Thursday, May 28, 2020

Loving Others!

This will be a different blog post from all my other posts, but I feel strongly about what I am going to talk about here. It is evident that our world is in unrest. It doesn't matter where you live in the world, people are not happy! There is racism, hatred, poverty, unemployment, and all sorts of problems. But what I see more, is racism. People hating others because of the color of their skin. It's sad when they are taught this hatred as children. When we face adults who have this mentality, we must stop and think about the parents who have taught them to have it. A child knows no race when they are young, it's the parents who tell them about other races. Perhaps they were wronged by a person of another color and so they place that hurt on that whole race and teach the child to do the same. This has caused the problems we see today all over the world. many look down on other races because they are poor, lack jobs, live in bad places. But these things done make people bad. Many good people are behind these walls. This is a world problem that starts in the heart and can only be fixed when we see others as we see ourselves. We must have a change of HEART towards others, no matter where they live, or their skin color, or social status. We want the best in life, and we must get to the point where we want the same for others as we want for ourselves. Jesus said "Love your neighbor, as you love yourself" Until we reach this point where we see the whole world as we see ourselves, as deserving the best no matter where they live, or skin color, we will continue to have fighting and turmoil in our world. It hurts my heart when I see the hatred on the faces of so Many, even our police, doctors, lawyers, and others. How can we serve humanity with hidden hatred in our hearts? It will always surface at some point which will result in murderers, riots, and protests from others. We must all stop and take a look at the man, or woman in the mirror, and make a change. It must start with you & me! Prayerfully, Pastor Janet fears

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