
her computer. She suddenly had a great idea.
There were numerous sites, dating sites. She
surely could find a guy for the dance on one of
Pg. 7
those. “Let the search begin, she said softly
under her breath...let the search begin!
There were so many dating sites, which to
choose became a problem. She needed to
narrow her search to guys her age, single, and
Awe, she said with a smile. This one is it. Even
the sites name attracted her attention. “The Man
Of Your Dreams.” She had never seen so many
handsome guys before of all races, and colors.
“You only need one guy, she said softly to
herself...just one.”
After a few looks at photo’s and the video
promo’s they provided she narrowed her search
down to three. One African American, one
Hispanic, and one Caucasian. They were all
between twenty and twenty five. She finally
settled on Marcus Norton the African American.
She scrolled his video again. He was perfect.
Good ratings, letting her know he had been
chosen before, and seemed to be a safe choice
since there were no complaints about him. She
clicked her choice and then filled out her own
personal profile, then clicked upload and bit her
lip as she waited anxiously for a reply. She only
Pg. 8
needed him for this one event, which she
explained in detail. Her eyes looked anxiously at
the screen, then lit up when she saw the reply.
He wanted to chat with her online now. He told
her to click the chat button on the right. In
moments they were chatting. Missy was happy to
see how handsome he was, and that he was a
professional basketball player in Chicago. He
told her more about himself, and complimented
her on her photo. She explained to him that her
hair was really long, but this was the only shot
she had available for now. She told him all
about herself, where she lived, since he would
need her address to pick her up, and gave him
her phone number. It was all set except for one
thing. She needed to transfer three hundred
dollars to a specific account to cover all the
Exactly what are the extra’s she typed back.
He explained that the extras would include, limo,
flowers, champagne, and fancy dinner at a local
restaurant in Chicago, and cover the hours she
needed him to stay there.
It didn’t sound to bad, she decided and typed by
her okay. She would use her own savings. There
Pg. 9
was just one more thing. He would be unable to
pick her up on that day at her home because of a
basketball game earlier that afternoon. He
would have the limo driver come to her college,
if that was okay. After thinking, she decided it
was, and gave him the college address. He
promised to be there by 7pm, and that she would
recognize him wearing a black tux, brown silk
tie, holding a bunch of red roses just for her.
She wired the money through PayPal. She
closed the computer. There it was all done. She
sighed deeply. She couldn’t wait to see Laura’s
face when she saw her with a handsome man at
the dance. The look alone on Laura’s face was
worth the three hundred she had to invest.
She stretched out on her bed. There was no way
she could tell her folks what she had done. There
were so many predators and dishonest people out
there. They would never agree with what she
had just done. In their eyes it would be stupid
foolish, and extremely dangerous. She would
just have to pretend to be going with someone
they would approve of. And she knew just the
person...Mac Mackenzie
Pg. 10
It was wonderful to share her news with her
childhood friend Ashley. She was the one friend
and only true friend she could trust. It surprised
her when Ashley said it was a terrible idea, and
“I thought I could count on you Ashley.” Missy
looked at her, disappointed.
“You can, but Missy you don’t know this guy.
She sat down on the bed beside her. He could be
a serial killer, or something, and besides he
already got three hundred dollars from you,
what’s next, your life!”
Missy sat up quickly. “I just wanted to have a
date, someone to show off to Laura and her
“Have you told your parents about this?”
Ashley looked at her, I’m sure they wouldn’t like
it at all.”
Missy got up and closed her bedroom door.
“Hush, they might hear you.”
Ashley stood up. “I hope they do, and talk some
sense into you. This is utterly foolish Missy.”
“You can’t tell them about this. Missy grabbed
her friends hand. Promise me Ashley, promise
Pg. 11
me...pinky promise.” Ashley agreed, as they
linked their pinkies together.
“But I still say it’s foolish Missy, and I’m really
scared for you.” She threw her arms around
Missy and hugged her tightly.
What had started out as a good idea was now
beginning to sound not so good. But then the
thought of Laura canceled that out quickly. She
had made a decision, she now had a date, and
she was sticking to it no matter what.
What her mother said about Mac was right.
She did need to apologize to him for what she
said. It degraded him a man. And he was a
man, just not her man as everyone thought. It
was always Missy and Mac in grade school, high
school, and now junior college. She was happy
to hear that after junior college he was going off
to Howard University in Washington DC to finish
his education. It was where his father attended.
