Friday, March 27, 2020

Loving Thy Neighbor

These are trying times that we live in, especially now. You may feel lonely like no one cares. Something can be done about that. There are so many others out there feeling exactly as you do Stop thinking about yourself get out there as much as possible and help others. Get groceries for them, talk on the phone, knock on doors but keep your social distance. It will make you feel better and take your eyes off yourself and how you feel. No one needs to feel along. This is what loving your neighbor really means. Looking out for others as you would look out for yourself. With the virus we need to obey the rules as best we can, but we can come together as people no matter where we live in the world because race, creed, mean nothing, it's helping others that matter. because in reality there is only one race, and that's mankind!!! Click the link and find ways to help right where you are!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

7 Secrets Every Writer Should Know!

If you are really serious about publishing your book then you need to know these little secrets. They will help you get your book in front of the public eye. So get going and read them so you can push your book forward. Link here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Practice Social Distancing!

Hey, people, this is what everyone needs to know to stay safe and healthy. Don't be foolish and think you are stronger than this virus because you are young. This virus doesn't care who you are, old, young, infant, and race doesn't matter either. So listen up and read this important information about what you need to know about social distancing. It could save your life and the lives of others who are around you! Stay safe people.Pastor Janet Click the
link below and read!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Some Secrets Of Pro Writers!

It's every writers dream to be famous, to write like a pro. But how is it done? What do they do that you don't? If you only knew their secret then you could be famous too. Well here's a site I found that has some of the secret writers do. So go ahead, check out their secrets and become the writer you always dreamed of becoming. That's how you can become a winner!

Ways To Relieve Stress During These Trying Times!

Did you know that writing is a way to relieve stress? And reading is also? Well, it is. When we write we forget about the world outside and are captured in another world where we can make our own universe where people are happy or are whatever we want them to be. this relieves stress because we forget for the moment the many things that have made us stressful. It's the same with reading a book. We are swept away into another world, at least for the time being. Here's a little article I found that will reveal to you all the benefits of both. Click the link and find out how writing, as well as reading, can be a great stress reliever..

Friday, March 20, 2020

Staying Active During This Virus For Better Health!

With so many countries requesting people to stay at home during this virus it's very important to keep yourself active and fit. Fitness has a lot to do with your health. of course we all must eat right, take vitamins, but also we must keep out selves moving too. You don't need a gym membership to a gym to do it either. Click the link below and see all the exercises you can do at home to stay fit!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Be A Good Samaritan!

In these troubled times, be a good Samaritan and help others. Don't think only about yourselves. Help those near you, buy groceries for them if they can't get out, pick up extra items that they may need. visit them, but not closely and explain why, you can always make a phone call. but let them know that you care. That's what Jesus meant when he said "Love your neighbor,as you love yourself" Put that into practice & make our world a better place, not just because of this virus that's spreading around, but because you truly care about them as you care about yourself! That's what LOVE is all about! Click the link below and see ways you can be one now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Everything You need To Know About The Coronavirus

Here's to keep you up to date on this virus that's out there so you won't get in a panic, but will be well informed. Read this article carefully. Then take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and tell others, so they can stay healthy too!

Writing Prompts For Every Genre !

Here's a site that can keep you writing endlessly. Writing prompts for every genre. It's fabulous! So now you can write even when you have writer's block with your own WIP. It will give you confidence as you push on in writing and help you pass
that writers block as you keep writing. Try it & see! Click the link below and keep writing.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Writing For Television!

Do you have a script that you think would be a great television show? Has it always been your dream to write for television? Well then here's a site that can help you do just that. It will answer any questions you may have so you can fulfill your dream. Just click the link below and see what it takes to see your screenwriting dreams come true!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Writers Contest/ A Fun Part Of A Writer's World

Do you love to enter contest? If you're a new writer or an established writer here is a place to maybe make a little cash with your writing. Below you will find a link that will have links to so many different writer's contest you can enter. Why not try your hand at it. It can be fun and get you noticed by other writers too!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Do You Need A Writing Mentor?

Do you feel you need a writing mentor, someone to be there beside you as you write, to help you all the way? If so then here's a site that has all the information you need all put on one site. All you have to do is click and read the topics that you are curious about, and see how to do it for your own writing. Its mentorship made easy!
So now you have no excuse not to write! Click this link!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Are You A Scared Writer?

