Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Writing Assistance Help!

Having trouble organizing your story? Or just need help with your whole novel, how to pull it all toether from beginning to end? Well, this site, will help you immensely. Check it out

Monday, September 6, 2021

My New 2nd Edition of My Burning Bush Writers Academy

Hey, check out my 2nd addition of my writers school, where all your questions will be answered about the writing industry!

The Pros & Cons Of Joining A Writers Group!

You're off and running now as a writer, and you want to meet others with the same drive as yourself. Friends have suggested that maybe you should join a writers group locally, or on line to see what others are doing, and to build your confidence by getting feedback on the many still unanswered questions you have as a writer. But you're not sure if you want to. Will it benefit you, or discourage you on your writers journey. Well, check this article out that gives you the low down on what to expect, the good and the bad before you join.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Markets Seeking Submissions From Authors

Well, if you are looking for markets that are seeking authors tosubmit their works too, then here are 100, calling for witers in all genres . Must go and check them out and see the list of markets that might be just right for you!

Choosing An Editor In My Genre?

Once yowr book is witten, you might be struggling with the question of choosing an editor to polish and correct all your mistakes that you missed while you were in writers mode. What type of editor should you choose? Is any editor okay? Should you just pick one out of a magazine, or use your friend, what should you do? Well here's an article I found that can help you in your search, and tell you all about what editors do for the writer. Click link and be informed!