He would study to become a dentist, like his
father, and upon graduation return and set up
practice with him. It seemed he too knew what
he wanted in life. She stretched out on her bed
thinking. What did she really want to do with
her life?
Pg. 12
The only thing she really loved doing was
writing. She had numerous journals, poems, and
stories. She turned over, and looked up at the
ceiling. What ever it was, time was passing, and
she had to make some choices about her career,
and soon. She was 20 years old and a woman
now. One day soon she would be out of the
house and living on her own. She didn’t have to
tell her parents everything anymore. Her
decisions, were her decisions. She would talk to
her adviser on Monday, about looking into
Journalism, and other creative writing courses.
At least that would be the place to start. She
would talk to Mac later, but for now, she had to
think about a new dress for next Saturday, and
then tell her parents she would be going to the
graduation dance with Mac, when in reality, she
was going with a perfect stranger. Undressing,
she slipped off her clothes, and got into her
pajamas, and crawled into bed smiling to herself
It was all so perfect. What could possibly go
Ashley accompanied her to Burlington,
where there was a dress sale going on. As she
Pg. 13
looked through the dresses she became
“Laura ‘s probably buying her dress right now at
Macy’s,” she blurted out as she rambled through
the rack.
“Well, you’re not Laura, and these dresses are
gorgeous.” Ashley turned Missy around to face
“You need to get Laura out of your mind right
now, okay? She walked a bit ahead of Missy.
“And besides, I don’t have a date either and I’m
not depressed, well, maybe just a little. She
smiled. I’m going stag...just little old me, all by
Missy began to feel guilty. Here she was
complaining, when poor Ashley had no date at
Missy’s face lit up. “I’ve got it!”
“Got what, Ashley turned and walked back to
her. Oh! You’ve finally seen the danger in what
you’re doing and you’ve decided to call the hole
blind date off. Thank God. She reached over
and hugged Missy. I’ve been praying you
Pg. 14
“No, Missy pushed Ashley away. You should go
with Mac, that would be perfect, then everyone
will be happy, right?”
“No, Ashley said forcefully. Mac’s totally into
you, and no one else. You just can’t see it can
you. She shook her head. Mac’s a total hunk.
Dreamy brown eyes, tall, handsome, athletic
build, great in sports, and as smart s all get out.
All the girls want to date him, but he’s holding
out for you stupid. If you would just open your
eyes you’d see him.”
“You sound like my mother, I think she’d like it if
Mac and I got together too.”
Missy turned away. “Well it’s not going to
happen. Mac’s just a friend, nothing more.”
Ashley thew her hands up in the air. “Totally
blind...totally blind, she muttered as she walked
Once home she rushed Ashley upstairs. She
thought that after she saw the photo of her date,
Marcus Norton, and read his profile, she might
think differently.
Hum.... Ashley muttered. Then another hum, and
“Well, Missy nudged her with her elbow.
“See, he’s totally awesome. He’s a basketball
player, and totally gorgeous. And he has no bad
reviews from previous dates. They all say he’s a
real gentleman.
“Well, maybe. Ashley looked at his picture
again. I’m still not sure. He’s to perfect Missy,
to perfect.”
“Missy stretched flat on the bed.
“Yea, just the guy to totally get to Laura.”
Missy watched Ashley shake her head.
“Still not convinced.” Ashley stretched out
beside her. Don’t like the fact that he can’t pick
you up at your home, and that you had to wire
him money. Ashley turned over on her back.
Don’t like the sound of the whole thing.”
“Oh Ashley, you’re so skeptical about
Once Ashley was gone she pulled out the
dress she and Ashley finally decided on. It was
red satin, flared a bit, and showed off her nice
figure. Oh, she wasn't shapely like Laura, but
she did look nice once dressed up. Her red
heels would add to the dress just what was
needed to make her look
Pg. 16
pretty. She could hardly wait for next Saturday
to come. She wouldn’t be the bell of the ball,
Laura would be that as always, but she definitely
would fit in with everyone else.
The next day she rehearsed in her mind what she
would say to Mac. She sat at the entrance of the
humanities center waiting for his class to end.
Her mom was right. He was a very sensitive guy.
She and Ashley often saw him crying when
something sad happened, or an animal was hurt.
She remembered how he cried when ET went
home at the end of the movie . Yes, she definitely
owed him an apology. She thought about all
Ashley said about Mac. She was rolling it all
over her mind, when he doors swung open, and
students came rushing out. Then she saw him.
