Monday, March 13, 2023

He has my back!

As a writer you always need someone who has your back who believes in you it should be those close to you, but sometime it's not but I am blessed to have a husband that believes in my talent and  always uplifts me in everything I do, I thank God for him!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


State Of The Union Address

I was not able to listen to the State of the Union Address yesterday, but oh I've read, and heard so much about it this morning, and it's very disheartening.  I'm ashamed of the way some people came across.  I don't care if you're a Republicans Or Democrat, there’s such a thing as respect for every person, even the president. If you don't like him,  then that's your opinion, and you have a right to your opinion,  but still, you must respect him he's a leader of our country.  I may not agree with his policy, or what he is doing, but it's childish to see adults yell, scream, Boo, and call names. That's not what should be.  I just wanted to say that is very disheartening to see the Americans up there acting like little children in a playroom wanting all the toys, and kicking and screaming if they can't have their way, that's not how adults are supposed to act. We need to show a united front, we may not always agree, but this is America, and freedom of speech doesn’t mean we act so awful when in disagreement with others. We work towards making it better, not showing the world the worst qualities in us, as was obvious to the world last night!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

my new novelette!

Hello everyoneI I know it's been awhile since I've written on my blog but I have been so busy doing so many things but I will be back with more information for writers I have not forgotten you working on my next venture a novelette called "Hannah" about a woman learning how to have a relationship with the master the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!