Friday, March 27, 2020

Loving Thy Neighbor

These are trying times that we live in, especially now. You may feel lonely like no one cares. Something can be done about that. There are so many others out there feeling exactly as you do Stop thinking about yourself get out there as much as possible and help others. Get groceries for them, talk on the phone, knock on doors but keep your social distance. It will make you feel better and take your eyes off yourself and how you feel. No one needs to feel along. This is what loving your neighbor really means. Looking out for others as you would look out for yourself. With the virus we need to obey the rules as best we can, but we can come together as people no matter where we live in the world because race, creed, mean nothing, it's helping others that matter. because in reality there is only one race, and that's mankind!!! Click the link and find ways to help right where you are!

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