Ashley had accused her of not seeing him. She
blinked, then looked at him as he walked closer,
then strolled by her as if she wasn't there.
“Mac, she yelled, as she hastened her steps to
catch up with him. From behind he looked very
tall, athletic.
“What did I do now?”
Pg. 17
Missy stood face to face with him. He was
handsome. Why she never noticed it before, she
didn't know, but it was a fact she couldn't deny.
“So, what do you want Missy?”
I wanted to apology. She shifted from foot to
foot. I should never have said what I said to you,
I'm sorry, really sorry Mac.
She felt her heart skip a beat when his brown
eyes met hers. It had never done that before.
“Then I'm forgiven?”
He looked at her.
“Yeah, you're forgiven.” He smiled.
She hadn't noticed what a sweet smile he had.
As they walked along the path towards the
English department where they shared a class
together, she realized that Ashley was right. She
hadn't really seen him before. He had always
been just Mac, her childhood friend, who always
seemed to be under foot since grade school. But
he wasn't a boy any longer he was a man now,
who soon would be walking out of her life, and
going away to another University. She regretted
wishing him out of her life. Now she was about
to get her wish after all these years. He would
be leaving in a couple of months, going to
Pg. 18
another University for two whole years. She
pushed back a tear. Two years was a long
time……. It sounded like forever!
Feeling really optimistic about her life,
Missy was on top of the world. Saturday was
one day away. She could hardly wait. Her
mystery man was soon to appear, well not at her
house as she wanted. But, that was probably the
best thing. Her dad would be on him like “white
on rice”, asking all sorts of questions. She
shivered at the thought. How would she explain
him? Her dad and mom knew all the men she
had dated. She frowned. All three of them. But
only Mac brought a smile to their faces whenever
he came by. It had been that way since she could
remember. But that was all about to change, if
things worked. Who knows. She began to
whistle, something she always did when she was
happy. Maybe her date with her mystery man
might turn into something more.
“Misty, her mother’s voice called up to her from
downstairs, forcing her back to reality.
“Mac is here to see you.”
Pg. 19
“Mac, “she groaned in a voice of
disappointment. She had apologized hours
earlier, what did he want now.
“Be right there,” she yelled back, jumping from
the bed. Nothing was going to disperse her
happy mood, not even Mac.
She noticed the look on Mac’s face as she came
“What’s up,” she said casually, looking at him.
“We need to talk.” He grabbed her arm
Missy pulled away when they were out of hearing
distance from the living room, where her parents
were watching television..
“What’s the matter with you Mac, she said angry.
Grabbing me like that?”
“And what’s the matter with you, arranging a
date with an escort service online?
Missy jaw dropped”
“Who told you? She stared at him. It had to be
Ashley. Missy leaned back against the wall. She
promised, she promised she wouldn’t tell.” She
felt hurt.”
Pg. 20
“It’s not an escort service anyway. She retorted.
It’s a dating service, A lot of girls today use
Mac moved closer.
“Ashley said she promised not to tell your
parents. She didn’t promise not to tell me.”
Feeling really optimistic about her life, Missy
was on top of the world. Saturday was one day
away. She could hardly wait. Her mystery man
was soon to appear, well not at her house as she
wanted. But, that was probably the best thing.
Her dad would be on him like “white on rice”,
asking all sorts of questions. She shivered at the
thought. How would she explain him? Her dad
and mom knew all the men she had dated. She
frowned. All three of them. But only Mac
brought a smile to their faces whenever he came
by. It had been that way since she could
remember. But that was all about to change, if
things worked. Who knows. She began to
whistle, something she always did when she was
happy. Maybe her date with her mystery man
might turn into something more.
“Missy.” her mother’s voice called up to her from
downstairs, forcing her back to reality.
Pg. 21
“Mac is here to see you.”
“Mac, “she groaned in voice of disappointment.
She had apologized hours earlier, what did he
want now.
“Be right there,” she yelled back, jumping from
the bed. Nothing was going to disperse her
happy mood, not even Mac.
She noticed the look on Mac’s face as she came
“What’s up,” she said casually, looking at him.
“We need to talk.” He grabbed her arm
Missy pulled away when they were out of hearing
distance from the living room, where her parents
were watching television..
“What’s the matter with you Mac, she said angry.