Are you a writer who's intimidated by self-doubt, has a fear of competing with others, or fear of publishing, afraid others will laugh, or that your writings will not be good enough.
Every time you put your hand to write so many fears confront you? If so then I have a site with an article with your name on it. Go there and still those doubts and fears once and for all. Don't let those fears stop you from what just might be the road to success for you. Click the link below and get to writing!

A New Publisher

I so love searching the internet and finding helpful things for writers. Well, I found this new publisher that's open to accepting writers' manuscripts for publication. I already read what they can do for a writer. Now I'm giving you the link so you too can check them out for yourself and see if they are the right publisher for you. Click the link below and see.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Choosing The Best Font Style For Your Novel!

Writing a novel is a wonderful adventure, and you want it to look fantastic. You want a font style that speaks for you, maybe something fancy, that looks good, or bold that speaks loudly the words you write and jumps off the pages to your reader, or maybe you want something soft, gentle and is soothing to the eyes as they read. So what font style would work for you? Well I love researching things that will benefit writers and make them be successful as a writer. I found a site who can help you pick the best font style for your book. So check it out and be brave to sample some of
these styles and find your right fit!

Ways To Promote Your Book!

You've written this fantastic book and you want to get it in the hands of others. Well, I found a site that can really tell you how to do it. Writing becomes more joyful when you see others are enjoying your work. So click the link below and try the suggested ideas there to get your book noticed.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Publishing Scams Be Aware!

So many authors are being scammed by false publishers who promise so much, but do so little and get rich in the process. Be careful before you put your book out there and get fooled by them. Below you will find a link to a list of false publishers. Read it carefully and see if you have been contacted by any of them seeking to make money off of YOU!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why It's So Hard To Write!

A writer loves to write, but in reality, it's so hard to do. People hear that you're a writer and they sigh, thinking all you do is sit all day and do nothing but write out words. They think you are being lazy and should get a job. But they don't understand all that writers go through to get that work published. The toil and the trouble. Maybe even you wonder why this desire to write takes so much effort. Well, this article will tell you why it's so hard to write, and it will help you explain this to others. So click the link below and discover why writing is a really hard job!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Writing, It Can Improve Health & Well Being!

Writers, do you know the effect your books can have on a reader's health & well being? Well here's an article that discusses what books can do for people. Read and see what the power of your written words can do!

Writers Who never Studied Writing!

A bit of interesting information about some authors you may know. Everyone who is a writer, didn't always start out to be one. Here are 17 authors who had totally other ideas in mind but then ended up writing as a profession. Click the link below and see who they are. You just might be surprised!

How To Be A Success As A Writer/ Advice From Successful Writers!

Every writer wants to be a success. Often we see other writers books, watch them on tv, at book signings, and want to know how they made it . If you only knew their secret, then you could use some of their advice to make it big too! Well, I found this site where authors will give you their advice to help you do just that. So click the link below and read.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Coronaviruses Danger & What You Should Know!

Our world is concerned about the spread of this virus. It's important to know what it is, and how not to
get infected. You hear it on the news, and all over the radio too about how many have died from it. So here's an informative article that can keep you in the know, and give you the information you need to be informed and knowledgable on this disease. Read it and know what to look for, and the ways to help prevent the spread of this virus. Click the link and read all about it!

Monday, March 2, 2020

How To Self Edit Your Own Book!

Editing a book is essential if you want it to be the best reflection of your writing. It can be expensive, but its what will get you noticed as an author. There are steps in the editing process that will help you make your writing crisp and polished, so it won't be rejected and will shine in the reader's mind as an author they will want to remember. Check out this site to learn all you need to know for editing a book. You'll be happy you did. Click the link below.

How Well Do You Know Your Authors?

Here's a little quizz for all those John Grishem fans. Lets see how well you really know him, and his books!

Hey Writers & Authors How Smart Are You?

Here's a site with multiple writers trivia, and quizzes. Take the challenge and see how smart you really are as a writer, and how much you know about the craft. Click link below and take the challenge.

How To Write Comedy

So, you like to make people laugh, and you're very good at it. Others have said you should be a comic and take it on the road. Sounds good to you. But wait, first check out this little site for a step by step guide of how to do it properly. Click the link below!