Monday, January 13, 2020

The Death Of A Dream!

        Writing is a wonderful thing.  Its a joy that builds as you keep doing it.  There's nothing like creating characters, and breathing life into them.  Nothing like sweeping your reader away from the sometimes rat race of their lives, to a place they so desperately want to go, but cannot. Writing when first attempted is sheer pleasure.You have no pressure.  You just write from your heart. Maybe one day your "lucky break," will come, but that's maybe. So you just keep cranking out those wonderful pieces that are in your heart, until  your heart gets broken by comparing your work to others.  Then you began to doubt that talent.  You began to look at yourself and wonder,whatever made you think you could write anything meaningful anyone would even consider reading.
Then you start looking at other writers who are so successful. Your dream begins to die! This is the worst thing that can happen to a writer.  The "Death Of A Dream."  In the beginning your dream was so clear.  Just to write and enjoy doing it.  What happened you ask,why now are you so frustrated to the point that you just want to stop?  Well I am going to tell you.You started comparing  yourself to others.  You looked at there writing as superior to your's. Suddenly what you write seems silly, unprofessional, and decide to just quit all together.  This is what stops many aspiring writers.Comparing their works to others, and being critical.  It's okay to study other writers, but never compare yourself to them. Each writer is a distinct person, and see's life through their own eyes( not through yours). Each writer says words, and writes words from his own background, and upbringing. He will sound different than you, because he is different than you.  Read other writers, but never compare, or belittle your own talent.  If you do you will be sliding down a slippery slope to destruction.  Enjoy your own personal writers journey. Keep writing. You writing is you. And no one can write like you, or say it like you.  Dare to dream, and make that dream come true.  BE A WRITER!

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