Grabbing me like that?”
“And what’s the matter with you, arranging a
date with an escort service online?
Missy jaw dropped”
“Who told you? She stared at him. It had to be
Ashley. Missy leaned back against the wall. She
promised, she promised she wouldn’t tell.” She
felt hurt.”
Pg. 22
“It’s not an escort service anyway. She retorted.
It’s a dating service. A lot of girls today use
Mac moved closer.
“Ashley said she promised not to tell your
parents. She didn’t promise not to tell me.”
“What were you thinking Missy?”
Mac voice was rising. In a moment her folks
would hear if she didn't stop him.
“Hush. They'll hear you Mac. She pulled him
aside, but it was to late.
“You two okay out there?” Her dad voice asked.
She could hear his footsteps coming closer, and
knew her mom would be close behind him. There
faces peeked around the corner.
“We're fine, just a bit of disagreement on what
Mac should wear when he picks me up for the
dance tomorrow, that's all.”
Missy saw Mac's eyes look at her in shock, as he
watched them walk back into the living room.
“You didn't just make me a part of your deceitful
plan did you. He threw his arms up n the air.
They think I'm taking you to the dance
tomorrow.” He walked around nervously.
Pg. 23
Missy didn't know what to say. She could see the
anger on his face
“I'm sorry, she said walking closer to him.
“I’m not good enough to go to the dance with,
but a total stranger is.”
Missy watched him rush out the door and get
into his dad’s old jeep. Then the sound of rubber
burning on the street. He was mad, more mad
than she’d ever seen him before.
She tried to put what had just happened out of
her mind during dinner. Her folks were so
pleased that Mac was taking her to the dance.
“See, her father said with a deep smile. I knew
one day Mac would show his true feelings for
you honey.”
Missy faked a smile. If they really knew, they
would probably be very disappointed in her, just
like Mac was.
Once back in her room she dialed Ashley’s
number. She would tell her about telling Mac, of
all people her secret.
“You made me promise not to tell your folks,
Ashley said in defense of her actions. You never
said anything about not telling Mac.”
Pg. 24
Missy knew she was right.
“So, how are you going to get Mac to show up at
your house tomorrow, Ashley asked. You said
he’s mad now.”
Missy rolled over, resting her head on her pillow.
“I honestly don’t know. Guess I’ll just have to
make some excuse as to why Mac will have to
meet me at the dance. It’ll all workout, I just
know it will.
On the phone with Ashley she talked optimistic,
but now thinking about the whole situation, she
was becoming worried. She would just have to
dress and tell her folks Mac would meet her there
because of car trouble, or something. She
snapped out the lights and got under the covers,
She would figure it all out tomorrow.
Her mother was so excited helping her to
get ready. Her hair was made smooth and silky
with a flat iron. Missy was happy to have her
mothers help, but felt o guilty knowing she was
living a lie.
“There, her mother smiled as she looked at her.
Mac will be so happy when he looks at you.
You’re beautiful.”
Pg. 25
Missy had to admit she did look nice, but
beautiful, those words were hard to believe. Her
mother loved her, so of course she was beautiful
to her. But she wanted to be beautiful to a guy.
“Thanks mom, she said kissing her, then
following her out the bedroom door, and down
the steps to where her father was standing
waiting to see how she looked.
“Mac’s going to be happy when he see you.” He
hugged her warmly.
“Mom, Missy swallowed hard. About Mac....
before she could finish the door bell rang. Her
father passed them to answer it.
Missy couldn’t believe her eyes. There stood
Mac, his natural was gone and a shiny bald head
was in it’s place. He was dressed in a black suit,
and his black shoes looked newly polished. He
was really a shock for her eyes standing there.
After a short conversation with her parents, they
walked to his dads jeep.
He politely opened the door and she got in, then
walked around and got in the drivers side.
“Don’t worry Missy, he said before starting the
jeep. I’m just going with you to the door, but I’ll
disappear once your date arrives, then pick you
Pg. 26
up when it over so your folks wouldn’t know.” I
wouldn’t want to wreck your evening with your
new guy.”
Missy didn't know how long they sat in the Jeep,
but it was definitely over an hour.
Finally she saw Ashley's figure running towards
“Mac Ashley said surprised, you look really
“Thanks Ash,” he smiled back.
Missy saw Ashley looking around the parking lot
that was full of cars.
“There's no limo Ash, Misty said. He's not
coming, I was just a fool, like you said.
It was all a sham, to get the money.”
Tears began to flow.
“I'm so stupid, and now I'm out $300 dollars as
“You're not stupid, Max said, reaching over
rubbing her hand, you're just a loving, and
trusting person that's all. You see the best in
people.” He squeezed her hand tightly.
She didn't know how he could speak such sweet
and kind words, when she always treated him
like he was a thorn in her flesh.
Pg. 27
She looked over at him his big brown eyes
looking back at her.
“Well, Ashley said, since you're both here
already you might as well come in.”
She turned and walked back towards the college,
but not before giving Misty a wink of approval.
“So what do we do now, Max said, turning in his
seat facing her.
If you want to go in, I promise to stay clear so
that everyone won't get the wrong idea about
Missy smile, as she looked at him. He was
trying to say the right thing. Mac was there he
was always there when she needed him. She
could see It clearly now.
Ashley was right. She’d never really looked at
him before. He had qualities any woman would
Missy slid over closer to him in the seat.
“And what wrong idea would that be?”
His big brown eyes blinked at her. She could see
he was confused by her reply.
“The idea that were a couple, you know because
I'm always under foot.”
Misty smile and move closer.
Pg. 28
“I think Mac they've been right all along……..
we are.”
She opened the door and got out, walking
towards the college. She could feel him close
behind her.
“What did you just say Missy?”
She was smiling at him in a way she’d never
smiled before. Like a woman smiles at the man
she truly cares about.
Their eyes met and held a long moment. Then
she reached down and slipped her fingers in his.
He looked up happily, smiling
There was nothing else that needed to be said.
They had finally found where they wanted to be...
with each other.
The end
Stop Rejection Become Your Own Publisher!
Hey authors. Are you tired of rejection by publishers? We all get rejected and often wish we were publishers and published our own books. Well now you can. Become your own publisher. This link will take you to a article that will show you just how to do it! Click and read and start on your own road to success.
Top 20 New Publishers For New Authors
Hey writers, especially you new writers I found a list with the top 20 publishers for new authors. That's good news because its hard to find a publisher if you are a new author. Most want authors who have published before, or are well known. So here's your chance to get your book read by those who want new unknown authors. Go check them out people!
Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream?
You're probably wondering, what this title means right? Well, this is a new book publisher that specializes in children book writers. I just love the name, it immediately caught my attention, as I am sure it just caught yours too. They deal with writers who love to write books for kids. You've got to go and check them out if you are writing books for kids. See what they can offer you!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Healing A Broken Heart!
As a writer, I love to write stories where the hurt person's heart is mended and love is found again. Oh, if that were the case in real-life. Perhaps that's why romance novels sell so well. People love happy endings, even if there's isn't in real life. A broken heart takes time to mend, and it takes time for the hurt to end so one can start again. Relationships often go on for months, even years, so naturally, we can't expect the hurt to stop instantly, There is an emptiness, a void that is hard to get over. If this has happened to you, then today's blog is what you need to help you move on with your life. Click the link and get so helpful information to soothe your broken heart!
Loving Yourself!
In this world, it's so sad to discover how many people don't love themselves. They don't like their body shape, or their hair color, eyes, chin. So many want to be like someone else. Someone they feel is beautiful, successful, and important. Perhaps this is why plastic surgeons make so much money changing a persons' outer appearance. What causes this feeling of dislike for oneself? The outer appearance can be changed, but then so many find this doesn't make them happy. When they look in the mirror they still see themselves as they once were. Their outer frame may be different from all this surgery, but how do they fix the inside that says they are still the same person? It's very important to love oneself. If you don't learn how to love yourself, you'll never be able to love anyone else. Click the link below and read and get the answers to some of these questions and start loving YOU!
Friday, July 10, 2020
Protecting Yourself/Know The Signs!
Young and vulnerable, that's what youth is. They are so trusting, believe all adults have their best interest. And they lose faith in humanity when they discover all are not out for their best interest at all, but for the money, they can get for trafficking them to other countries where they can be hurt and used by other bad adults. So I am devoting this blog today in hopes what I write here will open many youth eyes. Click the link below and read and stay safe. Don't be fooled by ads advertising for modeling, which many young girls fall for, or jobs needing nanny's that pay good money overseas and offer the exciting adventure of traveling, and seeing the world. Click this link below and read. It could save your life, or the life of someone you know!
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